

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

Cybercrime and Covid-19: Risks and Responses. UNODC

  • 14 April 2020

This briefing provides a snapshot of cybercrime threats within the context of the COVID19 pandemic. It has been sourced from confidential debriefs of UNODC law enforcement, governmental, NGO, academic, media, open-source and private sector partners around the world during early April 2020.

Planning for the economic recovery from COVID-19: A sustainability checklist for policymakers

  • 14 April 2020

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues, governments and emergency services are focusing on immediate needs: boosting capacity in hospitals, addressing hunger, and protecting firms and families from eviction and bankruptcy. The majority of the funds flowing so far from the World Bank, the IMF, other regional development banks, or central banks seek to provide funds for protective gear at hospitals, stabilize financial institutions, pay companies to provide goods and services to essential workers, or provide direct cash support to households.

UNDP and Hackster.io partner to launch a global innovation challenge to tackle COVID-19

  • 14 April 2020

The fight against COVID-19 is at a crucial tipping point, so the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Hackster.io, an Avnet company and the largest online open-source technology hardware community, are taking action. The two organizations have partnered to launch the COVID-19 Detect and Protect Challenge to create open-source technology that developing countries can leverage in the fight against this global pandemic.

Far away, yet connected: water and sanitation in times of coronavirus

  • 14 April 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has reminded us all of the vital importance of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene conditions, and, above all, to remind us that we have a pending task to ensure that these services reach all of our citizens.

Latin America and Covid-19: Conditions for a Sustained Recovery/ The Dialogue

  • 14 April 2020

This article by The Dialogue claims that the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst shocks ever to affect Latin America and the Caribbean. Governments, firms, and workers are coping with a severe economic crisis with yet unknown human losses and potential for social disarray. The region is being hit by large demand shocks from sharp commodity price falls due to a slump in external demand, external capital flight, financial sector volatility, and a collapse in tourist flows due to border closures and immobility measures. These shocks have been exacerbated by output disruptions associated with mandatory social distancing which have paralyzed all non-essential economic sectors, with a high toll on the spending capacity of millions of firms and consumers. In view of this situation, there is an urgent need to build more resilient societies, with buffers to mitigate shocks and adequate delivery of public goods and services. This will test the capacity and determination of all relevant actors in the region.

Supporting Peru’s indigenous people in the fight against COVID-19

  • 13 April 2020

The impact of COVID-19 could accentuate already existing inequalities in countries like Peru. For this reason, although this country is still only at the initial stage of the emergency, it is necessary to look towards the indigenous world as soon as possible. This includes the communities that live closest to the cities, those living in isolation and those who have had initial contact.  

Policies to Fight the Pandemic

  • 13 April 2020

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns and aggressive social-distancing measures are required to save lives and countries across Latin America and the Caribbean have put them in place.
As a result of the changing macroeconomic conditions, financing costs for emerging markets have risen and commodity prices have fallen.
There will be large drops in GDP, but this is not a normal recession, so typical countercyclical demand management, both fiscal and monetary, is likely inconducive. Policies should be aimed to provide relief, maintain economic stability and the core of the economy intact for the recovery.

Human Rights Due Diligence and COVID-19: Rapid Self-Assessment for Business

  • 10 April 2020

With the global spread of COVID-19, businesses are facing bankruptcy at an unprecedented scale, resulting in job losses for millions. In this context, confidence in the durability of the global economy, and by extension the norms and institutions that support it, are being tested like never before. How businesses respond to the crisis—especially those firms who receive state support to continue operations—will shape public attitudes towards the private sector for years to come.

COVID-19 GLOBAL PANDEMIC: Joint Statement by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD

  • 9 April 2020

Tackling CORONA Virus, contributing to a global effort

Brasil: Iniciativas del sistema brasileño de Ciencia, Tecnología e Información en la lucha contra la pandemia de COVID-19

  • 9 April 2020

Recuento de las distintas acciones tomadas por distintos actores del área científica y tecnológica del país, para mitigar los efectos negativos sufridos por la pandemia de COVID-19.

SHA - Esfuerzos para que los países de la región puedan acceder al Mecanismo de Negociación y Compra Conjunta de medicamentos, dispositivos médicos y otros bienes

implementado por el Consejo de Ministros de Salud de Centroamérica (COMISCA)

  • 9 April 2020

Desde el DGPE/SHA, como Secretaría Técnica de la Red Interamericana de Compras Gubernamentales (RICG), se están impulsando esfuerzos para que los países de la región puedan acceder al Mecanismo de Negociación y Compra Conjunta de medicamentos, dispositivos médicos y otros bienes implementado por el Consejo de Ministros de Salud de Centroamérica (COMISCA), a partir de las gestiones desarrolladas conjuntamente por la OEA, BID, CDB y COMISCA. De esta forma, se espera que los países puedan tener acceder a mejores precios y condiciones para adquirir los materiales que necesitan para combatir el COVID-19. Ver comunicado. Así mismo, se está en proceso de construir un plan de acción que permita apoyar a los países miembros a fortalecer las capacidades de los funcionarios de las agencias nacionales de contratación pública para que cuenten con herramientas clave para incrementar la transparencia, integridad, rendición de cuentas e innovación en las contrataciones de emergencia que realicen.

ELIJAMOS DIGNIDAD, NO INDIGENCIA: Plan de rescate económico universal para abordar la crisis del coronavirus y construir un mundo más justo/ OXFAM

  • 9 April 2020

recientes análisis demuestran que la crisis económica provocada por el coronavirus podría sumir en la pobreza a 500 millones de personas, si no se toman medidas drásticas y urgentes. Este virus afecta a todo el mundo, incluidos estrellas de cine y miembros de las realezas. Sin embargo, el componente de igualdad acaba ahí. Si esta crisis no se aborda de manera adecuada, exacerbará las desigualdades extremas entre ricos y pobres, países desarrollados y en desarrollo y hombres y mujeres, causando un profundo sufrimiento.

Directorio de CAF aprueba USD 2.500 millones para enfrentar el COVID-19

  • 8 April 2020

La institución ofrece la posibilidad de reasignar los desembolsos de recursos ya aprobados para otras iniciativas. El financiamiento permitirá apoyar a los países miembros en sus planes de protección de la población y la reactivación económica.

SEDI's Outlook of Central America and the Caribbean Electricity Sector Post Covid-19, Electricity.

  • 8 April 2020

Outlook of Central America and the Caribbean Electricity Sector Post Covid-19, Electricity.

Cultivating Tomorrow’s Agriculture Today blog

  • 8 April 2020

IICA  launches blog where experts discuss food vulnerability and the impact of covid -19 on agriculture

Cybercrime: Threats During the Covid-19 Pandemic/ Global Initiative

  • 8 April 2020

As COVID-19 spreads quickly, so does the threat of cybercrime. Hackers are taking advantage of the current uncertainty to send out even more phishing messages than usual, with varying degrees of sophistication.

The sector which is most crucial to containing the spread of COVID-19 – healthcare – is perhaps also the most vulnerable to ransomware attack.

Security experts are increasingly concerned about cybercrime because it currently benefits from favourable external conditions: a massive and uncoordinated shift to working from home offices in both public and private sectors, nationwide lockdowns which require increasing use of electronic transactions, and a rush for basic necessities, which fractures any semblance of ‘civil’ society. In the long run, economic recession will likely trigger tectonic changes in how young people sustain themselves. An increased reliance on criminality, both online and offline, is to be expected, particularly in regions where youth unemployment was already high.

The Pandemic and Organized Crime in Latin America: Ten Unknowns/ Americas Quarterly.

  • 8 April 2020

The relationship between catastrophes and organized crime is not straightforward, but past disasters can offer some clues. Especially in contexts marked by high levels of corruption, criminal groups reportedly have exploited crises to carry out extortion, embezzlement, diversion of aid, and other activities.

COVID-19 An informative guide. Advice for journalists

  • 8 April 2020

This document offers tools to help journalists practice responsible coverage of the pandemic using evidence-based information. It also proposes ways to approach coverage and encourages journalists to provide advice and solutions that can help reduce health risks and save lives

COVID-19: ¿Cuál es el estado de la digitalización de América Latina para la resiliencia social, económica y productiva?

  • 7 April 2020

El Observatorio CAF del Ecosistema Digital, a la luz de los desafíos socioeconómicos que supone la pandemia del COVID-19, presenta dos publicaciones que con base en evidencia empírica evalúan la posición y oportunidades de América Latina en términos del grado de preparación de su infraestructura digital y el nivel de digitalización para afrontarlos.

Sistemas de salud resilientes: Aprendizajes de la crisis del COVID-19

  • 7 April 2020

Este artículo forma parte de una serie en la que expertos de la OCDE y líderes de pensamiento de todo el mundo y sectores de la sociedad, abordan la crisis del coronavirus (COVID-19), debatiendo y desarrollando soluciones para el momento actual y el futuro. 
