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Jairo Torres y otros vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)124
Keywords: Retirement and Pension Plan, Contract, Salary, Action, Statute - article II, Reducción de personal, Competencia, Debido proceso legal, Interés público, Ajuste salarial por lugar de destino, Secretario General, Irregularidad, Recurso, Excepción, Expiration, Extemporaneidad, Irrenunciabilidad de los derechos, Prescripción, Decisiones administrativas, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), General Assembly - AG/RES.562 (XI-O/81), Extinción, Obligación, Referéndum, Statute - article VI.1, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, General Assembly - AG/RES.632 (XII-O/82), Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Principios Generales del Derecho, Staff Rules - rule 112.1, General Assembly - AG/RES.652 (XIII-O/83), Sistema de comprador, Admisibilidad del recurso, Organización de los Estados Americanos, Capacity, Charter of the OAS - article 118, Buena fe, Secretaría General, Charter of the OAS - article 125, Representación, General Assembly - AG/RES.1137 (XXI-O/91), Políticas y procedimientos, Cosa juzgada, Charter of the OAS - article 112, Charter of the OAS - article 53, Regular fund, Acto compuesto, General Assembly - AG/RES.1080 (XXI-O/91), General Assembly - AG/RES.1142 (XXI-O/91), General Assembly - AG/RES.1177 (XXII-O/92), General Assembly - AG/RES.591 (XII-O/82), General Assembly - AG/RES.900 (XVII-O/87), Empleador, Fuerza mayor, Persona jurídica, Prestaciones, Rules of Procedure - article 22.1, Reserva salarial, Sistema de paridad, Teoría del acto contrario, Violacion contractual
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Hugo D. Valverde y otros vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)91
Keywords: Salary, Statute - article VII.1, Action, Statute - article II, Ajuste salarial por lugar de destino, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, Audiencia, Secretario General, Excepción, Expiration, Extemporaneidad, Preclusión, Prescripción, Decisiones administrativas, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), General Assembly - AG/RES.562 (XI-O/81), Política Salarial, Referéndum, Requisitos formales, General Assembly - AG/RES.632 (XII-O/82), Falta de personalidad, Staff Rules - chapter XII, Voluntad, Dolo, Proceso, Reducción salarial, Rules of Procedure - article 9, Rigor procesal, Sistema de comprador
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Hugo D. Valverde et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)91
Keywords: Competence, Formal requirements, Judicial review, Right of appeal, Interpretation, Breach, Cause of action, Costs, Discretion, Executive Head, Receivability, Internal remedies exhausted, Time bar, Time limit, Previous question, Nullity, Omission, Binding character, Contract, Formal flaw, Intention, Law of contract, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Limits, Flaw, Budgetary reasons, Statute - article II, Abuse of process, General Assembly, Settlement out of court, Collective bargaining, General principle, Statement of intent, Waiver, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), General Assembly - AG/RES.562 (XI-O/81), Staff Union Agreement, General Assembly - AG/RES.632 (XII-O/82), Power of attorney, Reckoning, Case law, Further submissions, Comparator system, Cost-of-living adjustment, Fraud, Further material, General Assembly - AG/RES.652 (XIII-O/83), Permanent Council - CP/doc.1177/81 add. 1, Referendum, Staff Rules - chapter XII, Statute - article IX
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Yolanda Avila y otros, Linda Poole y otros vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)66
Keywords: Salary, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, Inadmisibilidad de recursos, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Excepción, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.497 (X-O/80), Reducción de salarios, Rules of Procedure - article 22, Rules of Procedure - article 9.1 (a), Rules of Procedure - article 9.3
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Emilio A.Fernández, Roger E. Allard y Ovidio Martínez vs.Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)65
Keywords: Retirement, Salary, Statute - article VII, Action, Statute - article II, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, Costas del juicio, Honorarios de abogados, Recurso, Expiration, Extemporaneidad, Preclusión, Prescripción, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.436 (IX-O/79), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), Reducción de salarios, Jubilación
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Anna Chisman y otros, George P. Montalván y otros vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)64
Keywords: Charter of the OAS - article 119, Payment, Statute - article VI.2, Contract, General Standards - article 17 (b), General Assembly - AG/RES.5 (I-E/70), Salary, Charter of the OAS - article 126, Statute - article VII, Appointment, General Assembly - AG/RES.124 (III-O/73), General Standards - article 11, General Assembly - AG/RES.258 (VI-O/76), Statute - article II, Derecho adquirido, Irretroactividad de la ley, Ajuste salarial por lugar de destino, Clasificación de cargos, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, Reclasificación de cargos, Audiencia, General Assembly - AG/RES.321 (V-E/71), Secretario General, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Salary scale, Staff Rules, Auditoría de cargo, Novación, Asociación de Personal, General Assembly - AG/RES.499 (X-O/80), Principios Generales del Derecho Laboral, Benefit, Condiciones, Retroactivity, Impugnación, Normas jurídicas, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.436 (IX-O/79), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), General Assembly - AG/RES.562 (XI-O/81), General Assembly - AG/RES.16 (I-E/70), General Assembly - AG/RES.384 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.435 (IX-O/79), General Assembly - AG/RES.490 (X-O/80), Capacidad normativa, Charter of the OAS - article 52 (g), Consentimiento, Costo de vida, Right of staff members, Derogación, Desconocimiento de normas, Elementos esenciales, Extinción, Falta de pago, Jerarquía normativa, Modificación unilateral, Obligación, Política Salarial, Reclutamiento internacional, Reducción de salarios, Referéndum, Separación orgánica, Violación de derechos
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Anna Chisman et al. George P. Montalván et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)64
Keywords: Decision, Post adjustment, Competence, Interpretation, Offer, Charter of the OAS - article 119, Executive Head, Injury, Lack of evidence, Lack of injury, Amendment, Challenge to rules and regulations, Precedence of rules, Terms of appointment, Language of rule, Binding character, Contract, Intention, Repeal, Acceptance, General Assembly - AG/RES.5 (I-E/70), Irreducibility of salary, Novation, Parity with United Nations, Salary, Scale, Negligence, non-retroactivity, General Standards - article 11, General Assembly - AG/RES.258 (VI-O/76), Statute - article II, General Assembly, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Right, Permanent Council, Staff Rules, Duty to comply, General Standards, International career service, Complainant's right, Collective bargaining, General principle, Staff member's interest, Staff regulations and rules, Employment relationship, General Assembly - AG/RES.499 (X-O/80), Abstract challenge, Contractual obligations, General Assembly - AG/RES.383 (VI-E/78), General Assembly - AG/RES.436 (IX-O/79), General Assembly - AG/RES.498 (X-O/80), General Assembly - AG/RES.562 (XI-O/81), General Standards - article 52 (g), Separation of powers, Staff Union Agreement, Working conditions
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