
Lessons Plans

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The chinampa mexica, antecedent of hydroponics

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Marcela Domínguez
  • Number of views: 8896
The chinampa mexica, antecedent of hydroponics
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Food self-sufficiency does not depend only on the food industries. The population can generate their own food through urban agriculture with organic resources
Description: Students analyze the type of substrate necessary to germinate each seed, and contrast in which the fastest germination occurs
Put seeds to germinate on different substrates
in the meantime
Research information
Transplant and wait for the harvest
Make the presentation of their project

Functions, Relations and graphs

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Andrea Woodhouse
  • Number of views: 11426
Functions, Relations and graphs
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: functions in real life context
Description: • Teacher will outline the objectives to be met on the chalkboard and explain the importance of learning function, relations and graphs.
• Students will be asked to write the objectives set for the specified time period in their note books and after which teacher will explain the objective so that it is clear to students. In this case, students will know their goal and will work assiduously to achieve it by the end of the session.
• Students will be given 10 words to spell.
• A quick review of previous lesson will be done.
• Quadrants will be explained to students using seating positions. Selected students will be asked which positions they hold based on pairs of coordinates.
• students guided by teacher will then clear up any misconceptions observed.
• Students and teacher will explore relations functions and graphs using powerpoint presentation.
• Students will complete tables to find the corresponding values in a relation or function using worksheet.
• Students will explore a few examples.
• Students will be selected randomly to go to the board to solve similar problems set by the teacher.
• More experiments will be done.
• In groups, students will set up a germination experiment of a seedling. Then determine the function/relationship of the age and height of the seedling over a period of time, (i.e. containers, peas, water, newspaper/cotton/tissue paper). After 3 or 4 days of germinating, observe then measure the height of the seedling (i.e. young plant) with a ruler for at least one school week (5 days). Record the height of the plant in tabular form i.e.
1 3cm
2 6cm
3 9cm
4 12cm
5 15cm

• With teacher’s guidance, discuss observations made after 5 days. Predict the height of the seedling after 6 days, 9 days, 14 days etc. Draw conclusion that there is a relationship between the height and age (i.e. number of days) of the seedling as it germinates.

• As a whole class, note that the seedling grows 3 cm every day, so the height of the seedling is related to its age:
height(age) = (3 x age) cm So, if the age is 10 days, the height is:
• h(10) = (3 x 10) cm = 30 cm

• In pairs, complete the table below. Share and compare results with other pairs and then as a whole class.
age h(age) = (age × 3)cm
0 0
1 3
3.2 9.6
5 15
• In groups, with teacher’s guidance, present the data above on a bar graph using the geogebra software. Share and compare results with other groups and then discuss any patterns formed based on the data shown.

Experiments will be done at home as well as at school. Recordings will be done by each student and comparisons will be made.

• Students will be given oral questions thrown out by the teacher to calculate. The top 3-5 students will be awarded with stickers. This will promote listening skills,...

Hygiene Practices - Washing Hands

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shirley Worrell
  • Number of views: 9163
Hygiene Practices - Washing Hands
Students’ age range: 04-06
Main subject: Health
Topic: Correct Method for Washing of Hands
Description: The lesson begins with students repeating the words of the rhyme :-

‘Wash Hands’

Wash your hands before you eat
Do it every day
And the germs that live in dirt
All will be washed away.

The student then watch a video showing the correct proces for washing one’s hands -
‘Washy Washy Clean’ found on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxlQn7KaCNU)
The teacher discusses the video with the students. The procedure for the washing of the hands as seen in the video are summarized and put into sequence of steps. The teacher asks some students to demonstrate what they learnt from the video. The other members of the class to state if the students are following the correct procedure as demonstrated in the video. The students then using the video as a guide state the steps and correct method to follow to properly wash one’s hands. The class then goes to the face basin and each student is given soap to practice the correct procedure for properly washing hands.

This lesson introduces learners to some of the main issues related to the environment. They focus on expression of certainty and the pronunciation of them. Also, they focus on the lexis in detail wi

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: sonia cisneros
  • Number of views: 9124
This lesson introduces learners to some of the main issues related to the environment. They focus on expression of certainty  and the pronunciation of them. Also, they  focus on the lexis in detail wi
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Global Warming
Description: Warm up:
Tell students that they'll play a game called " Global Warming Darts". They are going to work in group of three students and assemble the pieces to make some words.
To connect the prior knowledge:
- I will ask questions about the causes and possible solutions about global warming
- Dictate some expressions of certainty.
- Check spelling and meaning.
- Ask students to put the expressions in the correct section of the line and check as a whole class.
- Ask students to work in groups.
- Invite the students to read the instructions.
- Ask students to complete the task using the expressions of certainty.
- Walk around the class to provide help.
- Invite the students to read aloud their sentences.
To affirm the knowledge, I will ask them to work in groups again to make a Mindmap about a problem of global warming. They should include a title; description; predictions what’ll happen in the future and a possible solution.
Wrap up:
- Ask student’s to share what did they learn over the lesson today.

Transport In Plants

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nadine Palmer-Been
  • Number of views: 11588
Transport In Plants
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Transpiration
Description: • The topic is to be introduced during a doublé session. Teacher will place a stalk of celery in red food coloring mixed with wáter about one hour before students begin arriving to class.
• Teacher will explain what xylem vessels are. Students will copy and label a diagram of a xylem vessel into their notebooks under the notes on xylem.
• By now the leaves of the celery that was placed into the food coloring should be red. The teacher will explain to the students that the liquid travel from the beaker to the leaves through xylem vessels.
• Each student will them be given a cross section of that same celery and will need to sketch the cross section, labelling the xylem vessels that have been stained red.

• The teacher will then make a longitudinal section of the remaining portion of the celery so that students can see the xylem vessels stained all the way up the stem.

• In the remaining two sessions, the teacher will provide a definition of transpiration for the students. Together we will set up an experiment to investigate how wind speed and temperature affect the rate of transpiration.

• Before the experiment however, we will do the fishbowl exercise to discuss what students think will happen to transpiration when the temperature increases and when the wind speed increases. This will help with their hypothesis.

• The students and teacher together will then mimic those conditions in the laboratory by designing an experiment that shows how increased temperature and windspeed affect transpiration rate.

• Students will record their results, showing how far up the celery stem the dye traveled for the increased temperature and increased windspeed condition, and compare that to how far the dye traveled under ‘normal’ conditions.

• They will plot their results in a graph using https://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createAgraph/

• Students will write a detailed conclusión based on their results and graph.