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Citizen Security in Latin America

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Citizen Security in Latin America

Crime and victimization rates are growing in Latin America; however, 2017 data demonstrates some signs of improvement. One of the top concerns of people in Mexico, Central America, and South America is criminal violence, which will continue to rise unless preventative measures are taken. The approach and priorities of public security from the traditional law and order perspective have changed over the last two decades to include a more people-centered approach of safety and security.

Balance de estrategias de seguridad para zonas críticas en Bogotá y Medellín

Juan Carlos Ruiz-Vásquez y Katerin Páez

  • 6 March 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1683
Balance de estrategias de seguridad para zonas críticas en Bogotá y Medellín

Las estrategias de policiamiento (anglicismo para policing) han sido implementadas a través de una serie de oleadas en América Latina y de especial manera en Colombia. Siendo el Community Policing la primera estrategia de policiamiento adoptada institucionalmente durante inicios del Siglo XXI, la siguiente y más nueva oleada ha sido aquella del Hot Spot Policing. Las estrategias de zonas críticas han ido desplazando poco a poco a las iniciativas de policía comunitaria, aunque pequeños rezagos de cada tipo de policiamiento se mantienen en el actuar de la Policía Nacional de Colombia. Desde 2008 se han implantado diferentes estrategias de seguridad para zonas críticas en Bogotá y Medellín, cuyos resultados aún no han sido estudiados. El presente artículo estudia el planeamiento e implementación de los planes históricos de dichas ciudades para emitir un concepto evaluativo sobre su eficiencia.

O que dizem as Crianças?

O que dizem as Crianças?

Uma consulta sobre violência a partir da percepção de crianças e adolescentes. O Índice de Segurança da Criança (ISC) é um aplicativo de pesquisa desenvolvido em 2013 pelo Instituto Igarapé com o objetivo de mapear a percepção de violência de crianças e adolescentes que vivem em áreas conflagradas e de baixa renda. 

Making Cities Safer: Citizen Security Innovations from Latin America

  • 9 February 2017
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 5742
Making Cities Safer: Citizen Security Innovations from Latin America
Cities are where the policy and practice of citizen security are determined. Although national and subnational strategies are essential to scaling-up crime prevention, cities are where they are put into practice. Because of the way they bring opportunities and risks into focus, cities are natural laboratories of policy innovation to prevent and reduce violence. Some of the most remarkable progress in homicide reduction, crime prevention and public safety in recent decades has occurred in large and medium-sized cities, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Safer City Pilot Project - Belize

  • 9 January 2017
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 5675
Safer City Pilot Project - Belize

The proposal is the use the City of Belmopan to conduct the first ever Safer City Pilot Project in Belize. The Safer City initiative will be aimed at the proper management of public spaces and city streets to ensure safer neighbourhoods thus making the City of Belmopan a more difficult target for those who commit crime.