
Lessons Plans

Resources Map

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My Life Project

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Hilda Lokpez de George
  • Number of views: 8635
My Life Project
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: My Life Project
In the first session, they students are instructed on how to write their Life Project and they do so individually, using the Compass Points questions.

In the next session, the students are organized in groups of 3 where they will read to the other people in the group, their life project. The other students can comment and voice their opinion.

Reading Comprehension Skill:Summarizing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nikera Culmer
  • Number of views: 8691
Reading Comprehension Skill:Summarizing
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Summarizing means just telling the main ideas/ events of an article, situation or plot of a story. A good summary is brief it does not include unnecessary details, repeated information, thoughts.
Description: Class Discussion: As we go through the PowerPoint the teacher will discuss each slide and probe the students.
(see appendix to view each slide)
The students will read together each slide and answer questions when asked. The teacher will pick these students to answer questions to ensure they understand.

Modeling: The teacher will model the summarizing strategy.
(see content and/or appendi The students will watch. Group leaders will collect their group’s papers. The teacher will model the chart and think out loud as the students watch. As she models, she will perform proper phonemic strategies.

The teacher will watch the students perform the summarizing strategy. The teacher will instruct the students to use the summarizing strategy to complete the worksheet given.
The students will do the summarizing strategy. The students will be given a worksheet.

Role-play: The teacher will role-play with the students. Each group will be given one part of the summarizing strategy and they will have to give details about their part.
For Example:
Rangers will be given one part of summarizing strategy “somebody”.
Teacher: “Hey Rangers, I missed iCarly last night who were the characters in that episode?” Culminating Activity: The students will watch clips of their favorite T.V. shows and use the summarizing strategy to summarize what happened, through role-playing.

A member from Rangers: The characters were Carly, Sam and Spencer. The students will be encouraged to answer in a complete sentence and stand up as they present. They will also be reminded to speak clearly so that all can hear.

Gravimetric Analysis

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Patricia Imara Murray
  • Number of views: 9029
Gravimetric Analysis
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Students will learn about the different forms of Gravimetric Analysis.
Description: Students will listen to a PowerPoint presentation (From Slideshare) by the teacher on Gravimetric Analysis (10 mimutes). The teacher will then write the following questions on the black board giving the students ONE minute to answer each question before the next one is written on the board (5 minutes). Questions:
• What did you learn that you did not know before?
• What would you like to learn more about?
• What did you find difficult to understand?
• What did you find easy to understand?
The teacher will then allow students to read their answers to the questions and will explain that as the lesson progresses, students should attempt to think about their answers to the questions and search to clarify what they found difficult to understand.
They will then receive instructions on what they will be required to do for the lesson and will be allowed a minute to get into their groups (which are mixed ability and chosen by the teacher beforehand). Students will then use their personal devices to Access the website http://www.ecs.umass.edu/cee/reckhow/courses/572/572bk15/572BK15.html
In their groups, they will read and discuss the website. They will be allowed to complete the compass points on the chart paper which that paper had previously put up around the lab (30 minutes).
Once all the groups have written on the chart paper (10 minutes), students will return to their seats and the teacher will invite students to discuss the responses under the compass points. The teacher will encourage students through class discussion and questioning to clarify misconceptions (15 minutes). After the discussion, students will be given a written assessment on Gravimetric Analysis (10 minutes).
Students will then be allowed to answer the same four questions given at the beginning of the lesson each at ONE minute intervals (4 minutes). Students will be allowed to then indicate if their answers had changed and how they could go about either learning more or improving the áreas they found difficult to understand (5 minutes). Teacher will close the lesson by giving a follow up activity.

Exploring elements of design

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sirica Thomas
  • Number of views: 11358
 Exploring elements of design
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: Exploring Design
Description: Exploration
Students will
1. Explore careers in Picture Making, appreciating various work of art
2. Using a variety of media to create interesting pictures
Once a student in the circle has spoken, a student from outside the circle may come and tap that seat and return to the outside observation seats. The new entrant may not be tapped until he or she has spoken at least once.
- Students will be involve in a discussion about picture Making technique and the variety of resources that are suitable to utilize.

Students will draw an animal on ½ sheet of coloured cartridge paper based on demonstration and explanation

Properties of Multiplication

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: BERYLYN SMITH
  • Number of views: 14098
Properties of Multiplication
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: Multiplication and Division
Description: Teacher will begin with the objectives. The teacher will play a PowerPoint on the Properties of Multiplication. Students will read notes and follow the PowerPoint as necessary. Exceptional learners will be grouped with others as recommended by teacher. The teacher will then explain to students that mathematicians have rules for how numbers work. Math rules are things that are always true in math. Ask students to think about some rules that we already have for how numbers work (numbers always show amounts, addition increases the amount, subtraction decreases the amount, and fractions are equal parts of a whole). Students will listen attentively and raise hands to ask or answer questions as necessary. Teacher will hand out worksheet containing notes. Students will be asked to write their own definitions of properties. They will be given 5 minutes. Teacher will ask students to turn to page 39 and 40 of Go Math Workbooks. Teacher will have students complete page. A Student will be given the worksheets to distribute. The students will write in their own definitions. Students will then take out Go Math book and complete pages 39 and 40. Teacher will review the page with the students. The teacher will ask students to verbally give examples of Properties of Multiplication. The students will make corrections as necessary. Individual Students will raise hands and give examples of the Properties. Teacher will correct students as necessary. Students will make corrections as necessary. Teacher will pass out papers cut into triangles. The triangles should have numbers students could use for multiplication problems written on the corners of the triangles. Model how to use the three numbers to prove each of the three properties. For example, with a triangle with numbers 3, 4, and 2 on the points, you can create:
• Commutative Property: 3 x 2 = 2 x 3
Students will work in groups to model the Properties. Each group will be assigned a Property to display at a time. Each student will be asked to take part. Teacher will tell students that you are going to give them a number and ask them to create equations that could get them to that number. For example, if you give students the number 24, they could create equations: 3 x 8, 8 x 3. Students will create equations for as many numbers as possible. Each student will be given an opportunity to create an equation. Teacher walks around and corrects as necessary. The students make corrections. Teacher recaps the lesson.