Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices - Details

Problem solving

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Valencia Lavia
  • Number of views: 5122
Problem solving
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Totalling, Errors and Documentation, While-Loops
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Students will be introduced with a brain teasers. A simple program will be given for students to analyse and determine the action that they think should be taken to solve the problem. Students will be given a program that requires the use of the totalling. Procedures suggested by students will be written on the board. Teacher will then introduce students to the use of the total variables and how they can be used. Students will be given an addition question will be discussed and solutions written on the board. Students will be given a question to attempt on their own Students will be introduced to the while loop using questions. Students will be asked to share their interpretations. Students will then be given an additional question which will be discussed and worked through.

introduction to web page design

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Jody-Ann Henry
  • Number of views: 5486
introduction to web page design
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: web page design
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Introduction (10Mins) Students will be taken through a recap process of what was done last class. What are some of the things one have to take into consideration when planning a website and why. Development (120Mins) After the introductory activity students will be asked to explain HTML and why is it important to creating webpages. After this, students will be shown a basic sample of a HTML document, they will be asked to use their prior knowledge of concepts of programming to explain the different parts of the document. This should be done initially on their own in their books, after which both the students and the teacher will label the different parts of the diagram together; students will be encouraged to note the corrections in their books. Students will be questioned, after the previously mentioned activity, about where HTML documents can be created this is in a bid to pull knowledge from the students and help them think. Their responses will be noted on the board and others will be added to it if necessary. Students will be told that for this class we will be using notepad and they will be asked to open notepad. They will be introduced to tags, a major component in creating webpage what they are and the do’s and don’ts of creating tabs. They will also be introduced to the different types of tags, how to use them and what they do. After this students will be given a basic sample of a HTML document to modify to reflect various styles and attributes. Culmination (110Mins) After the development of the lesson students will be told to create two web pages on any topic in IT one page should contain notes (the content for the topic) and the other should have questions on the selected topic, these webpages should be inter linked. They should also include different font styles, attributes, images, a YouTube video and background appropriate for the topic selected for the webpages they are creating.


  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 3972
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Mathematics
Type of device: Laptop
Description: The teacher will ask the pupils to recite the multiplication song just to make sure they master it well. The also explains that multiplication is repeated addition. The teacher then demonstrates how the work is done as the pupils watches and asks questions.Displays the chart to the pupils and explains the steps. Give one on the board and allow every student to give it atrial. The teacher goes round helping those with difficulty.The teacher asks one student to explain how he or she got the answer, teacher makes necessary corrections.

Demonstrating Written Words

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Marshalee Laing
  • Number of views: 3537
Demonstrating Written Words
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Pronoun Reference
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: Students were asked to recall the definition of a pronoun and give examples of same students were given two sentences to state the flaw in its construction Teacher asked a few students to represent each major part of speech in a sentence written on the board. They had to stand infront of the board. Someone was the noun in the subject part of the sentence another was the verb and another was the object pronoun. Students were able to visalise the written words and were better able to identify the pronoun and its antecedent.

Problem Solving-Errors

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Mona-Lisa Roberts
  • Number of views: 4070
 Problem Solving-Errors
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Programming Errors
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: The teacher write a statement on the board that does not agree with the rules of the English language. ‘In yesterday’s class documentation is done.’ Students will be asked to analysis this statement, a brief discussion will ensue. Development 1. The discussion from the statement made in the introduction should bring out the syntax error concept. The students from their assignment given in the previous class will pose various definitions for the term Syntax and Syntax Errors. 2. A standardized definition of Syntax error will be given. Pascal statements will be written on the board with Syntax errors. The students from their interaction with programming should be able to highlight and correct these errors. 3. The students will again from their homework activity give definitions for Logic Errors and Runtime Errors. 4. The teacher will provide standardized definitions for the concepts and explain each clearly. 5. The students will attempt examples given on the board highlighting the type of error they have identified and the possible fix for same.