Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices - Details

Prevención de la violencia entre pares

  • 16 April 2018
  • Posted by: LADY FUENTES
  • Number of views: 9146
Prevención de la violencia entre pares
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Ethics and civic education
Topic: Sin golpes el mundo es mejor
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: En la clase anterior se comunica a los estudiantes traer un escrito donde relaten un incidente que hayan tenido con algún compañero donde por alguna circunstancia se agredieran ya sea verbal, psicológica o físicamente. Motivación:Lectura del escrito proporcionado por el estudiante. Recuperación de saberes previos: La docente incentiva el comentario del relato sobre el tema "Violencia entre pares" a través de preguntas: ¿Cuándo estoy molesto debo responder con agresividad? ¿Cuál seria la mejor actitud cuando alguien me molesta? ¿ Será correcto devolver el insulto o el golpe cuando alguien tiene esa reacción conmigo? ¿Qué entiendes por violencia entre pares? Secuencia de actividades: • Determinación del tema: Violencia entre pares • Los estudiantes forman grupos según su postura • La maestra proporciona información diversa sobre tipos de violencia. • Los estudiantes realizan la lectura de textos utilizando estrategias de lectura: Antes: Reconocen la estructura del texto y el propósito de lectura( Procesar y organizar información con el fín de reconecer o deducir la postura y los argumentos de los autores sobre la violencia entre pares) Durante: Realizan una primera lectura de forma silenciosa. La docente anima a los estudiantes para leer una segunda vez y promover el parafraseo para luego identificar las ideas principales. En este momento la maestra absuelve dudas que puedan surgir en el proceso de lectura. Elaboran sumillados para plantear argumentos Repasamos las ideas principales Los estudiantes socializan las ideas principales de los textos leídos Después Los estudiantes escriben la postura y argumentos en un organizador gráfico Proponen conclusiones a partir de su postura Promover la autoevaluación y la metacognición: • ¿Cómo me desempeño al interior del equipo? • ¿Qué habilidades desarrollé durante esta actividad? • ¿Qué dificultades he tenido? ¿Cómo puedo mejorar mi desempeño? Describa el proceso / instrumento de evaluación empleado: Lista de cotejo: Consiste en establecer ciertos criterios que evidencian el logro de las capacidades. Por ejemplo, en esta sesión los criterios son tres: Localiza las ideas principales sobre la equidad de género utilizando la técnica del subrayado. Deduce la postura y los argumentos del autor y lo socializa con el grupo. Métodos / técnicas utilizadas durante la clase: Parafraseo, estrategias antes, durante y después de la lectura; comentario de textos, sumillado, subrayado. Describa el proceso / instrumento de evaluación empleado: Lista de cotejo: Consiste en establecer ciertos criterios que evidencian el logro de las capacidades. Por ejemplo, en esta sesión los criterios son tres: Localiza las ideas principales sobre la equidad de género utilizando la técnica del subrayado. Deduce la postura y los argumentos del autor y lo socializa con el grupo con la técnica del parafraseo. Finalmente, argumenta sus ideas en un esquema a partir de su postura.

Metacognitive Strategies

  • 16 April 2018
  • Posted by: Cashmere Roker
  • Number of views: 3230
Metacognitive Strategies
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Peer Editing Using Voice Recorders
Type of device: Other
Description: Students are given opportunities to plan, organize and monitor their own work, direct their own learning, and to self-reflect along the way. When we provide students with time and space to be aware of their own knowledge and their own thinking, student ownership increases.

Grammatical norms of English

  • 14 March 2018
  • Posted by: Norma Elizabeth Estupe Ardón
  • Number of views: 4545
Grammatical norms of English
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Verb and adverb
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: After the greeting the objectives of the class were read, I was instructed to investigate the vocabulary. Later they were asked to observe several images to identify what action was being taken. The subject was explained in a dialogical way. In a text they emphasized verbs and adverbs. They completed sentences with verbs and adverbs. Completion sentences with verbs and adverbs that were missing. They wrote a paragraph that was analyzed and criticized by another student. Description of the evaluation process.

Energy sources

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 6256
Energy sources
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Saving Energy In Schools and Households
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Set up various stations with oil, coal, peat, a colored gas, a windmill fan, a solar panel, a ripple tank and igneous rocks
Each station will complete an information card identifying the energy, stating where it is found if it is renewable or non-renewable and if it is used in the Bahamas.
Students will search for this information in the internet
Explore each station making notes on each energy presented
Teacher’s Activities
Introduce guest speakers from Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) and The Island School
Following presentation have students categorize the sources of energy spoken about (as non-renewable and renewable) Student’s Activities
Listen to presentations from both speakers and take notes (especially on energy sources, calculation of power and feasibility of “Green” energy in the Bahamas)
Teacher’s Activities
Give students formula for calculating energy consumption, i.e. multiply the unit's wattage by the number of hours in use.
Have student’s bring in an electricity bill to determine current fuel cost calculations Student’s Activities
Using the classroom as a sample students will work in groups to calculate the energy consumption for an appliance.
They will use the figures determine to then calculate the cost of using that appliance for a day.

Plastic waste in the Environment

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 2888
Plastic waste in the Environment
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Plastic Waste
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Teacher’s Activities – teacher will introduce the sesión with a question: why is our Community having issues with plastic management?
Student’s Activities: students will brainstorm ideas and come up with reasons why is such the case.
Teacher’s Activities: after students have come up with ideas, students will share and discuss the impact of plastic on the environment. Orally, students will present the information in class. A youtube video will be used so as to guide the students on how plastic affects the environment
Student’s Activities
Teacher’s Activities: after students have discussed the negative effect of plastic in the environment, the teacher will guide students to a check mark on what common plastic are found in our Community. Student’s Activities
- students will fill a check mark on the common types of plastic that are found in the Community and in ways it is harming the surroundings.
- come up with ideas how it impacts the environment
- state how it affects the surrounding áreas.