
Lessons Plans

Resources Map

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The Periodic Table

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nadine Williams-Rumble
  • Number of views: 7062
The Periodic Table
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: How Do we Use the first 10 Elements of the Periodic Table
Description: • Students will identify the first 10 elements of the periodic table using available resources.
• Students should be able to explore ways how we use these elements to help us in our way of life
• Students will assess the value of these elements to humans citing relevant sources that show that they are important to our survival
• Students will examine one of the elements and say what are the consequences if this element was not available to be used.

Galapagos Islands land of fire

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Francisco Gallardo
  • Number of views: 10069
Galapagos Islands land of fire
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Biogeography
Description: First of all I would ask this questions to the students, why don't we find mammals, and other kinf od plants that we find in the in the main land in the islands?; and what kind of animals and plants do we find in the islands? and why. Students have 5 minutes to answer this questions then they share what they write with their class, then they have to complete the collaborati ve work, Students write an essay about what is biogeography and explain how the species arrived to the Galapagos islands and state the reasons that this species could afford the long trip from mainland to the islands and how this influence in their evolution. After this students give their argments to the class. Finally teacher clarify what is biogeography and how the species got to the Galapagos islands. The teacher always gives feedback during the class.

Gueridon Service

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Karlene Spence-Smart
  • Number of views: 10368
Gueridon Service
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: Providing Gueridon Service
Description: Behaviour Modeling. (students will watch a video focusing on the steps involved in polishing and cleaning gueridon equipment)
Polishing and cleaning gureidon equipment consistent with enterprise standards and hygiene requirements
Discussion throughout the lesson and students will write journal through Reflective practice.

Safety in the Science Laboratory, Home and Workplace

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Laphane Jones
  • Number of views: 10640
Safety in the Science Laboratory, Home and Workplace
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Safety Precautions in Exploring the Environment
Description: Engage - In groups, students will examine the picture and in a teacher-led discussion, identify the potential dangers seen.
Explore - In groups, students will discuss and record possible outcomes of the potentially dangerous situations identified, and the benefits of carrying out the safe practices in the picture. Students will share ideas with the class.
Explain - In their groups students will develop rules that if carried out will prevent the occurrence of harm/accidents in the laboratory. Rules will be shared with the other members of the class.
Elaborate - Why do you think this sign is used in some places? List potential dangers that may occur in other situations such as the home, restaurant and workplace and develop rules that would help to reduce potentially dangerous situations in the home, restaurant and the workplace

Diseases and their impact on humans

  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Ava Lawrence
  • Number of views: 17001
Diseases and their impact on humans
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Communicable Diseases and Immunity
Description: ACTIVITIES:
Students will do a simulation of the spread of disease: Distribute envelopes with some strips coloured green (infected) and some white. Students are asked move around to music, stop at the end of music, then look in the envelopes. Those with green will whisper to the person beside him/her (repeat 2 time).
All persons hearing green will stand (infected persons). Students will be questioned as to what type of disease is transmitted from one person to another (communicable disease highlighted here). Brainstorm for types of communicable diseases.
1. In small groups, students will use textbooks to research 2 types of communicable diseases, their signs and symptoms (each group will be given a different set). Each group will given a brief introduction of their disease in oral presentation.
2. Using the Compass Point strategy, students will organize their thoughts on ‘Immunity’
Students will be required to view a short movie on immune system.
Students will be provided with the guiding points.

- What is immunity?
- Describe the types of immunity.
- What is immunization and how can they be use in the prevention of communicable diseases?
- What is a vaccine?
Whole class discussion will follow.

In groups, students will create the following:
Create a poster to highlight the types, signs and symptoms of 2 communicable diseases

Discussion will follow.

1. Students will in their groups discuss what is seen on their immunization cards, then research the types of vaccines and create a system ( pamphlet/brochure) that will sensitize their community on why vaccines are important.

2. Using the fishbowl technique students will discuss the importance of vaccinations to individual and community health.

Each group will be place in the middle for each question. Other groups will sit around them. When a group has something to add, they will indicate then join in using the empty chair
Teacher will pose the questions to each group who will share their opinion, as well as use the facts from their research above
Each group will pose 2 questions to those in the circle (2 questions each depending on the time)