
Lessons Plans

Resources Map

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Analysing characters using Fish Bowl Strategy

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Tracey Hinkson
  • Number of views: 8625
Analysing characters using Fish Bowl Strategy
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Analysing A Story
Description: Five children will enter the inner circle and discuss the focus question “Do you think that Fern should have saved Wilbur’s life? Would you have saved Wilbur’s life?
• Two students (moderators) will have a list of additional questions to help the discussion to move along. They will keep time of the circle session to ensure that each child has participated.
• The teacher will observe students to determine if they have any difficulty explaining their opinions or need help to clarify anything.
• One chair is always vacant to give the students the opportunity to enter or leave the discussion quickly.

Analyzing Poetry using Critical Thinking Skills

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Marshalee Laing
  • Number of views: 8044
Analyzing Poetry  using Critical Thinking Skills
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Themes for English B by Langston Huges
Description: Students were asked to :
1. Read the poem prior to being taught as well as do a research on the author Langston Huges
2. Identify the image of Langston Hughes during delivery of the lesson and share information found about him as a result of their research.
3. Teacher will review the poem in the form of whole group discussion
4. Students guided by teacher will share their opinion on at least one literary device coming from the poem

Responding to a Controversial Topic

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Pauline Millar
  • Number of views: 8349
Responding to a Controversial Topic
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Expressing Your Point of View - Argument
Description: The topic for discussion is presented : , “ Popular music encourages violence among youth.”
Voting- Teacher stimulates the development of independent thinking in students by having them vote or take a position on the topic using the Kahoot App. Following feedback on the outcome, students pair with a student with opposiing views to engage in a Think Pair Share. During this exercise students will enhance their sense of fairmindedness (S3) by probing more deeply into their own positions and those of their partner. They will examine the questions. What else do I need to know about this? What do I find interesting about this? What are my views about this? How have my views changed as a result of this interaction? After 10 minutes of discussion, each pair will share one supporting and one opposing argument during whole class discussion which will support students in acquiring intellectual courage and confidence in reason (S6, S9). Each student will select a short text (print or digital) or short video and use Socratic Questioning to examine the use of ethos, pathos and logos as tools of persuasion in the selection. Students will then review the ideas, organization, use of voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions, use of images, colour and music as employed in their text or video.

The Historical Process

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Rochelle Campbell-Fletcher
  • Number of views: 9312
The Historical Process
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Migratory movements and patterns of settlements in the Caribbean
Description: 1. Zoom in method- Teacher will use the zoom in method of a picture of the Jamaica coat of arms which has the inscription ‘Out of many, one people”. Students will be encouraged to share what the inscription means having figured out what the picturerepresents.
2. Trio Discussion – How did all the different groups that now lives in the Caribbean get here? Representatives from each group will share their ideas with the entire class.
3. Students directed my teacher will be directed to the smart board to trace the journey of the Spanish, English, French, African ancestors to the Caribbean
4. Students will read from handouts and discuss where they settled and their contributions to the Caribbean eg. Language, dress, food etc

Location of classroom objects using prepositions

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Shirley Bovell
  • Number of views: 11488
Location of classroom objects using prepositions
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Donde Esta
Description: I started the lesson by greeting the students and stating the objectives to be achieved. Then, I modeled Total Physical Response (TPR) expressing positional terms in the target language using (delante de, detrás de, debajo de, al lado de and encima de) while encouraging whole class participation. Next, they viewed a video using Spanish prepositions and were encouraged to repeat using the target language.

The students did the following in their learning activities:

• Viewed and read flash cards illustrating prepositions in Spanish and English.
• Responded to the question ¿dónde está? by expressing estoy with a Spanish preposition (and the student name) e.g. (estoy delante de Jasara). Multiple students were given the
opportunity to respond.
• Reviewed vocabulary related to preposition from the text book (page 129)
• Worked in groups to correctly match and sequence a set of flash cards in English and Spanish.
• Introduced está by using a student as a example. (Maria está detrás de la mesa).
• Specific students called other students and asked them to hold up their flash card and state where the person was giving appropriate responses in Spanish.
• Completed a written exercise by writing the correct preposition to fill the blanks.
• Students were assessed in the following ways:

In oral/written form to test correct expression and pronunciation while engaging with their peers and by completing a written exercise using prepositions appropriately.

The lesson ended with the students playing “Simon Dice”.