The Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) is one of two councils that report directly to the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS). CIDI provides a platform for policy dialogue and decision-making on partnerships for integral development, focusing on advancing comprehensive development in all its dimensions, including social, economic, and sustainable development.
CIDI’s nine ministerial and high-level meetings related to development highlight the unique value of the OAS. In this forum, member states can advance a consultative and holistic approach to policy formulation and decision-making at the hemispheric level, employing an 'all-of-government approach' that integrates inter-sectoral and cross-cutting input for comprehensive development agendas.
From education to science and technology, labor, and sustainable development, meetings of ministers and high-level authorities foster strategic
sectoral dialogue, resulting in action plans and work plans that guide the OAS’s development efforts.
Additionally, the Council holds regular monthly meetings at the OAS headquarters, where delegates from all member states engage in substantive dialogue, address strategic issues of interest, identify areas for cooperation and action, and make decisions on development matters.
Together, these discussions play a crucial role in shaping regional priorities on development and feed into dialogue at the highest level through the Summit of the Americas process.
The Executive Secretariat for Integral Development serves as the technical secretariat for CIDI. Additionally, CIDI operates with the support of four subsidiary bodies to fulfill its functions and may create other permanent committees to facilitate its work.
The Chair and Vice Chair of CIDI serve a term of six months in a rotating basis, beginning each year on the first day of January and July.
Ambassador Elizabeth Darius-ClarkePermanent Representative to the OASPeriod as Chair: July-December 2024
Ambassador Alejandra Solano Permanent Representative to the OASPeriod as Vice-Chair: July-December 2024