

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

Emergency response by Civil Registry and Identification Offices during the COVID-19 pandemic

Impact, best practices, and innovative initiatives implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 15 January 2021
Emergency response by Civil Registry and Identification Offices during the COVID-19 pandemic

The publication contains a review and analysis of nineteen Latin American and Caribbean countries on three general areas: a) The impact of COVID-19 on the provision of services of civil registries and identification offices; b) Good practices implemented by the civil registry and identification offices to respond to the effects of the pandemic and; c) Innovative initiatives promoted to guarantee the continuous registration of vital events and the issuance of identity documents that prove nationality in emergency contexts. The document also includes summaries of specific actions implemented by each of the countries part of the study.

Practical Guide to Give an Effective Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Subnational Level

  • 30 November 2020

The purpose of this guide is to provide practical insights and recommendations on key measures that can be taken to mitigate the territorial impact of the pandemic. The guide also includes good practices and lessons learned that decision-makers from different levels of government throughout the Americas can consider to effectively respond to the current challenges posed by COVID-19, as well as concrete actions for implementation during a post-pandemic phase. If we are to succeed in overcoming this crisis, we must support and strengthen those that represent the most direct point of contact between governments and citizens and who best know and understand their communities.

The OAS and WhatsApp Join Forces on Digital Marketing Solutions for MSMEs in the Wake of COVID-19

  • 13 October 2020

The Organization of American States (OAS) is partnering with WhatsApp Business to provide micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean access to digital tools and customized training on WhatsApp's Business app, to help them better position themselves in the marketplace.

Joint Summit Working Group Works to Reduce Corruption Risks during COVID-19 Crisis

  • 14 September 2020

The leaders of the multilateral organizations that form the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) today highlighted that working collectively must be a priority to strengthen measures to promote integrity, transparency, and accountability, as well as the control of budgets addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

SEDI's Inter-American Labor Administration Network portfolio of actions undertaken by each Ministry of Labor to COVID-19

  • 1 September 2020

The Inter-American Labor Administration Network developed a portfolio of actions undertaken by each Ministry of Labor to COVID-19.

SEDI's Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) list of resources available for Ministries of Education of the region to support their work during the COVID-19 crisis.

  • 1 September 2020

The technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) has put together a list of resources available for Ministries of Education of the region to support their work during the COVID-19 crisis.

SEDI’s Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC), request to identify and share solution-driven innovative products and services to address some of the most pressing needs generated by COVID-19

  • 1 September 2020

This Portal aims to be a participatory and democratic space where everyone has the opportunity to express their ideas on how we can shape the post-COVID-19 world so that more people access more rights beyond the pandemic. All people participating in the debate must accept the rules contained in the Participation Protocol, to ensure that the conversation is based on mutual respect, collaboration, and the prohibition of the use of insults or personal attacks.

SADYE - Guía práctica de respuestas inclusivas y con enfoque de derechos ante el COVID-19 en las Américas

  • 1 September 2020

Ante las crisis y las emergencias es clave tener una perspectiva de derechos humanos en las respuestas y porque los grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad encuentran mayores barreras para acceder y beneficiarse de políticas de prevención, mitigación y atención en salud, debido a las barreras estructurales de desigualdad. Para orientar a los Estados de las Américas a pensar y ejecutar respuestas inclusivas y accesibles, con enfoque de derechos humanos, ante una pandemia inédita en el mundo y la región.

CIM - Mujeres en tiempos de COVID-19

  • 1 September 2020

La crisis del COVID-19 tiene impactos específicos sobre la vida de las mujeres y está profundizando las desigualdades de género ya existentes con anterioridad, tanto al interior de los hogares como fuera: en los hospitales y centros sanitarios, en el trabajo y también en la política. El mundo tiene la oportunidad de crear un nuevo pacto social y de género que reconozca los impactos diferenciados que recae sobre las mujeres, especialmente sobre grupos de mayor riesgo, a través de la participación igualitaria de mujeres y la incorporación del enfoque de género en todos los espacios y en todas las acciones y políticas públicas de mitigación y recuperación.

COVID-19 en la vida de las mujeres: Emergencia global de los cuidados

  • 17 August 2020

La Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM) de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), con la cooperación de la Unión Europea a través de su programa EUROsociAL+, presenta y pone a disposición de los Estados Miembros de la OEA, de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y sector privado el documento COVID-19 en la vida de las mujeres: Emergencia global de los cuidados, en respuesta a la profundización de la desigualdad en la distribución de las tareas domésticas y de cuidado y al incremento de la carga de trabajo no remunerado que están realizando las mujeres. El texto analiza el rol de las mujeres en el funcionamiento de la vida doméstica y productiva y los impactos en sus vidas y en la economía.

OAS General Secretariat and Venezuelan Civil Society Present Proposals to Improve the Situation of Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees during the COVID-19 Crisis

  • 23 July 2020

This document is the result of 13 meetings held between the Office of the General Secretariat for the Crisis of Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees and the Coalition for Venezuela, made up of 63 civil society organizations that provide assistance to Venezuelans in 23 countries in the region.

"The situation of Venezuelan migrants and refugees represents one of the greatest challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, given that it has increased the difficulty in fully exercising their rights, such as: access to health, education, the right to life, to housing, to food, to work and the safeguarding of livelihoods,” the document states in the introduction.

SAS - Nodos Nacionales Anticorrupción

  • 12 July 2020

Desde la Secretaría de Cumbres se promoverá con los Nodos Nacionales Anticorrupción que se vienen estableciendo con sociedad civil y actores sociales como seguimiento al “Compromiso de Lima: Gobernabilidad Democrática frente a la Corrupción”, el abordaje y la reflexión sobre la pandemia y el monitoreo de recursos destinados a enfrentar la misma. Los nodos serán autogestionados y desde la Secretaría de Cumbres se les ofrecerá espacios virtuales y facilitará diálogos con participación gubernamental, entidades del GTCC, y se canalizarán sus contribuciones a los Estados.

Virtual Consultation for Civil Society: Groups in Situation of Vulnerability in the Post COVID-19 Context

  • 10 June 2020

In a post COVID-19, context we foresee an exponential growth of gaps in the access to rights and services. As such, the States must guarantee equal opportunities, by prioritizing in a crosscutting manner, with an intersectional and inclusive focus, those groups of citizens whom prior to, during and even more so after the pandemic, are and will remain excluded from our societies and face stigmatization: the so-called groups in situation of vulnerability.

The Department of Social Inclusion of the OAS Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity invite civil society organizations  to participate in this consultation.  The results will enable us to have more complement information on the impact of this pandemic on groups in situation of vulnerability in the Americas, and gather their recommendations and inputs to provide a more specific technical support to Member States to develop inclusive programs and policies for the post COVID-19 period.

This survey will be open to the public until June 30th, 2020.
A similar survey will be submitted to the Member States. 
We thank you for your valuable contribution!

OAS Launches Political Action Guide to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic Under Democratic Principles

  • 2 June 2020

The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) published "The Inter-American Democratic Charter: A Guide to Political Action to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic." The Guide seeks to promote the functionality and validity of democratic principles as essential and effective elements to advance amid the challenges caused by the pandemic, especially in the new phase of economic recovery and progressive social restoration. The Guide is based on the concept that democratic mechanisms are the most appropriate way to address the pandemic and its consequences.

OAS Calls for Participation in its Portal for Consultations, Forums and Repository on the World During and After the Pandemic

  • 1 June 2020

The Portal is designed to be a  forum in which to propose ideas and initiatives that can later become real projects to be implemented, as well a place to listen to opinions, debates and reflections, in order to improve the service provided to citizens. To this end, the OAS General Secretariat is organizing a series of webinars and virtual round tables on COVID-19 and the four pillars of the OAS: democracy, human rights, multidimensional security and integral development.

COVID-19 en la vida de las mujeres - Razones para reconocer los impactos diferenciados

  • 31 May 2020

En este documento, la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM/OEA) brinda un análisis sobre los impactos, retos y acciones para desarrollar políticas que respondan a las necesidades diferenciadas de las mujeres frente al COVID-19. La iniciativa surgió a través de diálogos impulsados por la CIM con las ministras de la Mujer y altas autoridades de los MAMS, con el Comité de Expertas del Mecanismo de Seguimiento a la Convención de Belém do Pará (MESECVI), y con organizaciones de la sociedad civil, cuando iniciaron las medidas de mitigación de la pandemia.

Expertos analizan riesgos emergentes de LA/FT en el contexto del COVID – 19

  • 29 May 2020

La directora general de la Unidad de Análisis Financiero (UAF) y presidenta Pro Témpore del Grupo de Acción Financiera de Latinoamérica (GAFILAT), Wendy Lora Pérez, participó en el Foro Virtual “Riesgos emergentes en el contexto de los sistemas Antilavado de Activos y contra la Financiación del Terrorismo”.

SAS- Summit Talks

  • 26 May 2020

This webinar falls under the cooperation initiatives being pursued by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat within the framework of implementation of the Mechanism for Follow-up and Implementation of the Lima Commitment, with the participating states, Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) entities, and civil society and social actors.

Cisco and OAS to Finance Cybersecurity Innovation Projects in Latin America

  • 13 May 2020

The Organization of American States (OAS) together with Cisco, announced today the opening of a fund of US$150,000 to finance innovation projects in Latin America. The fund seeks to foster creativity and innovation in the execution of cybersecurity projects in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The process and requirements to submit projects will be announced soon.

CEJA - Estado de la justicia en América Latina bajo la COVID-19: medidas generales adoptadas y uso de las TICs en procesos judiciales

  • 13 May 2020

Mantener el funcionamiento de los sistemas de justicia en tiempos de Coronavirus, tiene relevancia y carga con este peso: que incluso en medio de una crisis sanitaria de proporciones y consecuencias como la actual, y en medio de medidas extremas y limitaciones a nuestros derechos y garantías; no sólo en teoría, sino materialmente -en la realidad-, debe haber acceso a mecanismos de solución de conflictos y de amparo de garantías y derechos, y estos mecanismos operar, incluso frente a la autoridad investida de facultades extraordinarias, y por cierto frente a otros particulares que abusen de sus libertades o derechos, de su posición, situación, o lisa y llanamente cometan delito.