Technical Meeting on Drug Treatment Data

Rubén Darío
City - Country
Washington D.C.,United States of America


The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), through the Inter-American Observatory on Drugs (OID), held a technical meeting on drug treatment data from August 6 to 8, 2024, at its headquarters in Washington D.C., USA. This event provided a forum for participants to discuss the importance of collecting, analyzing, and reporting on the demographic characteristics, treatment experience, and other data on persons with substance use disorders that seek drug treatment services.

Presentation by Nadia Robles Soto, Director, Mexican Observatory on Mental Health and Addictions, National Commission of Mental Health and Addictions (CONASAMA), Ministry of Health - Mexico
English Español
Presentantion by Pernell Clarke, Research Specialist, OID, CICAD
English Español
Presentantion by Terrance Fountain, Director, National Drug Council Secretariat - The Bahamas
English Español
Presentantion by Jonathan Yearwood, Research Officer, National Council on Substance Abuse (NCSA) - Barbados
English Español
Presentation by Maureen Lozier Gotschlich, Area of Studies, Statistics and Publications, National Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol Consumption (SENDA) - Chile
English Español
Presentation by Wendy Castro Castro - Coordinator of the Technical Area, Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (IAFA) - Costa Rica
English Español
Presentation by Elvy Martodikromo, Head, Outpatient Clinic for Addiction Care, Psychiatric Hospital - Suriname
English Español
Presentation by Seema Persaud, Coordinator, Programme Implementation, National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programme (NADAPP), Ministry of Health - Trinidad and Tobago
English Español
Presentation by Jessica Ramirez and Leticia Keuroglian – Uruguayan Observatory on Drugs, National Drug Secretariat - Uruguay
English Español
Presentation by Luis Adrian Noble, Chief, Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) Unit, CICAD
English Español
Presenation by Bruno Guarita, Scientific Development Analyst, Trends and analysis sector, Public health unit, European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)
English Español
Presentation by Markus Schwabe – Statistician, Data, Analytics and Statistics Section, Research and Trend Analysis Branch – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
English Español
Presentation by Anja Busse, Programme Officer, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section UNODC
English Español
Presentation by Elisabet Arribas, Specialist, and Esther Best, Consultant - Institutional Strengthening Unit (ISU), CICAD
English Español
Presentation by Christopher M. Jones, US Public Health Service Director, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)
English Español
Presentation by Guillermina Barriviera, Consultant - Inter-American Observatory on Drugs Unit (OID), CICAD
English Español