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  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Elva Brown
  • Number of views: 10148
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Transport in Cells
Description: Students already that osmosis is the process by which there is a net movement of wáter molecules from an area of high wáter concentration to a low wáter concentration through a selectively permeable membrane.
Cell loses wáter in hypertonic solutions, cell contents move away from cell walls as vacuole shrinks. Cell becomes flaccid (limp). Cell gains wáter in hypotonic solutions, vacuole increases in size, pressing cytoplasm against cell walls. Cell becomes firm.
1. Introduction: Students placed in groups of threes and given a set of letters to unscramble to identify the topic of the lesson ‘Transport in Cells’.
2. Students will be shown a short video of an experiment demonstrating
Osmosis with instructions to listen and give unfamilar terms Heard in the video.
3. Discussion of unfamilar terms definition between teacher and students.
4. Students will use information gained from video and discussion to predict/infer the type of solutions in which each potato strip was in that was set-up beforehand.
5. Students will be given a table with the original length of potato strips at the start of the experiment to complete. Students will remove potato strips from solutions, dry and measure each strip and record measurements in table.

Solution in beaker
Initial potato strip length (cm) Final potato strip length (cm) Change in length (%) Inference




6. Students will use information to plot a graph.

Persuasive Speech

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tasha-Gay Swaby- Allen
  • Number of views: 7655
Persuasive Speech
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasion in Speech
Description: Step One {5 minutes}
Students will be instructed to view a brief clipping from the movie A Time to Kill. Teacher will give the following Guided questions before viewing of film:
? Who is the speaker and why is he speaking?
Expected responses: The speaker is a lawyer and he is speaking in defense of his client/ he wants his client to receive a fair trial
? To whom is he speaking?
Expected responses: He is speaking to the jury/ persons who will decide the fate of his client.
? Are you able to identify any technique or device that grabbed your attention? Give an example
Expected responses: rhetorical question, loaded words, appeal to emotion, and use of anecdote.
? How did this speech make you feel?
Expected responses: I feel angry, sad, hurt, sympathy for the defendant, admiration and respect for the lawyer.
Developmental Activities
Step Two: Activity 1 {5 minutes}
Teacher will engage students in a discussion based on the guided questions related to the film viewed earlier. Volunteers will supply answers to each question followed by a brief discussion. Teacher will conduct a brief Question and Answer segment on famous speeches:
? What are some famous speeches that you have heard?
? Why do you think that these speeches have become so well-known?
Activity 2 (5 minutes)
Teacher will give students hand outs with a brief extract from Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Teacher will read the speech first then students and teacher will read the speech together and then identify the dominant techniques and devices used. Students will share opinions on why they think this speech has endured the test of time. Why are we still reading and enjoying this speech today?
Activity Three (10 minutes)
Teacher will ask “what are the unique characteristics of a speech as opposed to an essay?”
Expected responses: The speech must focus more on audience; the audience may be addressed specifically for example, ‘ladies and gentlemen’. Also, in the speech, the speaker pauses for effect, makes eye-contact, stands in a particular way, pauses after asking a rhetorical question, and so on.
Teacher will then hand out graphic presentation of the unique characteristics of a speech encompassing all those characteristics mentioned as well as other characteristics.
Step Three: Activity 1 (5 minutes)
In groups of three, students will discuss for 5 minutes and come up with an interesting topic they would like to write a speech on. They will write three or four opening sentences of a speech that they will eventually write, to persuade a selected audience. One student from each group will present the mini-speech to the class.
In groups of three, select an interesting topic that you would like to speak about. Write three or four opening sentences for a speech to be presented to the class. Be sure to use at least two techniques in these sentenc...

Time to write

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Flora M. Zibas Page
  • Number of views: 8273
Time to write
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Writing creativity
Description: • Research or write out, on your own, an interesting beginning to a text. One of the sentences must be incomplete. For example:
“In a town far away from any medical service, there once lived a small community. Most of its people were descendants from an old tribe and lived very happily with one another. Most people, in this community, had fallen ill with cholera due to their contaminated water system. All the doctors and voyagers feared to come near this place. One day, … “
• The text must be written on wallpapers. Depending on the number of groups. Each group should have a wallpaper.
• Divide the class into groups of 4.
• Handout a wallpaper (with the chosen beginning) to each group.
• Handout a marker to each group. Each group must have a different color.
• Tell students that they will write as fast as possible on a topic for 2 minutes without worrying about correct language or punctuation. Writing as quickly as possible, if they cannot think of a word they leave a space or write it in their own language. The important thing is to keep writing. Later this text is revised. Working together in groups, students can share ideas.
• When the 2 minutes are up they switch papers and they continue writing on the other group´s paper. The other 2 minutes are up and they switch papers again. It continues this way until all the groups have written on each paper.
• Once you have gathered all the markers and all the students are back in their place, all the papers are read and discussed with the whole class.

Map Symbols

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Marla Sweeting
  • Number of views: 10912
Map Symbols
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Reading and understanding Map Symbols
Description: Students would have previous knowledge of some basic map skills including map symbols. We Will then look at several different maps and find commonly used map symbols and articulate predomínate features that are used. The students Will créate a list of features that frequently used for map symbols, including but not limited to letters, numbers, shapes and colors. Once we have an understanding of the basics needed to créate map symbols we Will then do comparisons of the real world feature and the map symbol. The students are asked why do the map symbols have so much less in detail than the real world feature but they still resemble each other. I want them to conclude that the map symbols a symplified to fit the map and the real world feature would be to much. Finally the students Will créate map symbol of their own showing an understanding of the topic

Poetry - Night of the Scorpion

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Davina Bethel
  • Number of views: 14503
Poetry - Night of the Scorpion
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literature Poetry - Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel
Description: 4. Development:Teacher Identifies the criteria for analyzing a poem at BJC level. You must always keep in mind An awareness or appreciation of: Content, Language, Style, Tone, Structure 5. Teacher Instructs students to read the poem night of the scorpion. First line by line. Secondly sentence by sentence following stanza by stanza. 6. Teacher -In 4 groups students are instructed to find the figurative devices used. Indicate and quote the line. (Personification, Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia) 7. Student find indicate and quote the line (written). 8. Teacher instructs 3 groups student to locate from computer/ internet brief information on Hindu belief of reincarnation and discusses religions in the Bahamas and superstitions of Bahamians.. Students Each group report their findings. 10. Teacher Instruct students to watch power point which gives information on the poet and analyses the poem almost line by line. 11. Students at this time will be able to see if their group predictions and quotes were correct. 12. Teacher instructs student to complete the Compass Point (Active Learning Strategy) the poet has made use of various types of imagery: Visual imagery • scorpion crawling beneath a sack of rice • peasants came like swarms of flies Smell imagery • smell of candles • smell of burning oil in the lanterns Tactile experience • scorpion biting the mother • father pouring paraffin on the toe. Internal sensation • fear • pain Sound imagery • buzzed the name of god a hundred times • they clicked their tongues 13. Student Excitement – I can detect the images created by the poet to bring the characters in the poem to life. I can identify figurative language used in poetry. Needs – Need to be clear on what imagery is and the different types of figurative language used in poetry. Stance/Steps – Research the use of imagery and figurative language in poetry in order to analyze the poem. Worries - Not being able to identify the images and figurative language used in the poem. Development Days 2 go to three if needed 3 14. Teacher Instructs students to now arrange themselves into a Fish Bowl (Active Learning Strategy) to discuss the full analysis of a poem. Content - Subject matter of the poem or what it is about; • Also includes the message of the poem and its tone. (The poem is about the night when a woman (the poet's mother) in a poor village in India is stung by a scorpion. Concerned neighbours pour into her hut to offer advice and help. All sorts of cures are tried by the neighbours, her husband and the local holy man, but time proves to be the best healer - 'After twenty hours / it lost its sting.') Language • The poet’s choice of vocabulary; • Must comment on choice of words and how effective they are. (The poem is written in first person, should be able to pick out clue words that awake diction) Style • How the poet chooses to write; • The devices that they use. (The poem is written in first person, using lots of figurative language) Tone...