
Lessons Plans

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usage of articles

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: simone renfurm
  • Number of views: 8109
usage of articles
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: articles
Description: Before I start, I tell the students that a prize can be won if they complete the task in their group. I also give them the instructions. First listen then write only the articles and nouns in your notebooks. Then you sit in your group and I appoint a team leader. You will have to discuss the usage of the article within you group and correct where necessary. I will read a passage. There will be an incorrect usage of the articles . the students listen to a passage that I read two to three times and each time I come across an article they have to write down the article that is used and the noun that follows.
After that I put them in groups and they have to look at each others list to see if they have the same things that was read out loud.

They then have to correct where the article is used incorrectly and discuss amongst themselves why it is used incorrectly.

Here they also practise the pronunciation of the nouns.

Persuasive Speech

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tasha-Gay Swaby- Allen
  • Number of views: 15601
Persuasive Speech
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasion in Speech
Description: Step One {5 minutes}
Students will be instructed to view a brief clipping from the movie A Time to Kill. Teacher will give the following Guided questions before viewing of film:
? Who is the speaker and why is he speaking?
Expected responses: The speaker is a lawyer and he is speaking in defense of his client/ he wants his client to receive a fair trial
? To whom is he speaking?
Expected responses: He is speaking to the jury/ persons who will decide the fate of his client.
? Are you able to identify any technique or device that grabbed your attention? Give an example
Expected responses: rhetorical question, loaded words, appeal to emotion, and use of anecdote.
? How did this speech make you feel?
Expected responses: I feel angry, sad, hurt, sympathy for the defendant, admiration and respect for the lawyer.
Developmental Activities
Step Two: Activity 1 {5 minutes}
Teacher will engage students in a discussion based on the guided questions related to the film viewed earlier. Volunteers will supply answers to each question followed by a brief discussion. Teacher will conduct a brief Question and Answer segment on famous speeches:
? What are some famous speeches that you have heard?
? Why do you think that these speeches have become so well-known?
Activity 2 (5 minutes)
Teacher will give students hand outs with a brief extract from Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Teacher will read the speech first then students and teacher will read the speech together and then identify the dominant techniques and devices used. Students will share opinions on why they think this speech has endured the test of time. Why are we still reading and enjoying this speech today?
Activity Three (10 minutes)
Teacher will ask “what are the unique characteristics of a speech as opposed to an essay?”
Expected responses: The speech must focus more on audience; the audience may be addressed specifically for example, ‘ladies and gentlemen’. Also, in the speech, the speaker pauses for effect, makes eye-contact, stands in a particular way, pauses after asking a rhetorical question, and so on.
Teacher will then hand out graphic presentation of the unique characteristics of a speech encompassing all those characteristics mentioned as well as other characteristics.
Step Three: Activity 1 (5 minutes)
In groups of three, students will discuss for 5 minutes and come up with an interesting topic they would like to write a speech on. They will write three or four opening sentences of a speech that they will eventually write, to persuade a selected audience. One student from each group will present the mini-speech to the class.
In groups of three, select an interesting topic that you would like to speak about. Write three or four opening sentences for a speech to be presented to the class. Be sure to use at least two techniques in these sentenc...

Decipher the meaning of unkown words

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sadreka Shand-Black
  • Number of views: 11198
Decipher the meaning of unkown words
Students’ age range: 18+
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Context Clues
Description: Introductory Activity: The lesson will be introduced by informing students that they will be learning a strategy for figuring out the meaning of words. Students will be asked if they know the strategy that is used for figuring out words. Expected response: context clues

Step 1: Students will imagine that they are in a restaurant and reading a menu. Under the dessert section of the menu, they see the item creamy, cold grape nut. Students will then be asked to figure out the clue that they saw in the dessert. Expected response: it is a dessert and it is described as cold and creamy.
Step 2: Students will be asked to think of three ways that the word “bill” is used in context. Example: 1. statement of amount owed 2. paper money 3. bird’s beak
Step 3: The following sentence will be written on the instructional board. “We have not received a bill for the stove we bought”. Students will then review the word “bill” as used in step 3 to figure out the correct usage of the “bill” as used in context. They will be required to give the correct response. Expected response: number 1
Step 4: Students will be informed that sometimes there is not enough information in one sentence to determine the meaning of the unknown word. They may need to read surrounding sentences to help.
Step 5: Students will be asked to state what “elepods” could be. Expected response: “elepods” is a nonsense word that could be any article of clothing that may be worn at the pool
Step 6: The following sentence will be written on the instructional board. “The girls wanted to show off their pretty painted toenails”. Students will be told that if they read this next, they could tell clearly what the meaning of “elepods” since it gives the clue about showing off their toenails.
Step 7: Students will be told that from this example, we can determine that “elepods” are sandals or flip-flops.

Speaking and Expressing Myself

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jade Tingling
  • Number of views: 10043
Speaking and Expressing Myself
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Oral Presentations
Description: Engagement: The lesson will commence with the students being told the objective of the lesson, as well as, the importance of good oral communication skills. The students will be introduce to the fishbowl method and the students will state what they think it’s about.
DAY 1- Exploration and Elaboration
• The students will view a PowerPoint tutorial about the fishbowl discussion method. The tutorial will have an overview of the method along with rules to follow while partaking in the activity.
• The students will be given the topic “The Impact of Social Media on Teens”. They will be asked to brainstorm, individually, about at least 10 points, ideas, vocabulary or phrases that can be discussed.
• The class will be rearranged for the fishbowl activity. The teacher will take part in the activity to model the method.
• A 10-15 minutes discussion will ensue about the topic, and at every 3 minutes intervals, three of the most involved members will be swapped out for someone in the outer circle until every member of the class has contributed to the discussion. Students will be reminded of the rules during the discussion.
• As a whole group, the students will highlight some of the points that resonated with them throughout the discussion, and will state additional information that could be added. The following questions will be asked:
? What did you observe during the discussion of the text?
? What is one thing you heard that you agree with?
? What is one thing you heard that you disagree with?
? How did you feel while on the outside of the fishbowl?
? How did you feel while on the inside of the fishbowl?
• Lesson will be recapped
DAY 2- Exploration and Elaboration
• The lesson will be recapped with a toss ball activity.
• Students will be given a new topic, “The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy”. Students will be given 10-15 minutes to brainstorm and research at least 10 ideas or points about the topic.
• Students will then commence the fishbowl method of discussion. At every 3 minutes intervals, three of the most involved members will be swapped out for someone in the outer circle until every member of the class has contributed to the discussion. Students will be reminded of the rules during the discussion.
• As a whole group, the students will highlight some of the points that resonated with them throughout the discussion, and will state additional information that could be added. The following question will be asked:
? What did you observe during the discussion of the text?
? What is one thing you heard that you agree with?
? What is one thing you heard that you disagree with?
? How did you feel while on the outside of the fishbowl?
? How did you feel while on the inside of the fishbowl?
• The lesson will be recapped
DAY 3- Exploration and Elaboration
• The previous lessons will be recapped and misconceptions clarified.
• Stude...

Theme: Attitude towards Work or Nation Building

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Bobbette Barrett
  • Number of views: 10328
Theme: Attitude towards Work or Nation Building
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Poetry Appreciation: Identifying Literary Devices
Description: Engage: Six selected students will be asked to share their experience of either farming or the market place. Two of the students will talk about farming, two will talk about the market and two will illustrate through drawing of pictures of (one student) things that can be found in the market place and (one student) those used for farming. These accounts and drawings of experiences are geared towards helping students to understand and appreciate the time, effort and energy farmers put in to care for others by first caring for their crops. A brief revision on the literary devices looked at in class will be done to stimulate students’ prior knowledge which will be needed to make connections to this lesson. Students will be asked to explain five of the literary devices explored and provide one example of each: simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, mood and tone. (15mins)

Explore: Students will be asked to listen to a recorded reading of the poem “Market Women”. While they are listening, they should make note of all the words/phrases/expressions that they do not readily understand. These words will then be discussed and meanings clarified where ever necessary. (5 mins)
Expected words to be selected are in bold: Stride: walk stirred the steep dark: farmed the bred, and dug and reaped: cared for the plants and harvested them toil: work hand-maids: women
The students will be asked to turn to page 329 in The New Language Arts textbook and read aloud the poem: “Market Women” by Daisy Myrie in order to answer questions which will be posed to them later. After the reading, two students will be asked to explain the similarities and one student to explain the differences between the experiences shared at the beginning and the one shared in the poem. The intention here is to assist students to make the connection between the written work and the real-life experiences. (5 mins) ((The DRTA Strategy will be employed here.))

Explain: Students will now be asked to think critically about the farmers’ attitude towards farming as well as feeding the town people and share how they know the farmers care about/for the food they grow. This will be done individually. Two selected students will be asked to state and support the mood that can be found at the end of the poem. Teacher input and feedback will be provided when and where needed. (15mins)

Extended: Students will now be given a list of questions relating to the poem which they will answer in their notebooks. These questions are to further assist students to understand and appreciate the creative beauty of the poem as well as the experience shared through words. (15mins)
What does the poet suggest about farming?
Which word(s) best describe(s) the mood of the market women?
List two of the literary devices used in the poem and explain each effectiveness in enhancing the theme emerging from it. What is the poet’s feeli...