Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices - Details

Music Class

  • 29 April 2018
  • Posted by: cristobal martinez
  • Number of views: 3183
Music Class
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: Musical Reading for learn to play the piano
Type of device: Tablet
Description: First we share the topic and the objetives of the class. After I explain the concepts of music, and I show them the notes on the pentagram and their positions After which students were place in groups of three where they will try read the notes on the piano app in the smartphone.

Lesson Plan for form 4 for Thursday 12th and Friday 13th, April, 2018

  • 29 April 2018
  • Posted by: Miriam Jno Baptiste
  • Number of views: 4032
Lesson Plan for form 4 for Thursday 12th and Friday 13th, April, 2018
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: The Labor Force : Unemployment
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Step 1: The lesson started with a warm up which is a simple question and answer oral review on the material that was covered in the previous lesson. The students learned what the Labour Force is and how people become part of it. Step 2: Introduction the concept of ‘unemployment’. Students suggested possible definitions for unemployment then have them wrote down and recited the correct definition given by the teacher. Step 3: Using the ‘Fish Bowl’ Method to do group activity. The students were placed in groups of three and were allowed to work on three ítems from the list of causes of unemployment. The students were very enthusiastic about this topic. The seemed to possess a wealth of knowledge about unemployment and were able to give examples of people they know who are unemployed. It was also amazing to see how correctly they were able to define the term. As always, the students were excited to work in groups where they were able to discuss their ideas and contribute to the class. They were very welcoming of using the Fish Bowl method of discussion and everyone participated fully. After each group presented their solutions to the causes of employment, the other students outside the circle were allowed to question them as to how effective their solutins would be and they were also allowed to make their own suggestions. The discussion was wholesome, enjoyable and, most of all, a tremendous learing experience.

Kitchen and Personal Hygiene

  • 29 April 2018
  • Posted by: Lisa Morgan
  • Number of views: 5138
Kitchen and Personal Hygiene
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Health
Topic: Kitchen and Personal Hygiene
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Step 1: Students will be given their objectives for the class. Step 2: They will be brainstorming the objectives in class and briefly discuss their understanding of the lesson. They will use the Pro and Con grid to discuss the topic and ascertain pros and cons of practising personal and kitchen hygiene. Step3: Students will be required to go online to watch the video presentation created by teacher and make brief notes on objectives A, B, D and E. The link for the video will be given to students in their edmodo foods class. Step 4: When the students meet for class they will share what they understood about the presentation. Step 5: They will research online to find a suitable video that demonstartes proper handwashing techniques.Students will demonstrate to their peers proper handwashing techniques based on the video viewed. Step 6: Students will be asked to prepare a newsletter on personal and kitchen hygiene. In the newsletter, all objectives will be covered. The newsletter will be prepared to meet the needs of teenagers in a región who are getting sick because of the poor kitchen and personal hygiene. The newsletter may also include fun facts and activities such as puzzles for students. This newsletter can be completed in Microsoft Word or if the student desires to download and edit a newsletter template from google. The newsletter will be uploaded to the students’ Food website created using wix.com Step 7: Using the fishbowl strategy students will discuss the importance of proper personal and kitchen hygiene Step 8: Class will do a quiz in Edmodo based on the lesson covered.

subject verb agreement

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Maira Yadicenia Garcia
  • Number of views: 4369
subject verb agreement
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Subjectverb agreement. Use of the verbs correctly with singular and plural nouns
Type of device: Other
Description: Introduction: Students play the verbs song and act it out the verbs of the song Students listen the sentences and identify the verbs in each Students review the meaning of verbs Instruction: Teacher modeling Students get flash card of subject to identify them and get the meaning. Students tell is the flash cards show singular or plural subject Students discuss the verb agreement for each subject shown by the teacher Students come to the board and match the subject with the correct verb agreement Students play a game to review subject verb agreement the team with the most correct answer wins. Students discuss and correct answer that are wrong, and explain why they are wrong Independent working time: Students practice Students get the subject and verb agreement worksheet Students match the subject with the correct verb according to the singular or plural noun

Information Technology

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nadine Ford
  • Number of views: 2772
 Information Technology
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Database Management
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Engage: Students will be engaged in a video presentation and a scenario based activity on Query used in Database Management and students will be asked to critically analyse the activities in an attempt to generate a meaning for the term Query. Explore: Students will be collaboratively engaged in a research-based learning with the use of the internet. The following tasks will be done: • Types of queries • Advantages and disadvantages of using these types of queries • Steps in creating these queries Explain: Students will present and demonstrate their findings and teacher will clarify misconceptions where necessary and give added information with the use of a PowerPoint presentation. Elaborate: Students will be engaged in activities in a quest to demonstrate their competency in creating a query. The following task will be done: - Create a table in design view -Create a query in design view Evaluate: • Students will complete a worksheet on the lesson objectives • Students will create a scrapbook as an ongoing assessment on terms used in Query