The Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) was created in 1999 by resolution AG/RES. 1650 (XXIX-O/99) of the OAS General Assembly. It is made up of all OAS Member States and is the only regional entity whose purpose is to develop cooperation in order to prevent, combat and eliminate terrorist acts and activities in the Americas.
CICTE meets once a year in a Regular Session in a forum for discussion and decision-making. The Member States designate one or more national contact points with competence in matters of prevention, combat and elimination of terrorism, to serve as the main link between the governments of the Member States to develop cooperation between them and CICTE.
CICTE has a Chair and a Vice Chair, elected from among the Member States, and whose positions last for one year.
In 2002, the Member States approved the creation of an Executive Secretariat of CICTE within the framework of the General Secretariat of the OAS.
CICTE is guided by the principles of the OAS Charter, full respect for the sovereignty of countries, the rule of law and international law and, specifically, by the provisions of the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism.
The Inter-American Convention against Terrorism is a legally binding treaty between the countries of the Americas to prevent, punish and eliminate terrorism. It entered into force in 2003. Currently, 33 OAS Member States have signed the Convention and 24 have ratified it.
The Convention seeks to ensure that the States Parties commit to adopting the necessary measures to strengthen cooperation between them.
The Chair and Vice Chair positions are held by Member States.