As part of the OAS Council for Integral Development (CIDI) Agenda on Connectivity in the Americas, join us for the thematic session on “Modernizing Ports through Port Community Systems”. This dialogue space promotes cooperation among OAS Member States on the pressing development issues facing the Hemisphere, exploring how digital transformation in ports can strengthen connectivity and trade efficiency across Latin America and the Caribbean.
Purpose of the Meeting:
The purpose of the meeting is to clearly identify the benefits of a PCS for ports as central nodes of international trade, and their contribution to the region’s socio-economic development. Additionally, the meeting will help identify how OAS Member States may work collaboratively to better harmonize different national technological trade platforms such as PCS. Finally, the meeting will provide Member States with an opportunity to present successful PCS digitalization practices, while helping to identify strategies for overcoming some of the challenges hindering its effective implementation.
Featured Speakers:
- Mr. Andrew Baskin, Vice President, Global Strategies, Hudson Analytix, United States
- Dr. Sean J. Matthew, Business Development Coordinator for the US, and the Caribbean at Global Ports Holding Plc (GPH), Chairman and CEO of Engineering Consulting and Management Services Inc. (ECMS), Chairman of the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority (ECCAA)
- Ms. Agustina Calatayud, Lead Transport Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
CIDI promotes dialogue and cooperation among member states on the most pressing development issues facing the Hemisphere. CIDI meetings feature discussions with member state delegations, leading experts, and strategic partners to build consensus on solutions to the challenges of connectivity as the region works towards greater integration and cooperation.
Live Broadcast:
The meeting will be broadcast live with interpretation in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese on the OAS Website, OAS Facebook page, and YouTube.