The Second Regional Workshop of Working Group 1, entitled "Multidimensional Poverty: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Americas: Opportunities for Expanding Social Protection Systems," will contribute to strategies to evaluate and refine multidimensional poverty measurements and expand social protection systems. Experts from Member States and international partner organizations will exchange to generate new perspectives and ideas regarding the application of evidence on multidimensional poverty to improve the effectiveness of social protection policies.
The event is organized by CIDES Working Group 1, with the support of the Department of Social Inclusion of the OAS, funded by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.
Objetives of the Workshop:
- Encourage the exchange of good practices and lessons learned in measuring and analyzing multidimensional poverty.
- Strengthen the technical capacities of member states to apply these indicators in the design of social protection policies.
- Create a space for dialogue where experts and policymakers share innovative and effective approaches to social protection.
- Promote international technical cooperation to develop peer-to-peer learning and strengthen social development institutions in the region.