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2nd Work Plan Against trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere (2015 - 2020)

  • 22 July 2020
  • Posted by: Anna Uchoa
  • Number of views: 985

The OBJECTIVES of the Work Plan are as follows:

  1. To promote full implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, as well as other relevant international instruments that address trafficking in persons.
  1. To promote and foster interagency cooperation and coordination at the bilateral, regional, and international level among member states and with international organizations interested in the topic of trafficking in persons.
  1. To broaden and improve the work of government agencies and bodies involved in addressing trafficking in persons, in preventing, punishing and suppressing this crime, in prosecuting the perpetrators, in helping victims, and in protecting their rights, together with civil society organizations and other social actors, scholars, the private sector, and international organizations;
  1. To reduce situations of vulnerability to trafficking in persons, considering the identities and specific characteristics of social groups;
  1. To train professionals, institutions, and organizations engaged in combating trafficking in persons;
  1. To produce and distribute reports on trafficking in persons and on actions to fight it; and
  1. To raise societal awareness and mobilize society to prevent trafficking in persons and its risks and consequences.


 The guiding PRINCIPLES of the Work Plan against Trafficking in Persons in the Western Hemisphere include:


  1. Respect for human dignity;
  1. Nondiscrimination for reasons of gender, ethnic, racial, or social background, place of origin, nationality, profession, religion, age, migration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other status;
  1. Comprehensive protection of, and assistance to, victims both direct and indirect, regardless of nationality or cooperation in judicial proceedings;
  1. Cross-cutting government policies to address trafficking in persons;
  1. Promoting and safeguarding citizenship and human rights;
  1. A gender perspective and the higher interests of the child;
  1. Adherence to international treaties and conventions on human rights; and

        viii. Cooperation among member states in preventing, punishing, and suppressing trafficking-in-persons crimes and providing assistance and protection to victims.

Country:- NA
Institution:Organization of American States

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Categories: Human Trafficking
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Anna UchoaAnna Uchoa

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