

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

ECLAC - Alicia Bárcena Urges for Strengthening Triangular Cooperation in the Region and Fostering its Role as a Catalyst of the Post-Pandemic Recovery

  • 7 October 2020

ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in a regional conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, focused on the prospects for triangular cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

CEPAL - Alicia Bárcena llama a la construcción de un pacto político, social y económico, y de un contrato social justo, inclusivo y progresivo

  • 9 September 2020

La máxima representante de la CEPAL intervino en la Sesión I: La recuperación económica post COVID-19 y el futuro del contrato social en las Américas, junto a Joseph E. Stiglitz, Premio Nobel de Economía y Profesor de la Universidad de Columbia; Carmen Reinhart, Vicepresidenta y Economista Jefe del Grupo del Banco Mundial; Rebeca Grynspan, Secretaria General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), y Paula Santilli, Directora Ejecutiva de PepsiCo Latinoamérica. El panel fue moderado por Luis Felipe López Calva, Director Regional para América Latina y el Caribe del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).

WB - Productivity Growth, Key Driver of Poverty Reduction, Threatened by COVID-19 Disruptions

  • 14 July 2020

“Productivity levels in emerging markets and developing economies remain less than 20 percent of the average in advanced economies, and only 2 percent in low income countries,” said World Bank Vice President for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions, Ceyla Pazarbasioglu. “A possible silver lining may be that changes in behavior from the pandemic will accelerate the adoption of new technologies, greater efficiencies among businesses, and the pace of scientific innovation. However, it is vital to ensure that these gains are widely distributed and that technology-driven labor market disruptions are well managed.”

UN - Address ‘Unprecedented’ Impact of Coronavirus on Latin America and the Caribbean, Urges Guterres

  • 9 July 2020

Broader structural challenges must be addressed to build back better and transform the region’s development model.

Against the backdrop of pervasive inequality, accessible and comprehensive welfare systems must be developed, fair taxation systems created, decent jobs promoted, environmental sustainability strengthened, and social protection mechanisms reinforced, according to the UN chief. Moreover, regional economic integration is required, with “women participating fully and safely in public and economic life”, he stressed.

La ONU propone la creación de un “bono contra el hambre” en América Latina

  • 16 June 2020

Un nuevo informe de dos agencias de las Naciones Unidas propone un “bono contra el Hambre” además de un ingreso mínimo de emergencia para evitar que la crisis sanitari del COVID-19 se convierta en una crisis alimentaria que haga retroceder a la región 20 años de desarrollo y empuje a millones más al hambre y la pobreza..

COVID-19 crisis: How South-South Cooperation can Support Economic Recovery

  • 3 June 2020

Cooperation among countries of the South cannot substitute for the actions required by the wider international community but it can bring a degree of relief and support with recovery.

As important, it can provide a blueprint for the kind of international coordination and cooperation that will be needed to recover better than after previous crises.

With this in mind, a South-South cooperation agenda needs to build around three broad objectives: scaling-up financial resources; enhancing policy space; and building resilience.

Now is the Time for a 'Great Reset'

  • 3 June 2020

To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.

UNCDF and UNDP Join Forces to Improve Flow of Remittances and Counter Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19

  • 26 May 2020

“The hardship of COVID-19 felt by migrants in the form of lost wages and employment – often without government safety nets – is a large part of this crisis in remittances. The decline also results from a host of issues caused by the coronavirus that impact the services migrants use to send money home – including the restrictions placed on remittance services providers and their agents. The loss of this crucial financing lifeline is devastating for both the migrant households and receiving countries,” said Judith Karl, Executive Secretary for UNCDF. “UNCDF, together with UNDP, is committed to supporting the Member State-led call to action and to ensuring that every measure is available to facilitate migrants in sending remittances home.”

Greening the Transport Sector in the post COVID-19 Recovery Could Create up to 15 Million Jobs Worldwide/ ILO

  • 22 May 2020

Investment in transforming the transport sector could create millions of new jobs and help countries move to greener, healthier economies, says report from the International Labour Organization and the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

The study finds that 10 million additional jobs could be created worldwide - 2.9 million in the UNECE region - if 50 per cent of all vehicles manufactured were electric. In addition, almost 5 million new jobs could be created worldwide - 2.5 million in the UNECE region - if UNECE countries doubled investment in public transport.

Challenges of COVID-19 in Latin America, the Most Unequal Region in the World/OPEN DEMOCRACY

  • 22 May 2020

While the pandemic arrived after it had already devastated Europe (and now the United States), everybody in the human rights field knew that health and social services in Latin America had been dismantled progressively, mostly via privatisation and the shrinking of public programmes and spending. Hence the pandemic will affect principally the vulnerable people who can’t access basic public services.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 World/WEF

  • 22 May 2020

While a global pandemic has been a looming risk for decades, COVID-19 has come as a shock to society, health systems, economies and governments worldwide. In the midst of extraordinary challenges and uncertainty, and countless personal tragedies, leaders are under pressure to make decisions on managing the immediate impact of the pandemic and its consequences, decisions that will shape the state of the world for years to come. What might be the silver linings in the crisis and how might leaders use this moment to build a more prosperous, equitable and sustainable world?

CDB to Provide Almost US$67 Million to Seven Caribbean Countries to Counter the COVID-19 Crisis

  • 20 May 2020

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is making available emergency loans to seven Caribbean countries, in the first instance, to finance the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the Bank’s Board of Directors has approved a total of US$66.7 million for Antigua and Barbuda (US$13 million), Belize (US$15 million), Dominica (US$2.5 million), Grenada (US$5.9 million), Saint Lucia (US$10.8 million), St. Vincent and the Grenadines (US$11.3 million), and Suriname (US$8.2 million).

“The provision of support to the seven countries to respond to COVID-19 and keep critical government services and operations running is urgent to halt the economic decline and minimise social hardship, while giving focused attention to the most vulnerable people,” says CDB President Dr. Wm Warren Smith.

Gauging the Impact of COVID-19 on Market-Based Inflation Expectations/VOX-EU

  • 19 May 2020

The decline in market-based inflation measures has accelerated markedly since the outbreak of COVID-19. Inflation-linked swap (ILS) rates are useful for deriving market-based measures of inflation expectations. In an inflation-linked swap contract, one participant pays a fixed rate cash flow on a notional principal amount while the other participant pays a floating rate that is linked to an inflation index. Thus, the euro 5y5y ILS rate measures current five-year inflation expectations five years ahead in time by taking a long position in a ten-year inflation-linked swap contract and a short position in a five-year contract. This measure reached an historic low on 23 March 2020 of 0.71%. Although market-based inflation measures have rebounded somewhat following efforts by central banks and governments to stem the economic downturn, with a current level of 0.9% the market-based inflation measure is still well below the ECB’s target for medium-term inflation of below, but close to 2% .

El desafío social en tiempos del COVID-19/ CEPAL

  • 12 May 2020

La pandemia del COVID-19 tiene fuertes efectos en el ámbito de la salud y profundas implicaciones sobre el crecimiento económico y el desarrollo social. Llega a América Latina y el Caribe en un contexto de bajo crecimiento —como fue analizado en anteriores informes especiales sobre la materia (CEPAL, 2020a y 2020b)— y, sobre todo, de alta desigualdad y vulnerabilidad, en el que se observan tendencias crecientes en la pobreza y pobreza extrema, un debilitamiento de la cohesión social y manifestaciones de descontento popular.