
Lessons Plans

Resources Map

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  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Pamela Ifill
  • Number of views: 8720
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Using the Jigsaw Strategy to learn about Water
Description: Students were invited to listen to a song called “Water, Water” and questioned to determine what the lesson would be about. Having determined it would be about wáter, pupils were told that they would be using the Jigsaw Strategy to research different facts about wáter in their groups in order to compile a class booklet on the topic. Through questioning, the Jigsaw method was reviewed.

Students were placed in Jigsaw groups (small groups of four students. The students were asked to number themselves one through four in each Jigsaw group until everyone had a number. All the students numbered one were asked to leave their original groups to form an expert group. This was repeated for the other numbers until four expert groups were formed. The different topics to be researched were placed in a box- uses, sources, properties, conservation, pollution, workers associated with wáter. Each group was instructed to select a leader who was then invited to pull a topic from the box.

In their expert groups, pupils used the Internet, reference books and prior knowledge to find at least 6 facts related to their topic. Students used questioning, brainstorming and other strategies to gather the needed information. Each person also completed the part of the concept map which related to their topic.

After the alotted time, each student was asked to return to his/her original group (Jigsaw group) to share what they had learned.through discussion and recording on chart paper. Concepts maps were also completed as various group members shared the information learned in their expert groups.

The teacher walked around during this process, making notes of students’ participation, etc. and recorded on the rubric whether they were exhibiting the appropriate behaviours during the activity.

Gravimetric Analysis

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Patricia Imara Murray
  • Number of views: 9007
Gravimetric Analysis
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Students will learn about the different forms of Gravimetric Analysis.
Description: Students will listen to a PowerPoint presentation (From Slideshare) by the teacher on Gravimetric Analysis (10 mimutes). The teacher will then write the following questions on the black board giving the students ONE minute to answer each question before the next one is written on the board (5 minutes). Questions:
• What did you learn that you did not know before?
• What would you like to learn more about?
• What did you find difficult to understand?
• What did you find easy to understand?
The teacher will then allow students to read their answers to the questions and will explain that as the lesson progresses, students should attempt to think about their answers to the questions and search to clarify what they found difficult to understand.
They will then receive instructions on what they will be required to do for the lesson and will be allowed a minute to get into their groups (which are mixed ability and chosen by the teacher beforehand). Students will then use their personal devices to Access the website http://www.ecs.umass.edu/cee/reckhow/courses/572/572bk15/572BK15.html
In their groups, they will read and discuss the website. They will be allowed to complete the compass points on the chart paper which that paper had previously put up around the lab (30 minutes).
Once all the groups have written on the chart paper (10 minutes), students will return to their seats and the teacher will invite students to discuss the responses under the compass points. The teacher will encourage students through class discussion and questioning to clarify misconceptions (15 minutes). After the discussion, students will be given a written assessment on Gravimetric Analysis (10 minutes).
Students will then be allowed to answer the same four questions given at the beginning of the lesson each at ONE minute intervals (4 minutes). Students will be allowed to then indicate if their answers had changed and how they could go about either learning more or improving the áreas they found difficult to understand (5 minutes). Teacher will close the lesson by giving a follow up activity.


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: CECILIA UBE
  • Number of views: 9895
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Foreign languages
Description: 1. Know and understand the question “what time is it?”
2. Say the time.
3. Know the time for (breakfast, lunch, dinner, go bed, go school).
4. Know the bithday’s date.
5. Know the Word “when”.
6. Know the months of the year.
7. Spell simple words about birthday’s party.
8. Know phonics (short u, long u)

Short Story Development

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Alethia-Elizabeth Brown
  • Number of views: 9378
 Short Story Development
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Analyzing the Setting of a Short Story 'Pig Money'
Session 1
The first session of this lesson lasted for 1 hour
Step1- The lesson aims and objectives were communicated to the class in a whole group setting.
Step2- Students were instructed to sit in groups of five according to their learning styles (These groups were pre-determined). Each group was given a stimulus to analyse according to learning styles. For example, the visual learners got a picture of a place. The auditory learners were instructed to listen to the sounds created in a particular place. The tactile learners were given a painting of a place done in mosiac form.
Step 3- Students then shared their observations/perceptions of the place they were given in the stimuli. From here the concept of setting was introduced.
Step 4- By combining the ideas given by each group, students were asked to formulate definitions of setting. all definitions were written on the white board.
Step 5- Students were asked to revisit the stimuli and assess the extent to which a person may be affected by each setting. Full explanations were encouraged. Why do you think the person may be affected in this way? How would another setting impact him or her? What can you say then about the impact of setting on a character?
Step 6- The responses to the preceding questions were shared and discussed as a whole class.
Step 7- The lesson was re-capped and the main points highlighted.
End of Session 1
Session 2- 1 hour
Step 6- As a whole group, students' attention was turned to drawn to the short story under discussion- 'Pig Money'. Students were asked to work in groups of three to delineate aspects of the setting as discussed in session one. The main points were written on the white board.
Step 7- Bearing the points from step six in mind, students were again assembled in their learning groups to re-create the setting of the short story. That is by drawing it, painting it, creating an auditory representation of it etc.

Soluble and Insoluble Substances in water

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tracey Archer
  • Number of views: 12194
Soluble and Insoluble Substances in water
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Natural Resources-Soluble and Insoluble
Description: The lesson will begin with the students being encouraged to pick a partner and assembly by a workstation already set up in the classroom. There will be 7 workstations for each pair of students. At each station, students will observe two pre-prepared, unlabelled mixtures, to be discussed with their partner. These findings will then be shared and discussed in Large Group Discussion. Students will then be informed of the identity of the contents of each unlabelled container. They will be questioned as to process and phenomenon which caused the appearance of each mixture. Students will be encouraged note the colour and consistency of each mixture. There are also to note and discuss any separation of the substances in the beaker.
Students will be introduced to the terms soluble and insoluble via a short video clip that displays similar mixtures provided by explanations for what will be observed in the containers provided at the stations. Students will be encouraged to investigate and experiment in pairs, using replicas of the ingredients used for the pre-prepared mixtures to be able to classify substances according to their solubility water. Students will use sugar, salt, cooking oil, sand, each in four separate beakers of water. Students will watch as the teacher demonstrates how to use the materials provided to create a mixture. Students will be encouraged to jot down all observations during the experiment in their notebooks. Using a teaspoon, samples of each substance will be added to water and stirred for at least one minute. Each person in the pair at each station will choose to create two mixtures and discuss their findings together. The pair who completes the task first will have the opportunity to present their findings to the class.