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Fernando Suárez de Castro vs. Director General del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Document Code (Number)89
Keywords: Contract, Abuse of authority, Salary, Statute - article VII.2, Reintegro del cargo, Debido proceso legal, Despido, Reconsideración, Abuse of law, Position of trust, Indemnización, Discrecionalidad, Asociación de Personal, Costas del juicio, Fondo de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Honorarios de abogados, Acto administrativo, Condiciones, Deberes del funcionario, Nulidad, Renuncia, Decisiones administrativas, Normas jurídicas, Right of staff members, Violación de derechos, Acción administrativa, Daños y perjuicios, Vicio legal, Disciplina, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 19, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 48, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 54, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 60, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 61, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art.59, Statute - article II.2, Derecho de defensa, Daño material, Daño moral, Destitución sumaria, Desviación de poder, Ejecución, Funcionario de carrera internacional, Libertad, Libertad sindical, Proporcionalidad, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 16, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 31, Sindicato, Tribunal ONU - Sentencia No. 104, Tribunal ONU - Sentencia No. 22
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Fernando Suárez de Castro v. Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Document Code (Number)89
Keywords: Decision, Right of appeal, Complaint allowed, Complaint allowed in part, Costs, Discretion, Equal treatment, Executive Head, Injury, Organization's interests, Termination, Advisory body, Internal Appeal Body, Lack of evidence, Moral injury, Organization's duties, Staff Union, Bias, Acceptance, Grounds, Limits, Disciplinary measure, Internal appeal, Transfer, Due process, Budgetary reasons, Staff member's duties, Right, Staff member's right, Position of trust, Staff member, Career, Status of complainant, Separation from service, Applicable law, Disciplinary procedure, Misconduct, Staff member's interest, Summary dismissal, Complaint, Employment, Employment relationship, Working conditions, Headquarters, Tribunal, Conduct, Serious misconduct, Administrative act, Misuse of authority, Budget, Collective rights, Composition, Freedom of association, Hidden disciplinary measure, IICA, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 19, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 48, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 54, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 60, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 61, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art.59, Insubordination, Organization, Professional, Professional injury, Proportionality, Reprisal, Staff representative, Staff Union activity, Suspensory effect
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