
Lessons Plans

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Storm Warriors Historical fiction

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Mark Anthony Brown
  • Number of views: 9440
Storm Warriors  Historical fiction
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Storm Warrior
Description: Words were taught in word families, or similar spelling patterns, and only as whole words. The student were not directly taught the relationship between letters and sounds, but learns them through minimal word differences. As the child progresses, words that have irregular spellings were introduced as sight words and copied in note books.
The content was presented in several modalities. Multisensory approaches that employ tracing, hearing, and writing. Multisensory techniques can were used with both phonics and linguistic approaches.
The teacher reads a passage at a fairly rapid rate, with the instructor's voice directed into the student's ear. The teacher begins as the dominant reading voice, but gradually the student spends more time leading these sessions.
Students who read slowly or who hesitated over a number of words but were able to identify most of the words in a sentence. Student were directed to read a passage without errors. This method functions most effectively when it is practiced for short periods.
This approach utilizes each student's oral language level and personal experiences. Material were written by the child and teacher for reading using each child's experience. This was done in small groups of three and individually.
Familiarity with the content and the vocabulary facilitate reading the anchor stories. Each child can develop a chart to be read and re-read. This approach helps children know what reading is and that ideas and experiences can be conveyed in print.

Private Dentist Practice

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Dimitri Dolor
  • Number of views: 9047
Private Dentist Practice
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Description: To start off with student was asked to discuss his general knowledge of running a private practice as a way of previewing the topic under discussion. Following this, student read the article and was asked to think about the context that caused changes in private dental practice, categorising the differences on the board. To further explore the changes the student was asked to use his highlighter to highlight the statements that demonstrated the impact of context – with open discussions explored as brought up by student. Following this the student was asked to think about 3 ways the article may have affected his personal challenges in running his own business. The student was then asked to summarise the article and give a short sentence to explain what the purpose of the article was. Lastly, the student was asked to evaluate the others argument thinking about his overall claim and how his points were supported – referring back to the whiteboard activity to help with this.

Using Persuasive Devices

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: A Tynes
  • Number of views: 8560
Using Persuasive Devices
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasive Writing
Description: Overall, the lesson allowed students to examine and become more familiar with persuasive writing techniques.

1. After students free write on the topic (described above), the teacher will allow several students to share their writing with the class.
2. The teacher will share the lesson’s objectives with students. She will ask them to pay attention to a commercial that she will play. She will then facilitate a large group discussion for about five minutes, asking students question that will lead them into sharing their views in the commercial and the persuasive techniques used in the commercial.
3. She will then allow students the opportunity to form 5 groups. One group will be presented with another commercial to view, two groups will be given a speech and the other two groups will be presented with printed advertisements. Students, once in groups, will engage in the small group discussions as described above.
4. One representative from each group will summarize the content of their advertisements or speeches then will summarize the responses of the group members. The teacher will make note of techniques identified as each group shares.
5. The teacher will recap the various persuasive devices identified and examined by the groups and will also share information on any device that they might have left out.
6. Students will be presented with a list of topics. They will select one, create a outline and write the draft of a persuasive paragraph that will include at least two of the persuasive devices noted in class.
7. Students will exchange papers with a partner and complete a brief peer-review form on their drafts.

Social Networks

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Karina Natalia Figueroa
  • Number of views: 7454
Social Networks
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of social networks
Description: • Activity 1: The teacher shows images and pictures on a Prezi presentation. These make reference to technology, in general, and social networks, in particular. The strategy used in this activity is Zoom.
• Activity 2: The teacher asks students questions so as learners brainstorm their ideas about the topic presented.
• Activity 3: Students complete a “Pros and Cons Grid”. The idea is that they work in small groups and think about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology and social networks in our society. Later, they share their ideas with the whole group.
• Activity 4: Students complete a KWL chart. They have to think what they “KNOW”, what they “WOULD” like to know, and at the end of the lesson or unit of work, they complete the last column of the chart: what they have “LEARNT”. This activity is carried out on their laptops, they have to use a link on Google Drive which is provided by the teacher.
• Activity 5: Students and teacher watch a video about a girl who was a victim of cyberbullying and grooming. The teacher has a list of questions to guide students so as they have the possibility to reflect on the topic.
• Activity 6: Students work in small groups on a document on Google Drive. Each group has to look for a piece of news or video about a case related to dangers and risks of using social networks. They have to complete a chart which is on the file: case, causes, consequences, actions to be carried out / pieces of advice.

Argumentative Essay Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sherine McFarlane
  • Number of views: 21289
Argumentative Essay Writing
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Is cheating getting better or worse in schools?
Description: To begin the lesson the teacher will present the topic to students and briefly discuss the lesson’s objectives.

Teacher will use the compass point strategy as a prompt to get students to start thinking and recording their thoughts on cheating in schools. Students will then be instructed to draw the compass points and complete the questions. (Teacher will allow students to share their responses with the entire class).

Students will be randomly placed in groups of three. Each group will create a graphic organizer stating the pros and cons of cheating in school.
(After each group has developed the grid it will be invited to share its views and reasons with the class, and identify the major arguments as compared to the minor arguments.
The teacher will use students’ responses to create a large Pros and Cons grid on the board. Teacher and students will discuss the grid in details).
Students will then be introduced to the article on cheating in schools

Another teacher will visit the class a resource personnel. This teacher will discuss the article with students who would have already read it and wrote their concerns prior to the teacher’s visit.

Out of Class Assignment: Students will be instructed to read other articles on cheating in schools. They will also be asked to write their questions in preparation for the fish bowl session.

When students return to class they will utilise the fish bowl strategy to further explore the topic cheating in schools. To begin the fish bowl, the inner circle or fish bowl will consist of one member from each group. (The teacher will also create the rules with students and discuss same before the activity begins).

Teacher will ask students to reflect on the discussions during the fish bowl activity and all they have learnt about cheating in schools from other discussions thus far and then take a position/stance on it. Using the Cubing strategy, students will then write two arguments in support of their position and one against it. This will be done as fast writing activity without attention to structure and spelling.

Teacher will then take students through a video on argumentative writing using the multi-media projector. Teacher will pause the video at intervals to entertain and discuss any questions that students may have.

Students will then be asked to use the tablets (provided by the school) and log on to the internet where in pairs they will watch the introduction of the argumentative essay. Students will then use their previously identified arguments to create an argumentative introductory paragraph.

Students will then be placed in groups of four where they will compare their introductions and use their collaborative ideas to create an introduction for the group essay. Students will then proc...