CEDDIS is the follow-up mechanism to the Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (CIADDIS). It is the forum for reviewing the progress in the implementation of CIADDIS, and for the exchange of experiences among its States Parties.

It is composed of one representative and two alternates appointed by each CIADDIS State Party, with solid knowledge of human rights, disability and public policy, among other topics covered by the Convention. In the designation of their representatives, States parties should promote, as a matter of priority, the participation of persons with disabilities, as well as the designation of at least one representative of civil society.

CEDDIS analyzes and evaluates the reports submitted by States Parties every four years, in accordance with Article VI of CIADDIS, on the measures adopted in the implementation of the Convention, the circumstances or difficulties affecting its compliance, and the progress made in the elimination of all forms of discrimination against persons with disabilities. CEDDIS is responsible for adopting and amending guidelines for the submission of national reports, as well as defining the methodology for evaluating them, in accordance with Article 3 of its Rules of Procedure.

CEDDIS also promotes and facilitates cooperation between States Parties and civil society organizations, international organizations and cooperation agencies.


To follow-up the level of compliance of the commitments made by the States Parties to the Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (CIADDIS), through the evaluation of their national reports every four years.


To promote spaces for dialogue with civil society organizations and incorporate them into the CIADDIS monitoring process by requesting alternative reports.

To promote and facilitate cooperation among States Parties through the exchange of successful inclusive experiences.




Election Pending


Uruguayan flag



Nicolas Scarella
National Secretary for the System of Care and Disability (MIDES)


Paraguay flag



Zulma Ferreira
Director of Decentralization, Community Affairs and Citizen Participation


First Round of Compliance Reports

 of State Parties to the Convention

See al Reports here

Inter-American Convention on the Elimination
of all Forms of discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities


Second Round of Compliance Reports

 of State Parties to the Convention

See al Reports here

Inter-American Convention on the Elimination
of all Forms of discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities

Third Round of Compliance Reports

 of State Parties to the Convention

See al Reports here

Inter-American Convention on the Elimination
of all Forms of discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities

The General Assembly established a Specific Fund for contributions to CEDDIS in 2007.
Available in Spanish
Second Report of Observations and Recommendations made by the Committee regarding Reports submitted by State Parties to CIADDIS
General Assembly Resolution AG/RES. 2663 (XLI-O/11) on the Specific Fund for CEDDIS