
Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices

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  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Victoria Salazar
  • Number of views: 6857
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Type of device: Laptop
Description: KEY VOCABULARY: Food Pyramid, Expensive, cheap, Pounds(lb), cents (¢), a quarter (25 cents), a dime (10 cents), a nickel (5 cents), a penny (1 cent), a bill, a coin, dollar (US$), Dominican peso (RD$), I’d like…, I’ll take…, give me, Colors: red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, white, black, brown, pink. Fruits: peach, apples, kiwi, pear, lemon, grapes, avocado, strawberry, mango, cherries, pineapples, lime, cantaloupes, strawberry, star fruit, orange, coconut, raspberries, watermelon, plum, banana, mango, blueberries, nectarines, tangerines, cranberries. Vegetables: carrots, red cabbage, celery, artichoke, asparagus, spinach, couliflower, okra, corn, garlic, beets, broccoli, red onion, radishes, turnip, green onions, sweet potato, lettuce, brussels sprouts, red pepper, green pepper, mushrooms, celery, salad. Foods:, cheese, milk, coconut milk, cream cheese, eggs, mozzarella, sour cream, yogurt, cereal, bread cereal, oatmeal, tortillas, bottled water, coffee, iced tea, juice, lemon juice, orange juice, soda, tea, french fries, frozen veggies, ice cream, pizza, waffles, beef, chicken, chicken breast, fish, hot dog, pork, pork chops, sausage, american cheese, honey, jam, jelly, ketchup, mustard, olive oil, peanut butter, salsa vegetable oil, black beans, chickpeas, oats, rice, white beans, sugar, salt, vegetarian food, dessert, sushi, soup, butter. MOTIVATION: Building Background Teacher talks about the importance of eating healthy food using a Food Pyramid (describe four basic groups of food). *Differentiated Instruction: Teacher can request some activities or assigned some worksheets for understanding and application according to Bloom’s taxonomy in which students’ can demonstrate their acquisition among the topic in a creative manner. PRESENTATION: Teacher introduces the grammar structure about: Demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those. How much is/are… How much does/do it cost? Indefinite Article: a/an Some and any Countable/ Uncountable nouns PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: Talk about favorite foods: Answer these questions after the reading of a magazine article. 1. Name three kinds of fruit. 2. Name three vegetables. 3. Which of the foods in the article do you eat? Which of these foods don’t you eat? 4. Which of these foods do you think are good for you? Which ones do you think are bad for you? NOTE: The students will have a Forum Discussion on FACEBOOK with this question (Importance of eating healthy food (describe four basic groups of food). They are requested to search on different sources and write a simple comment on the topic previously showed in the class. In the same aspect, they must give a feedback on their peers’ comments. *Teacher checks their understanding and acquisition from the prior knowledge to the new knowledge acquired inside and outside the classroom setting. *Teacher provides feedback on their opinions and give suggestions and advices. *Teacher posts the Netiquette rules for behavio...

Integrated Science

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Carolyn Linton-Miller
  • Number of views: 4479
Integrated Science
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Presentation of Data (Drawings)
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Engage In groups/as class, examine samples of drawings/diagrams provided by the teacher. List the common features observed in the samples. Share list with class. Explore As a class, with the aid of the teacher, develop standard criteria for the presentation of drawings/diagrams. Explain In groups make a poster highlighting the criteria for making labelled drawings/diagrams. Display posters in class. Elaborate Individually, make a labelled drawing of the leaf provided by the teacher. Measure the length of the leaf and the length of the drawing in millimetres. Calculate the magnification of the drawing by dividing the length of the drawing by the length of the leaf ( ). Record the magnification next to the title (mag. x value from calculation, e.g. mag. x15 Evaluate Students will be asked to draw a simple diagram from specimen and calculate the magnification

what happen and why it happen?

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shernette Shana Richards-Francis
  • Number of views: 3787
what happen and why it happen?
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Reading Comprehension/ Cause and Effect
Type of device: Other
Description: I started the lesson by explaining with examples the concepts cause and effects. Students were then given a series of events that took place which involves cause and effect. They they identify the cause and its effect from the series. After which students were place in groups of five where they were plan and acted out skit which involves cause and effect. the skits were videoed.


  • 16 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shamanta Brown
  • Number of views: 3800
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: Does my arm length predict my height?
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: ? Manipulate measuring instruments to demonstrate a variety of measuring attributes; ? Actively participate in group activities and discussions; ? Engage in problem solving situations involving measurement; ? Safely and correctly use measuring instruments. ? Perform the 4 basic operations correctly; ? Safely conduct investigation using digital content.

Healthy Living

  • 16 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nardian Ward-White
  • Number of views: 3020
Healthy Living
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Healthy Nutrition
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: Step one: Students will share with class their ideas of a healthy snack. Step two: The different types of caribbean food groups will be researched and discussed in groups of fours, (tablets will be used to do research, guided by the facilitator). Step three: Students will interact withprojection of the different types of nutrients. They will also take note of the nutrients for further discussion. After projection, students will go back into their small groups to link the different types of food groups rearched in step two to their correct nutritional groups. Step four: Students will cut differernt types of food from newspapers and magazines to place in their scrap books under their different food group headings. Step five: Students will participate in Fishing Bowl discussion on these sub-heading: Diferences between healthy and unhealthy snacks and their negative and postive impacts they have on their health Educational benefits of consuming healthy snacks All students will be given the opportunity to participate in dscussion. Step six: Through guided research, students will research some healthy snacks which they will select two to prepare one in their groups. Step Seven: Students will prepare their healthy snacks and present for grading.