
Lessons Plans

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Parts of Speech

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Shevern Bobb
  • Number of views: 9110
Parts of Speech
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Adjectives
Description: Preliminary (2 minutes)
• The teacher enters the class and greets the students. They are reminded of the classroom rules, and that they are going to look at a video clip in order to determine the topic for the lesson.

Introduction (8 minutes)
• Upon looking at the video clip which lasts a minute and thirty seconds they are going to brain storm for two minutes and give their opinions of what is an adjective.
• Students then will coin their own definition of adjective and copy it into their exercise books.

Teacher Modelling (5 minutes)
• Based on the definition that the students come up with, the teacher will then state what the dictionary says. The students will then compare their definition with what is mentioned in the dictionary. Changes will be made to the student’s definition only if what they would coined is inadequate.

Independent working time (15 minutes)
• Create three sentences in their exercise books based on adjectives that were used in the video clip.
• Students will communicate the sentences to their teacher by volunteering to read what they came up with. They will be guided as to whether what is being said is acceptable by the teacher.
• Teacher then invites students to select a piece of paper from a jar (which was brought to class by the teacher) with an adjective written on it. The student has to act out the adjective without using words and then the other classmates has to guess what is being depicted by the peers.

Interactive Modelling (15 minutes)
• Students are randomly placed in groups of three to discuss the importance of adjectives and how they make sentences relatable to the real world.
• At the end of the discussions, students would be asked to give their opinions. The passive learners would be encouraged to represent their groups.

Conjunctions: (and, but, or , because)

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Stacy Perch
  • Number of views: 16201
Conjunctions: (and, but, or , because)
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Identify the correct use of the conjunctions and, but, or , because in sentences
Description: 1.Students will be shown a box reminiscent of a lucky dip marked ‘word dip’
2.Students will be informed that they will assist the teacher in selecting words from the box.
3.Selected students will be asked to place their hand in the box and pull out a word.
4.Students will be allowed to stick chosen words on the chalkboard.
5.Students will be asked to read the display of words placed on the chalkboard.
6.Students will then be asked, “Can anyone give ‘one word’ that we can use to classify all of these
7.Select a few students to answer and give appropriate feedback.
8.Students will be informed that today we will be looking at ‘Conjunctions’.
9.At this point, the classroom would be rearranged to facilitate the ‘fishbowl’ seating.
10.Students will be informed that they would use the ‘fishbowl’ strategy to discuss all their prior
knowledge relating to conjunctions.
11.Through peer facilitated questions, students would discuss suitable definitions for the term
‘conjunctions’, as well as ways in which the aforementioned conjunctions displayed on the board
could be used.
12.Through discussion, students would formulate sentences with which the highlighted conjunctions
could be used. Special attention would be paid to the effect the conjunctions have on the sentences.

The Root of Conflict

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Katie Minnis
  • Number of views: 9345
The Root of Conflict
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Internal and External Conflict
Description: FIRST SESSION. Teacher will display four photos that depict the four types of conflict- a person in a storm, persons involved in a fender bender, character looking at a poor grade with a confused look on her face and finally. Discussion on what is happening in each photo. The word conflict and its definition is written on the board. Volunteers are asked to explain how each picture depicts a conflict and the party or parties involved in the conflict. The words internal and external conflict are written on the board. Discussion on how the conflicts discussed earlier were internal and external. Students watch the video clip of the Lion King. In small groups, they are asked to identify the conflict, parties involved and how the conflict is resolved. A representative from each small group present their thoughts on the conflict.
SECOND SESSION. Students placed in four groups and given a a piece of paper with a type of conflict to role play. Students role play the conflicts after which classmates discuss the conflict. Class reads the short story, Brer Bouki and Brer Rabbi and the Sperrit House as teacher asks the students to make note of what they think may be evidence of conflicts in the story.

Homonyms in action

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Carolyn Barker
  • Number of views: 12636
Homonyms in action
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The definition and use of Homonyms
Description: Play a game of charades.
Teacher will do the dramatization in order to elicit from students, words which could end up having a different meaning. For example the use of the word watch. By the end of the set induction, students should be able to decipher that the one word given has two meanings called homonyms.
? Establish with students that we are talking about words which are spelt the same but have different meaning based on the context. Give the example sentences using a word in the sentence which has the different meaning and ask students to give the meaning of the word when used in both context.
? Present students with a sentence using the word sea and see and elicit from them the response that the words are used as homophones and ask the students to state the meaning of homophones. The same will be done using a sentence with a synonym and antonym where students will state that the highlighted words are used as such.
? Ask students to think of words which if given in a different context would have a different meaning, for example the watch from earlier discussion.

Character Analysis and Author's Intended Purpose

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Lora Crawford
  • Number of views: 10517
Character Analysis and Author's Intended Purpose
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Discussion and Analysis of the major characters in the text Green Days By The River
Description: Set Induction – The teacher will enter the classroom and make a general statement: “All men are worthless. They do not know how to treat a woman”. This statement is menat to evoke a response from a very opinionated group of students. After hearing their input, the teacher will ask them to ponder on those thoughts for a bit while we engage in an in-depth discussion of this as it relates to the text Green Days by The River.

The students will then be directed to set up the classroom in the format of a fish bowl. The rules of the class discussion to follow will be explained to them so that all students have a sound understanding of the intended exercise and its purpose.

Those students who had a burning desire to make a response to the teacher’s statement as it relates to the text being discussed were encouraged to take a seat in the fish bowl first. Thorough and in-depth discussion will ensue and all students will be given the opportunity to participate in the fish bowl during the lesson giving their views, using evidence from the text to support their comments.

After the discussion, students will be encouraged to return to their seats and then using the bristol boards provided, créate their own graphic organizers outling their previous views and opinions about the major characters in the text before the discussion and the thoughts and opinions of said characters after the discussion. They will also indicate whether their opinions have in any way changed or have been solidified after the discussion.

These graphic organizers will be presented to the class with an explanation by each student.