
Lessons Plans

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  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Opal Smith-Alexander
  • Number of views: 8634
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Forms of Energy
Description: Step One:
Students will watch a video on chemical energy. Based on the video students will then describe what chemical energy is.

Step Two:
Students will then read from their science book about the sources of chemical energy.

Step Three:
Students will then be introduced to mechanical energy by watching a video on mechanical energy. They will then discuss what mechanical energy is.

Step Four:
In the fish bowl, the panel will discuss "mechanical energy is more relevant to man than chemical energy". The students in the wider circle will make notes based on the outcome of the discussion.

Body parts (anatomy)

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: cristobal martinez
  • Number of views: 10198
Body parts (anatomy)
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Health
Topic: Superior and inferior body parts
Description: Select the topic
I described ours subjects
Set up the room, we put circle or chairs and enough room around the circle for the remaining students to observe what is happening.
Prepare discussion: Like many structured conversations, Fishbowl discussions are most effective when students have had a few minutes to prepare ideas and questions in advance.

The Case for Conchservation

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Bodine V Johnson
  • Number of views: 11296
The Case for Conchservation
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasive Writing: Saving the Conch
Description: *Context* Conch in The Bahamas is slowly becoming endangered due to overfishing and poor regulation of fishing laws. The conch aerates sand, allowing smaller animals to live underwater, provides a source of food for larger organisms, appears on The Bahamas' Coat of Arms and is part of the cultural diet of Bahamians as an internationally acclaimed delicacy. Furthermore, conch shells are used to create jewelry and craft items, and are ground up for calcium carbonate and used in natural supplements. When conch is endangered so is the livelihood of many Bahamians. (lesson can be adapted for any culturally appropriate animal or organism).

Teacher plays the Conch Gone Music Video for students.
CONCH GONE [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCsTSjc4N8
Teacher asks students about the characters represented, which words, phrases or images stood out and why, and what is the message of the song, i.e. how effective is the music video.

Explanation of Objectives:
Teacher outlines the objectives of the lesson and explains what will happen during each of the 3 parts of the course.

Teacher Lecture:
Teacher explains persuasive writing, using the Conch Gone Music video as a guide.

Literary Appreciation:
Teacher provides students the song lyrics, students underline key words and phrases. Students should be able to identify the appeal to logic (industries affected – creative, restaurant, fishing), emotions (loss of income and work, sense of purpose), expert opinion (explaining why the conch is important to the ecosystem)

Teacher divides students into groups of four and explains the purpose of the survey. Surveys are distributed to students. Students are asked to canvas their schoolmates during the break time.

Lesson Two:

Group Presentation: 10 mins
Students share the findings of their survey. They should be able to explain what people know and identify what their presentations should focus on. Teacher facilitates the conversation.

Interviews: 30 mins
BNT Education Officer Agnessa Lundy and Businesswoman, Gandhi Pinder make presentations on Conch and the Bahamian ecosystem and Conch and Bahamian businesses. Student ask additional questions.

Fishbowl Discussion: 10 mins
Students discuss different aspects of the growing conch shortage and implications for Bahamians.

Wrap Up: 5 mins
Students share one sentence/phrase that convinces others to preserve conch which focuses on one of the three forms of persuasion.

Lesson Three:

In Groups students refine the main issue that they want to present on and complete their poems, speeches, presentations, videos, etc.


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Amina Toussaint
  • Number of views: 9146
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Industrial Uses of Electrolysis
Description: Students were placed in pairs and assigned an industrial use of electrolysis. They were required to read the description of their particular industrial use and discuss with the rest of the class what they leaned.

Bicycle Safety

  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 9678
Bicycle Safety
Students’ age range: 00-04
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: 'Travel from here to there"
Description: The students will repeat the rhyme My Little Bicycle while dramatizing the appropriate action
I have my own vehicle
A bicycle is its name
I put on my saftey gear
And ride my bicycle everywhere

Learning experiences:
• The students will be asked if they have bicycles at home.
• Students will be engaged in a discussion about some other ways that they can ensure they are safe while riding their bicycles.
• The students will view a video on their tablets about bicycle saftey. To help them understand the concept of saftey.
• They will discuss and state what is meant by the word safety.
• The students will then state items that can be worn to keep the body safe while riding. After their responses, they will be asked to name each item of safety gear and its use displayed on the table in the classroom.
Students will also be given istructions that should be followed while riding a bicycle, for example, Never ride on a busy road, Always wear protective headgear, Always ride in the presence of adults. The students will then view pictures and will to discuss the bicycle safety measures being depicted in each picture.