

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

UNDP - In Latin America, COVID-19 Infections Surge as Virtually Every Country Faces Recession

  • 14 July 2020

In the current state of emergency, governments should prioritize transparent public information campaigns, plan strategies that involve marginalized groups in urban areas and indigenous communities, guarantee access to clean water, soap, food, income, and other essential items, ensure internet connectivity, use spaces other than hospitals to isolate COVID-19 patients, and design strategies to safely move patients among medical facilities.

INGP - Mapping of LAC Procurement Agencies capacity in responding to COVID-19

Mapping by the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement - Red Interamericana de Compras Gubernamentales

  • 6 May 2020
INGP - Mapping of LAC Procurement Agencies capacity in responding to COVID-19

The Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (INGP) offers a section on their Website where they report the perception of the national public procurement offices on their level of preparedness and response, by way of self-reporting, on a scale of 1 to 5.

National public procurement offices have a key role to play in ensuring that the procurement of goods and services is carried out efficiently and transparently, in order to ensure their availability and quality for the well-being of citizens.

República Dominicana: Medidas tomadas por el gobierno dominicano para enfrentar la pandemia de la COVID-19

  • 2 May 2020
República Dominicana: Medidas tomadas por el gobierno dominicano para enfrentar la pandemia de la COVID-19

Documento de la Misión Permanente de la República Dominicana ante la OEA, detallando las medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno Dominicano frente a la pandemia.

Colombia: Acciones tomadas por el gobierno colombiano en respuesta a la situación del COVID-19

  • 1 May 2020
Colombia: Acciones tomadas por el gobierno colombiano en respuesta a la situación del COVID-19

Tras declarar el Estado de Emergencia, el Presidente de la República, Iván Duque Márquez, anunció, el 18 de marzo de 2020, un paquete de medidas económicas y sociales para enfrentar la pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) en Colombia, el cual se ha venido revisando, actualizando y ampliando desde entonces.

Este documento detalla las acciones adoptadas por el Gobierno Colombiano ante la pandemia.

Respuesta integrada de la Secretaría General de la OEA ante la COVID-19 desde sus cuatro pilares en apoyo a los Estados Miembros

  • 30 April 2020

La Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones (CITEL) elaboró un banco de datos que recopila las acciones adelantadas por Estados Miembros de la OEA y el sector productivo en tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones – TICs- en respuesta a la COVID19. Dentro de esta iniciativa, se estableció una serie de recomendaciones, agrupadas en los temas más relevantes.  Adicionalmente, la CITEL ha realizado mesas redondas que han permitido conocer más a fondo las perspectivas de todos los actores, detallar el alcance de algunas de estas experiencias y poder afrontar acciones de la mejor manera. Las acciones se han recopilado y clasificado con base en las siguientes recomendaciones.

Panamá: Medidas tomadas por Panamá para abordar la pandemia de COVID-19

  • 30 April 2020
Panamá: Medidas tomadas por Panamá para abordar la pandemia de COVID-19

Documento proporcionado por la Misión Permanente de Panamá ante la OEA, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Panamá, bajo el “Plan Protégete Panamá”, sobre las medidas adoptadas para abordar la pandemia COVID-19

Belize - “Statutory Instrument No. 65 of 2020, the Belize Constitution (Emergency Powers) Regulations, 2020”

  • 30 April 2020

Regulations made by the Governor-General in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 18(9) of the Belize Constitution, Chapter 4 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, and all other powers thereunto him enabling.

Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein’s National and International Response to COVID-19

  • 29 April 2020
Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein’s National and International Response to COVID-19

If we look at the reaction of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are two sides: Internally, the focus was on limiting the spread of the disease while mitigating its negative impact on the economy and ensuring that the national measures are in line with international obligations. Externally, Liechtenstein has demonstrated solidarity through contributions to the UN Global Humanitarian Response plan while also advocating international cooperation by initiating – together with five other States – a COVID-19 resolution that was passed by the UN General Assembly with the active support of 188 States.

Guyana - Guyana’s COVID-19 Emergency Measures

  • 29 April 2020

On 29th April 2020, The Official Gazette published the emergency measures to take effect from the 4th May 2020 and last until 3rd June 2020 unless earlier terminated, extended or amended by notice of the Minister of Public Health.

Paraguay - Gobierno de Paraguay pone en marcha plataforma para transparentar uso de recursos de la emergencia por el COVID-19

  • 29 April 2020
Paraguay - Gobierno de Paraguay pone en marcha plataforma para transparentar uso de recursos de la emergencia por el COVID-19

El Gobierno del Paraguay puso a disposición de la ciudadanía la plataforma rindiendocuentas.gov.py. Se trata de una herramienta tecnológica de visualización de datos para que la población haga seguimiento del destino y uso de los recursos que el Gobierno paraguayo está destinando a la atención de la emergencia sanitaria desatada por la pandemia del COVID-19.

Italy: Premier Conte Signs Decree to Kick Off Phase Two: "If you Love Italy, Keep your Distance"

  • 27 April 2020

Premier Giuseppe Conte announced that "phase two is starting, now it's time to live together with the virus" during a press conference from his office at Palazzo Chigi.

Italy: Decree from Italy Initiating Phase 2 to Combat and Contain the new Coronavirus

  • 26 April 2020
Italy: Decree from Italy Initiating Phase 2 to Combat and Contain the new Coronavirus

On April 26 2020, the Prime Minister of Italy signed a Decree (text in Italian) that initiates the Phase 2 of Government actions to combat and contain the coronavirus. The new Decree goes into effect on May 4, and envisages a gradual easing of restrictions and restart of activities, including the reopening of schools in September.