The Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) of the Organization of American States (OAS) has organized this workshop on cybersecurity in elections to promote a participatory dialogue between different actors in the region, with the aim of better understanding the trends in cybercrime at a global level, exchanging points of view regarding the impact of this matter on elections, analyzing how to counter these threats and strengthen the capacities of electoral bodies, as well as fostering strategic opportunities to promote digital integrity and security in democracy.
Through three plenary sessions of expert presentations, a discussion room among participants and a panel of case studies, attendees will be able to share knowledge and experiences, as well as generate cooperation networks for future initiatives.
With the increased use of information and communication technologies, a large part of the processes associated with an election are computer-based services. The registration of voters and candidates, the tools for the control of financing, the processing and transmission of results, as well as the very mechanics of voting, are some of the examples in which technology plays or can play an essential role. However, just as information technologies can facilitate and strengthen the various stages of the electoral cycle, their scope and prevalence also increase the risks of suffering cyberattacks.