Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices - Details

Letter Writing

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tashana Stewart
  • Number of views: 3100
Letter Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Topic: The Letter of Complaint
Type of device: Tablet
Description: Teacher will communicate lesson objectives.
Students are familiar with the KWL chart and so they fill the necessary parts.
Students will view an example of a letter of complaint. They will be prompt to do a comparison to the friendly letter (students are familiar with the contents of the friendly letter) .They will look at the style of the letter and state the most noticeable difference. After which, a discussion will ensue about the block style that is used in writing business letters using the socratic seminar strategies. Students will be called on at random to define the block style in their own words and state why it is important to write letters of complaint (reference will be made to Business Basics and the important of using the block format to write business letters).
Students will go into groups of four to list and explain the parts of a letter of complaint. Each group will be given an aspect of the letter of complaint to explain.A representative from each group will explain the different parts of the letter based on the previous letter that was issued in class. Teacher will explain the different parts via power point presentation and clarify misconceptions.Students will remain in groups to further examine a letter of complaint and answer given questions. After which, students will be called on at random to give their answers.
Teacher will review the KWL chart with the students.

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