Persons in charge of the presentations:
Carlos Álvarez Edegue, Moderator
Gaston Schulmesiter, Panelist - Director Department against Transnational Organized Crime (OAS- DTOC)
Guillermo Moncayo, Participant – Interin Director Department of Public Security (OAS-DPS)
The Hemispheric Cooperation Division of the Inter-American Defense Board, together with the Secretariat of Multidimensional Security (SMS), and the Department against Transnational Organized Crime (DTOC) organize the Seminar "The changing role of the Armed Forces and its possibilities to mitigate and face new threats" in compliance with mandate 175 of resolution OEA AG 5698/20, literal:
a) Continuously provide advisory services and technical analysis on new and persistent threats and challenges;
b) Changing role of the Armed Forces and their possibilities to mitigate and face new threats, in order to disseminate successful experiences, good practices and lessons learned related to the issue, in coordination with the SSM.
The objective of this seminar is to share experiences, lessons learned, and protocols implemented by each country in the hemisphere, to face emerging threats that affect its territory, and to promote the interaction of organizations with competence in hemispheric defense and security, and is directed to Officials of the different organizations that work in security and defense affairs across the hemisphere, including Armed and Security Forces personnel at the tactical and operational level.