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Xavier Cortina y otros vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)38
Keywords: General Assembly - AG/RES.5, Fundamentos jurídicos, Ajuste salarial por lugar de destino, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, General Assembly, Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (1971), Staff Rules - rule 103.2 (1971), United Nations, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., General Assembly - AG/RES.147, General Assembly - AG/RES.258, Salary scale
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Sara Buchholz y otras, Beatriz Perazzo y otros, Linda Poole y otros vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)37
Keywords: Contract, Salary, General Assembly - AG/RES.5, Fundamentos jurídicos, Ajuste salarial por lugar de destino, Clasificación de cargos, Paridad con Naciones Unidas, General Assembly, Staff Rules - rule 103.2 (1971), General Assembly - AG/RES.147, General Assembly - AG/RES.258, General Assembly - AG/RES.321, Excusación, Presupuesto, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Revocación
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Xavier Cortina et al. v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)38
Keywords: Post adjustment, Executive Head, General principles, Appraisal of evidence, Terms of appointment, Law of contract, Acceptance, General Assembly - AG/RES.5 (I-E/70), Irreducibility of salary, Novation, Parity with United Nations, Salary, General Assembly - AG/RES.258 (VI-O/76), General Assembly - AG/RES.147 (IV-O/74), Administration instruction, Staff Rules - rule 103.1 (1971), Staff Rules - rule 103.2 (1971)
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