Virtual Forums

With the aim of contributing and enriching the conversation, the OAS will organize virtual forums, in the form of round tables and webinars, with the participation of international experts on all the topics that the Portal proposes to carry out brainstorming around them. and inclusive discussions. On this page you will find the calendar of upcoming events and the videos of the events already held.

Travel and Visa Facilitation during COVID-19

  • 6/9/2020 11:00 AM
  • Number of views: 3106

Event date: 6/9/2020 11:00 AM Export event

Persons in charge of the presentations:

Iván Eskildsen, Administrator of the Tourism Authority of Panama
Ilka Aguilar, Executive Secretary of the Central American  Secretariat for Tourism Integration
Maryse Robert, Director of Economic Development of the OAS
Alejandro Varela, Assistant Regional Director of the World Tourism Organization  UNWTO 
Alejandro Solis,
Executive Secretary of the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic COMISCA
Frank Comito, CEO and Director General for the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA)
Peter Cerda, Regional Vice President for the Americas, IATA

The Work Plan of the Inter-American Tourism Committee (CITUR) indicates that one of the main challenges to achieve regional integration of tourism is to have travel policies that address visa facilitation, regional agreements and the improvement of services at entry points. Since the travel restrictions imposed worldwide due to the appearance of COVID-19 and the sanitary problems to resume them, it has become even more important to find mechanisms that facilitate travel. In the Seminar we will listen to the world situation, the position of the health authorities, the private sector and the airlines with the intention of generating a dialogue to reach consensus.