
Lessons Plans

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How Painkillers work?

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Yolanda Viguria
  • Number of views: 8421
How Painkillers work?
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Health
Topic: Pharmacology of Painkillers, groups, mechanism of action, use and side effects.
Description: -Students would receive a guide with the lesson to be discussed, they could prepare their answer at home and come to class with previously read material.
-Students would sit in groups of 5 and 6 previously randomly selected. Each group would include a teacher moderator.
- Two cases that have previously delivered would we discussed following some questions, the most important one is, “what is the medication used” (which is not mentioned in the case). The case will give hints about what the medication could have been used like side effects, the disease being treated, the lenght of the effect therefore students will give comments argumenting with what they have read previoulsy. The teacher moderator would emphazise the most important comments and the discussion will end with the answer solved with the agreemen of each member of the group and will present their conclusion to the whole class at the end.
-At the final 10 minutes of the class, every group will give their conclusions and the teachers moderators will give the take-home ideas that should clarify how pain killers works, what differentiate one group of another, what are their main uses and efficacy, side effects and when you should not used it. Those are discussed in the case and argue in the case questionary.

Compound words

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tamar Amos-Thompson
  • Number of views: 11302
Compound words
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: How can I identify compound words and use them correctly
Ice Breaker/ Motivation

? The teacher will model song about compound words. The students will join in singing the song. The students will solve the brain teaser given to find as many compound words as posible using two words to make one, the student who finds the most t the end of the timer will be awarded a sticker.

? Try to define the meaning of the Word compound words without the use of a dictionary. This will be done in groups and the teacher will utilise the hand in, pass out strategy. Each group will be given a blank paper on which to write their understanding of what they think a compound Word is. At the end they will Exchange their definition for others to read and agree whether it is a feasible response or not.
? Read meaning on a chart displayed “ A compound Word is a Word that is made up of two smaller words to make a new word.
? The students will give their responses of examples of compound words.
Partner Activity
? Teacher will group students in groups of 5’s
? A writer and a reporter will be assigned to each group.
? Hand out small square picturesbof compound words, scissors, glue, markers and construction paper.
? Each group will work together to match words to créate the compound words that is shown in the picture. Students will then cuto ut the picturea and glue them unto the construction paper to créate a compound Word. They will then use markers to insert the plus sign and equal sign and paste the compound Word created at the end. For example


? Teacher will monitor and supervise as well as using the oral questioning technique to see whether students understand what they are doing.

? Groups will be given ten minutes each to make a presentation on what they have done.

? They students will be given a game card to play “Compound words and Ladder.” Here the card will have words as well as snakes. The student will be given a dice to throw. He or she cannot play unless the dice lands on six. After which the student will move accordingly as the number the dice lands on. The trick here is that if the child land on the head of the snake, must move down to the tail of the snake. The winner will be the first person to reach the top and will identify all the compound words that they encountered.

Whole Group

? Use the compound words encountered from the Compound word ladder to créate sentences of their own. They will underline the compound Word used then separate root words. For example :- Mary got a football for her gift. The Word football is a compound Word. The two words that were joint together to make one are foot and ball.

Describe the evaluation process / evaluation instrument (150 words max):
A combination of worsheet, Word card as well as the metacognition table will be used.

Sample 1- Metacognition Table (ALL Students)


National Heroes of Barbados

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Gale Carter
  • Number of views: 11436
National Heroes of Barbados
Students’ age range: 00-04
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Our Heroes are Jewels in our Country's Crown
Description: The topic for the day National Heroes of Barbados, will be given to the students. An introductory question will be asked “what do you know about the national heroes of Barbados?” Students will turn and share with a peer for about 5 minutes what they know. Following this five minutes, one child from each pair will share with the class what they know about the National Heroes of Barbados. The students will be asked if there is anything in particular which they wish to know about the national heroes and these responses will be recorded by the teacher.

With the use of the display board and pictures of the national heroes being displayed the students will engage in discussion with the teacher, repeating the name of each hero and a general fact about each one. Attributes about the heroes will be noted such as how many male heroes, how many female heroes, how many are dead and how many are still living. Students will view a video clip about the national heroes and identify the name of each hero as the picture flashes across the screen. Pictures of the national heroes will be distributed to the students and as the teacher points to the pictures of the heroes on the display board the children holding those pictures will stand and say the name of that hero.

Students will engage in the singing of the song Barbados Has Ten Heroes and perform the finger plays which accompanies the song. Students will listen to pre-recorded songs about different heroes and dance to the beat and rhythm in the songs.

Participating in the formal communication Process

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Valissa Hewitt
  • Number of views: 10386
Participating in the formal communication Process
Students’ age range: 18+
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Participating in the formal communication Process
Description: 1. Show a video presentation on a poorly conducted meetings.
2. In groups ask the class to identify the errors by writing on a flip chart and making their presentation.
3. Ask the class to recommend ways in which the meeting could have been conducted differently
4. Ask class in groups to research while in class meeting procedures give an assignment.
You have been invited to make a presentation to your peers on “The importance of meeting procedures”. Prepare your presentation using suitable presentation software and as is necessary role-play situations that will significantly highlight your points.

5. Guest lecturer to talk on meetings.
6. Introduce interview by showing a video presentation on interviews. Discussion to follow.
7. Give assignment: Working in small teams, assess the following situations and develop a questionnaire of 12 possible questions that may be asked. Demonstrate this in the form of a role play.
Have your teammates assess the question and answer session and make recommendations where necessary.

• An interviewee for a junior position in the organization

• An interviewee for a promotion
• disciplinary situation
• An interviewee for an entry-level position in accounting.
• An interviewee for employment after probationary period

6. Discuss active listening with class
7. Give scenario to roleplay:

Working in small groups, simulate an interview scenario.
You are being interviewed for a junior position within the organization. On arrival you see a number of persons seated in the waiting area; without asking any questions of the receptionist, you take a seat unknowingly that the persons are for a more senior position and that your interview is in another waiting.
• You take up a form, fill out the necessary information and wait to be acknowledged by the panel in the room.
• Your turn has come and you enter the room for the interview.
• Give an ending to the scenario and demonstrate the use of active listening and questioning during the interviewing process.

Teaching to promote critical thinking skills in sustainable energy management in the home and classroom

  • 18 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 7828
Teaching to promote critical thinking skills in sustainable energy management in the home and classroom
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Saving energy
Description: Content has been condensed from pages 36 – 43 of the text book “Learn and Save” student are ask to read this content ahead of the class Energy in our daily lives i. In the home – lighting, heating, cooling, entertainment and driving motors ii. Commercial – offices (printers, copiers) Hospitals- diagnostic machines, production of steam Hotels – large lighting systems Shopping malls- large lighting area iii. Industrial – manufacturing – producing products iv. Transport – producing a force to move from place to place Special consideration We need energy to make our lives more comfortable but we must use energy with a clear understanding that its production and use impacts the world negatively when it create waste or deplete resources Consider energy alternatives - Consider a light bulb; two things are important the light to heat ratio and the efficiency which is the relative energy required to produce the level of brightness. - What is meant be recycling and give examples of materials which can be recycled Activities Introduction – using academic conversation Teacher raises the question “what is energy?” Students are asked to write down their definition and teacher select students across the room to read what they have. Teacher asks if any other student has a similar definition. During reading the definitions, teacher records key words used in the definition on the board and uses them to stimulates a discussion General discussion During discussion students are expected to provide definition, instances of energy use in school and at home as well as work done by this energy. Teacher ask the question “do we need energy?, where do we get the energy from?, what happens when our energy gets low?” Teacher asks question “what makes energy? How is energy made? Can we see energy? How do we know that energy exist? can we run out of energy? Can all the energy in the universe be used up?” Teacher expects student to start thinking about the fact that we only experience energy when it does work and make our lives easier. How does energy make our lives easier? Teacher takes the responses to the question around the room Teacher listens to the argument of the children and guides the discussion towards energy consumption at school and at home. Focus questions: 1. Is it important to be concerned about the use of energy at home? Give reason for your answer 2. Is it important to be concerned about the use of energy at school? Give reason for your answer Focus points for extension of the discussion “I really don’t pay the energy bill at school so why should I be concerned about energy usage at school” Individual students are given the opportunity to present ideas on each focus questions. As each speaks the others take notes to: Accept content -Ask questions to learn more-Question a point made without evidence The notes are not used until each student has been given 1 minute to address the question Role of the teacher is to: a. Be an arbiter managing who speaks and when and for how long b. Assess students participation c. At the end of the discussion teacher ask students if they have increased their knowledge on importance of energy in the home and at school. Socratic seminar Student are divided into groups and each group is given a different piece of text relating to “the energy crisis” Make students know that this is not a debate but an opportunity to explore different ideas. Rather than contradict student asks questions to clarify an idea and generate new tho...