All Inter-American Observatory on Drugs Publications
SAT - New group of NPS: emergence of tablets with 6-APB (benzofurans)
August, 2017
SAT - New group of NPS: emergence of tablets with 6-APB (benzofurans)
SAT - Detection of a new synthetic cathinone: Hello Kitty tablets with butylone
August, 2017
SAT - Detection of a new synthetic cathinone: Hello Kitty tablets with butylone
SAT - Increase in the variety of synthetic cathinones: emergence of dibutylone, dimethylone, and N-ethylpentylone in synthetic drug
August, 2017
SAT - Increase in the variety of synthetic cathinones: emergence of dibutylone, dimethylone, and N-ethylpentylone in synthetic drug
SAT - High risk associated to consuming multiple drugs: NPS mixtures and other substances available in the market
August, 2017
SAT - High risk associated to consuming multiple drugs: NPS mixtures and other substances available in the market
SAT - Presence of adulterated LSD blotters
May, 2017
Public Alert - Presence of Adulterated LSD Blotters
SAT - Aromatic spray
December, 2016
SAT - Aromatic spray
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances
December, 2016
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking
November, 2016
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking 2016
SAT - Cocaine adulterated with levamisole
August, 2016
Public Alert: Cocaine Adulterated with Levamisole
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking
October, 2015
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking 2015
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances
September, 2015
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances