

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

IDB supports Strengthen Colombia’s Productive Development

  • 19 June 2020

The project includes the adoption of public policies that promote innovation, entrepreneurship and business productivity, all of which are considered essential to help the country recuperate from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

PAHO - COVID-19 Has Impacted the Operation of Health Services for Noncommunicable Diseases in the Americas

  • 17 June 2020

A total of 18 countries interrupted services partially and two closed them completely, according to a PAHO survey. Countries have been urged to implement innovative and strategies and measures to ensure safe care during the pandemic.

IICA - Rural Youth of the Americas Share Requirements for Becoming Involved in Building the New Post-Covid-19 Agriculture

  • 17 June 2020

“The opinions, knowledge and experience of youth must be taken into account. We must participate in the development of strategies and ensure that any policies implemented are well-targeted, based on our knowledge of limitations and opportunities within the sector, as well as our vision for agriculture”, stated Andrea Paredes, a Guatemalan coffee farmer and the representative for Central America in the forum.

CEPAL - Alicia Bárcena: En el mundo post-COVID el bienestar social no será posible sin la transformación digital

  • 17 June 2020

“La innovación digital trae muchas ventajas para luchar contra el COVID-19 y facilitar el distanciamiento social, pero también involucra algunos riesgos. El surgimiento de la pandemia ha puesto de manifiesto problemas estructurales en los ámbitos económico y social, a los que se suman la exclusión digital, y otros problemas relacionados con la privacidad y seguridad”, aseguró Alicia Bárcena.

ONU -Las prestaciones sociales para la infancia son fundamentales para reducir la pobreza, pero solo uno de cada diez países las tienen

  • 17 June 2020

A medida que se profundizan las consecuencias económicas de la pandemia del COVID-19, la inversión en sistemas de protección social es clave para proteger a las familias de los niveles catastróficos de privación y dificultades financieras. Con un costo tan solo del 1% del producto interior bruto pueden conducir a una disminución del 20% de la pobreza en toda la población.

WHO Welcomes Preliminary Results About Dexamethasone Use in Treating Critically ill COVID-19 Patients

  • 16 June 2020

“This is the first treatment to be shown to reduce mortality in patients with COVID-19 requiring oxygen or ventilator support,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “This is great news and I congratulate the Government of the UK, the University of Oxford, and the many hospitals and patients in the UK who have contributed to this lifesaving scientific breakthrough.”

La ONU propone la creación de un “bono contra el hambre” en América Latina

  • 16 June 2020

Un nuevo informe de dos agencias de las Naciones Unidas propone un “bono contra el Hambre” además de un ingreso mínimo de emergencia para evitar que la crisis sanitari del COVID-19 se convierta en una crisis alimentaria que haga retroceder a la región 20 años de desarrollo y empuje a millones más al hambre y la pobreza..

WHO Welcomes Preliminary Results About Dexamethasone Use in Treating Critically ill COVID-19 Patients

  • 16 June 2020

“This is the first treatment to be shown to reduce mortality in patients with COVID-19 requiring oxygen or ventilator support,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “This is great news and I congratulate the Government of the UK, the University of Oxford, and the many hospitals and patients in the UK who have contributed to this lifesaving scientific breakthrough.”

PAHO Director Calls to Contain Spread of COVID-19 in Vulnerable Populations in Border Areas

  • 16 June 2020

“While the majority of infections in the region are reported in big cities, where economic inequality and population density fuel transmission, our data show a concerning trend towards high transmission in border areas.” Carissa Etienne said.

WHO - COVID-19: UN Agencies Warn Against Rising Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 16 June 2020

The study by the UN’s office for the region, known by the acronym ECLAC, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), proposes 10 measures to ward against increased hunger, including through an “anti-hunger grant” to support vulnerable people as well as food producers.

International Day of Family Remittances: The Global Pandemic Highlights the Crucial Role of Remittances for Migrant Families

  • 16 June 2020

In 2019, remittances were valued at an estimated US$554 billion. They are vital to the support of 800 million relatives living in more than 125 countries. With mobility and employment restrictions resulting in a projected 20 percent decline in remittances, many children and families stand to lose a lifeline as a result of COVID-19 and measures put in place to reduce its spread.

Livelihoods of More than 55 Million Domestic Workers at Risk due to COVID-19

  • 16 June 2020

In countries with strict levels of lockdown, domestic workers, whether formally or informally employed, have been unable to go to work. But while some of those formally employed still had access to unemployment insurance, for domestic workers in informal employment staying home has meant losing their livelihoods with no safety net to fall back on, making it difficult for them to put food on the table.

BID apoya la protección de empleos e ingresos de poblaciones vulnerables en Costa Rica

  • 16 June 2020

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) aprobó una operación para Costa Rica por valor de US$265 millones, que busca asegurar los niveles mínimos de ingreso y de empleo para la población más vulnerable del país -en el período inmediato y durante la recuperación económica- frente a la crisis causada por el COVID-19.

The territorial impact of COVID-19

  • 16 June 2020

This paper is developed by the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE). It focuses on the territorial dimension of the COVID-19 crisis and the importance of the integrated response to the crisis across levels of government. The first draft of this note takes into account the developments of the crisis as of 3April2020.1It will support the work on the crisis and impact of COVID-19 of the OECD Regional Development Policy Committee. The note is a living document that will be regularly updated in the coming weeks. An updated version will be released in May

WHO - A Cluster of COVID-19 in Beijing, People’s Republic of China

  • 15 June 2020

“As we enter the southern hemisphere influenza season…we must ensure influenza remains a top priority”, the agency chief said during his media briefing.  “Co-circulation of COVID-19 and influenza can worsen the impact on health systems that are already overwhelmed.”

ONU - Una estudiante de enfermería indígena mantiene a su comunidad libre de coronavirus en Chiapas

  • 12 June 2020

María Micaela Jiménez es estudiante de enfermería. Hoy es prácticamente responsable de la salud de más de 500 personas que viven en su comunidad en el estado mexicano de Chiapas. Llevándoles información en su lengua originaria, les explica las medidas de prevención y hasta hoy no se ha reportado ningún caso de COVID-19.

ILO/UNICEF - COVID-19 May Push Millions More Children into Child Labour

  • 12 June 2020

Millions more children risk being pushed into child labour as a result of the COVID-19 crisis , which could lead to the first rise in child labour after 20 years of progress, according to a new brief from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF.

According to COVID-19 and child labour: A time of crisis, a time to act, child labour decreased by 94 million since 2000, but that gain is now at risk.

IDB Study Explores Tech Opportunities for the Central American Economy

  • 12 June 2020

Using technology can help in major economic sectors hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as remittances and public finances. As remittances decline, technology applied to international money transfers can generate efficiencies that help maximize the amount of money reaching recipients. As for public finances, the pandemic has made clear the need to be able to identify those most vulnerable and in need of government aid, a task in which technology can be very useful. In addition, as the digital economy becomes more and more important in daily life and public finances need to be strengthened, digital taxation will grow increasingly relevant.

Child Labour Gains Since 2000 ‘Could be Wiped out by COVID’, UN Warns

  • 12 June 2020

Existing global estimates indicate that 152 million children are being put to work, but the figure is due to be updated next year, once the wider impact of coronavirus lockdown precautions become clearer.

“As the pandemic wreaks havoc on family incomes, without support, many could resort to child labour”, said Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), marking the World Day Against Child Labour.

UN - Women Integral to Battling Coronavirus and Pushing for Lasting Peace and Security

  • 12 June 2020

The Peace Operations chief, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, stressed the importance of continuing to prioritize the UN’s Action for Peacekeeping’s (A4P) Women, Peace and Security (WPS) commitments during the pandemic. The missions’ close relationships with women’s organizations have allowed them to “quickly and creatively continue to work” through UN assets – such as via radio, phone links and community alert systems – as well as by leveraging women-led structures, including women protection networks, early warning networks and gender working groups.
