Welcome to the 54 General Assembly of the Organization of American States
The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Organization of American States. It has as its principal powers, in addition to such others as are assigned to it by the Charter, the following:
- To decide the general action and policy of the Organization, determine the structure and functions of its organs, and consider any matter relating to friendly relations among the American states;
- To establish measures for coordinating the activities of the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization among themselves, and such activities with those of the other institutions of the inter-American system;
- To strengthen and coordinate cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies;
- To promote collaboration, especially in the economic, social, and cultural fields, with other international organizations whose purposes are similar to those of the Organization of American States;
- To approve the program-budget of the Organization and determine the quotas of the member states;
- To consider the reports of the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the observations and recommendations presented by the Permanent Council with regard to the reports that should be presented by the other organs and entities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 91.f, as well as the reports of any organ which may be required by the General Assembly itself;
- To adopt general standards to govern the operations of the General Secretariat; and
- To adopt its own rules of procedure and, by a two-thirds vote, its agenda.
The General Assembly exercises its powers in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and of other inter-American treaties.
The General Assembly is composed of the delegations accredited by the governments of the member states. All member states have the right to be represented in the General Assembly. Each state has the right to one vote.
The delegations of the member states are composed of the representatives, advisers, and other members accredited by the governments. Each delegation shall have a head of delegation, who may delegate his duties to any other member of his delegation.
President and Vice President
The head of the delegation indicated by the order of precedence previously established by the Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly shall serve as provisional president until the General Assembly elects its president at the first plenary session. The election shall be by the vote of a majority of the member states.
The heads of delegation shall be vice presidents ex officio of the Assembly and shall replace the president in the event of his or her disability, in accordance with the order of precedence.
![54rd Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - 2024](/imgs/ga-54/DSC_3233 banner.jpg)
The Secretariat to the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, the Permanent Council, and Subsidiary Organs comes under the Office of the Assistant Secretary General. The Assistant Secretary General’s Chief of Staff is also the Director of that Secretariat.
The Preparatory Committee and the General Committee are committees of the General Assembly. They may establish such subcommittees and working groups as they deem necessary.
The General Assembly, through resolution AG/RES. 939 (XVIII-O/88), has recommended that the first Monday in June each year be set as the opening date for the regular session of the General Assembly. At each regular session, it shall determine the place and date of the next regular session, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. In special circumstances and with the approval of two thirds of the member states, the Permanent Council may convoke a special session of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly shall hold an inaugural session, the necessary plenary sessions, and a closing session. In the case of a special session, the inaugural session may be eliminated. These sessions shall be public, unless the respective body decides otherwise. In accordance with Article 8, only the delegations of the member states, necessary Secretariat personnel, and the permanent observers may attend closed sessions.
A private dialogue of heads of delegation is held prior to the inaugural session. The permanent observers and civil society representatives meet informally with the heads of delegation before the opening of the General Assembly.