
Lessons Plans

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Letter Writing

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Kaysian Brown
  • Number of views: 11225
Letter Writing
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Letter of Apology
Description: Procedure
Teacher will give each student a diagram to view and discuss. Students will review the different parts of the letter and highlight the functions they serve.
Students will participate in a Treasure Hunt exercise where the teacher reads clues for students to find various parts of a letter. After all the pieces to the letter has been found, the students will organize the pieces of the sample letter in logical order then paste them on the board.
Students will read and discuss the information presented in the letter. The teacher may use the following guided questions:
? What is the letter about?
? Who did something wrong?
? How does Amy try to correct the problem she created?
? If you were Margeret, would you forgive her?
Students will copy the letter mounted on the board in their notebooks as an example.
Using the Jigsaw Discussion strategy, students will discuss essential details to be included in the letter of apology. Each group of three will act as one unit in the discussion.
Both students and teacher will generate a checklist of important details to include in the letter of apology.
In groups of three, students will consider the scenario, given through a role play, that a friend was offended by a remark that you made about him/ her being greedy. They are to discuss how they will go about apologizing and say what is essential to include.
Students will be instructed to write a letter of apology to a friend who you offended by a remark that you made about him/ her being greedy.
Students will be instructed to take a stamp and an envelope to the next class.

What is weather?

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Alexia Clarke
  • Number of views: 8442
What is weather?
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Weather and Climate
Description: Introduction: Teacher will welcome class and ask for students to pay attention and watch a clip.-(weather being done right by chief Meterologist Basil Dean) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXJsfFK1loU 48 sec -1:27. Teacher will then probe students asking what are we watching? What part of the world is this? How do you know? Teacher will go on to confirm that the topic today is What is weather?

Review: Teacher will then have student groups to model a kwl chart that she is drawing on the board on chart paper. Teacher will ask student groups to write 3 things down that they know about weather in the k side of the chart. Teacher will then have students share their prior knowledge with the class and record one response from each group in the k side of the chart. After teacher will ask for students to write 3 questions they have or things they want to learn on the L side of the chart.
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Teacher will then ask probing to get students to come up with the definition of weather. Students will answer probing questions to come up with the definition of weather.
Teacher will record definition on the board. Students will mimic this by recording definition in their notebooks.
Teacher will continue to probe and ask students who Mr Dean is? What is his role? Why is this an essential part of every newscast? Teacher will record responses that have definitions. Students will respond to probing questions.
Students will record definitions in their books.
Teacher will play the weather report video again from where it left off to 1:30-1:50. Teacher will then ask what does Mr. Dean refer to this section of the report as. Why would a person want to listen to this part? Students will listen to the next section of weather report and answer probing questions. Students will verbally give a reason why a person may want to listen to this section.
Teacher will then continue to probing highlighting the fact that Basil Dean report included numbers for various things. Teacher will instruct each group to name three things that Basil Dean mentioned. Students will write down three things that Basil Dean discussed involving numbers or measurements.
Teacher will explain that these things are what makes up the weather or the various changes in the atmosphere and are called weather elements. Students will actively listen to teacher’s explanation.
Teacher will then hand out short poem to each group what makes the weather. Teacher will have one student from each group read poem aloud then instruct students to fill out answers about weather elements in their notebooks based on poem. Students will listen to poem being read then fill out answers in notebooks.
Teacher will reveal the answers of the poem. Students will mark their responses.
Teacher will then give student groups an index card. Students will use the map of the world in the map center to locate the a...

Crown Colony Government

  • 29 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kellie Brown
  • Number of views: 10425
Crown Colony Government
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Geroge Phenney
Description: The previous lesson was revised as this would be the base of the current lesson. Students were allowed to answer questions within their groups to determine if the level of understanding of the topic thus far. Students were then lead in a discussion on the present topic; taking note of keywords and key points. Lastly, the class was placed in groups to create a biography of Woodes Rodgers.

Private Dentist Practice

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Dimitri Dolor
  • Number of views: 9367
Private Dentist Practice
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Description: To start off with student was asked to discuss his general knowledge of running a private practice as a way of previewing the topic under discussion. Following this, student read the article and was asked to think about the context that caused changes in private dental practice, categorising the differences on the board. To further explore the changes the student was asked to use his highlighter to highlight the statements that demonstrated the impact of context – with open discussions explored as brought up by student. Following this the student was asked to think about 3 ways the article may have affected his personal challenges in running his own business. The student was then asked to summarise the article and give a short sentence to explain what the purpose of the article was. Lastly, the student was asked to evaluate the others argument thinking about his overall claim and how his points were supported – referring back to the whiteboard activity to help with this.

Ecuadorian Ethnic groups

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jorge Hamilton Leal Cevallos
  • Number of views: 8586
Ecuadorian Ethnic groups
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Ecuadorian Ethnic groups
Description: In order to create a learning environment, an icebreaker activity is developed. In order to activate students previous knowledge a map of Ecuador is showed to them. After that, the teachers introduces the topic and the content objective to the pupils. Next, the teacher explains the students what they will do after the class.
Markers and vocabulary quilts are provided to the students. After that the teacher asks students that, focused in the topic to draw/write their own ideas, background knowledge about the new topic. The teacher emphasizes students that at this stage of the class there are not right or wrong answers in order to promote the whole class participation. After that, the teacher asks students to share their information, ideas and opinions with the small group and the rest of the class. For the second stage of the lesson which is the part where the content is provided to students by the teacher. The educator presents students specific information about the topic while students watch and listens the data about the topic they could made connections with their previous knowledge. Next the teacher provides students sticky notes to add more words in the vocabulary quilt and at the same time that learners have opportunity to reflect about the new input. The intentionality of this action was based in the premise that at this moment students get a better understanding and had the opportunity to compare other’s understanding.
For the affirmation phase, formative assessment is used. The teacher asks questions about the topic so he could figures out if the students get the new information. The teacher confirm the knowledge or reinforced it with the use of different techniques like revoice, rephrase, modeling and asking for the participation from other members of the community of learners.