Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices - Details

The Skeletal System

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Beulahmae Ferguson
  • Number of views: 5128
The Skeletal System
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Health
Topic: The Skeletal System
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Teacher will begin lesson by having student singing and dancing to the song " Dry Bones" ?Project on the Active Board the online article What are Bones Made Of HTTP://kidshealth.org/PageManager.jsp?lic=1&article_set=54029&cat_id=20607 ?Read the article to the students stopping and discussing the information presented. ?Model using the Active Board and access the animated diagram of a bone by clicking on the name of each bone part and reading the explanation of that bone part to the rest of the class. ? Have a blank diagram of a bone on the flipchart. ? Students will come to the Active Board and label the parts by moving the label with the interactive pen. ? Explain to the students that they will be given clay to construct a model of the bone. Give each child a paper plate on which to build their model, and 4 different colors of clay or play dough. Day 3 &4` PREPARATION ?Use your best judgment to select a student leader who you think will make the conversation a benefit for all students. ?Establish the discussion topic with the students ahead of time so everyone has time to prepare.Question ? Be sure that the preparation materials are open-ended enough that students can really challenge the topic later on in the discussion. ?Be sure to push for evidence and connection between ideas. ?Prepare questions for the student leader to help guide the discussion ?Schedule time to explain to the students on how the activity works. ?Read through the activity to help them get a good sense of the protocol FISHBOWL DISCUSSION ?Invite the representatives to sit up front, explain to the group how the process will work, and open the floor with a provocative question Can the human body survive without the skeletal system? ?Inviting the representatives in the fishbowl to comment." Allow about 5-10 minutes for discussions in the core group, before opening up the floor for questions for another 10 minutes. ?Give the core group a time limit after which the observers can then ask a question or comment on a particular part of the discussion. ?Invite observers to join the discussion or switch places with one of the core group so that the participants are rotating. ?After a certain amount of time (e.g. 5mins), swap the groups so that observers now discuss while the participants  now observe. After the second group has discussed, get them to reflect on each other discussions. WRAPUP ?Student leader addresses wrap up questions before closure ?Students complete their accountability sheets individually. Teacher gives feedback.

It is intended to develop the students’ ability to use selected resources around them to create brochure, without the use of technology so they will develop n appreciation for manual labour.

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shanee Peters-Henry
  • Number of views: 3919
It is intended to develop the students’ ability to use selected resources around them to create brochure, without the use of technology so they will develop n appreciation for manual labour.
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Creating brochure
Type of device: Audio and portable media player
Description: Engagement: Students will be asked read to watch a four (4) minutes YouTube video entitled “Creating brochures”. They will watch and listen keenly, after which they will be asked to correctly define the term brochure. Exploration: Students will be asked to work in groups of four (4) where they will review the hand-out. The students will use the tip sheet to go over their brochure planner. The teacher will explain to the students that this will help them organize and present their information more effectively. Explanation: Students will be asked to work in pairs to discuss the importance of creating brochure, they will be allotted three minutes to complete this task after which they will explain and share with the rest of the class. The teacher will clear up any misconception. Elaboration: Student will be asked to work in groups of four (4) where they will use the resource/material given to properly create. Evaluation: Teacher will observe and assess the students’ final product (brochure) over the next two weeks.

Letter Writing

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tashana Stewart
  • Number of views: 3107
Letter Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Letter of Complaint
Type of device: Tablet
Description: Teacher will communicate lesson objectives. Students are familiar with the KWL chart and so they fill the necessary parts. Students will view an example of a letter of complaint. They will be prompt to do a comparison to the friendly letter (students are familiar with the contents of the friendly letter) .They will look at the style of the letter and state the most noticeable difference. After which, a discussion will ensue about the block style that is used in writing business letters using the socratic seminar strategies. Students will be called on at random to define the block style in their own words and state why it is important to write letters of complaint (reference will be made to Business Basics and the important of using the block format to write business letters). Students will go into groups of four to list and explain the parts of a letter of complaint. Each group will be given an aspect of the letter of complaint to explain.A representative from each group will explain the different parts of the letter based on the previous letter that was issued in class. Teacher will explain the different parts via power point presentation and clarify misconceptions.Students will remain in groups to further examine a letter of complaint and answer given questions. After which, students will be called on at random to give their answers. Teacher will review the KWL chart with the students.

Living a healthy lifestyle

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Charis Tai-Foek
  • Number of views: 4603
Living a healthy lifestyle
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Health
Topic: Bryan eats Healthy
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: After the students are warmly welcomed, a few rules are announced. * Be an open-minded learner * Listen very carefully and try to write down your notes and questions as much as possible * When you have a question please raise your hand * Pay close attention to what is aked of you To the students 3 – 5 minutes is given to observe the classroom and each student of a group is asked to give his /her opinion what he/ she has perceived. They may give the answer which topic will be discussed. What is meant by a healthy lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle A lifestyle that helps to keep and improve people’s health A healthy lifestyle leaves you fit, energetic and at reduced risk for disease, based on the choices you make about your daily habits. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations for continuing good health. Assignment I : Four groups each have an assignment (30 minutes) Group A : Look for pictures in the magazines that relate to a healthy lifestyle Group B: Make a drawing that relates to your way of living a healthy lifestyle Group C: Draw a mindmap with everything that comes to mind that relates to a healthy lifestyle Group D: Write your own short story (Maximum 300 words) how you would live a healthy lifestyle Groupspresentation: each group has 5 -7 minutes to present to their fellow-students what they were assigned to do.(Feedback is required) There are different ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Some of them are: * Eating healthy food and drinking healthy beverages * Paying attention to your hygiene * Get some excercise * Avoid unhealthy habits * Get some good sleep The students have the ability to use their mobile phone and log into kahoot.it to play the given quiz “Living a healthy lifestyle”. In the quiz the student have to choose the correct answers of the following 3 questions. (1). Which benefits does living a healthy lifestyle bring A. Better physique C. Improves mood B. Energy Boosts D. Low resistance( 2). In the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pli6HH4Tb7Y) you just saw a few consequences / diseases that are associated to an unhealthy lifestyle. Wich one does not belong here: A. High blood pressure C. Feeling sad B. Diabetes D. Feeling fluent (3). For a healthy lifestyle how much water or juice should you drink at least per day? A. 1 Liter C. 3 Liters B. 2 Liters D. More than 3 Liters Assignment : Role play Each group gets to choose one of the given scenarios * A parent is disappointed when a planned family meal falls apart. It turns out that the child ate pizza following after school activities and has no appetite for the family dinner.The child loves pizza and complains that there are too many foods he hates to eat at home. Why can’t we have more pizza at home? *Bryan’s classmate isn’t very unhygienic. The children in the classroom make fun of that student. Bryan knows what the consequences if someone lives such a life. Bryan wants to make this student aware and takes the following precautionary...


  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Simone Tingling
  • Number of views: 5799
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: Geometry-Trigonometry Subtopic Sine Content Summary Trigonometry at its simplest level is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the length of sides and angles in right angled triangles. The trig
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Step1: Students will draw a right angled triangle and label the sides. They will write on the hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite sides. Students and teacher will discuss what makes a side the opposite. Students will participate in class activity to identify the side based on the angle in question. Step2: 1. Teacher will introduce students to the sine ratio. Students will find the ratio on their calculator. 2. Students will attempt to fine the sine of given angles using their calculators, eg 30º, 45º, 75º, etc. 3. Students will use their calculators to find angles using sine inverse of numbers, eg 0.5, 0.98, 0.45, etc. 4. Teacher will draw a right angle triangle on the board with a specific angle (30 degrees) and the hypotenuse measuring 20cm, student will be asked to locate the opposite side. 5. Teacher will introduce students to the formula for sine. Students will attempt to use the formula to find the length of the opposite side. Teacher will assist the students if they are having difficulty applying the formula. 6. Students and teacher will work a problem together. Students will ask any further questions that they have. 7. A question will be written on the board where the hypotenuse is the unknown. Students will attempt to use the formula to find the length of the hypotenuse. Teacher will assist the students if they are having difficulty applying the formula. 8. Students will be given another question to calculate the unknown angle. Students will attempt to find the size of angle using sine ratio and convert the answer to degrees using sine inverse. Teacher will assist the students if they are having difficulty applying the formula and converting from decimal to degrees (sign inverse) correctly. 9. Students will be presented with a real life question to apply the sine formula to; Question: Eddie needs a new stay wire on his sailboat to replace one that broke in a high wind. The mast on his sailboat is 4.5m tall, and the stay wire must make an angle of 60 degrees with the deck of the boat. What length of wire stay does he need? Assessment Students will: 1. Do independent practice problems from page572-574 exercise11a #2-5,17, 18, 24, 27 Mathematics A Complete Course Volume 1 by Raymond Toolsie, 2. Living Mathematics for Jamaica Book 3 by I.S. Ferguson & P.Hill pp 206-207 exercise 14C # 1a,3,6, and 14D #1, 3 Evaluation2: