The OAS will honor distinguished members of the scientific community of the Americas for their remarkable contributions to global science, technology, and innovation, as well as their dedication to the OAS development cooperation mission and sustainable development in the region.
Introductory Remarks:
• Kim Osborne, Executive Secretary for Integral Development, OAS
Awards Presented By:
• Nestor Mendez, Assistant Secretary General of the OAS
2024 Awardees:
Dr. Henry Cohen (Uruguay): Gastroenterology expert and Director of the ECHO Project.
Dr. Cardinal Warde (Caribbean/MIT): Electrical Engineering professor, advocate for Caribbean science and innovation, and leader of the Caribbean Science Foundation.
Dr. Arturo Reyes Sandoval (Mexico): Director of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).
Dr. Rosibel Ochoa (USA): Leader in technology partnerships and environmental engineering at the University of California Riverside.
Dr. Alejandro Adem (Canada): President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).
Dr. Pablo Zamora (Chile): President of Fundación Chile, advancing innovation and sustainable development.
Dr. Natacha DePaola (USA): Biomedical engineering professor and digital medical technology pioneer at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT).