
Lessons Plans

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Social Networks

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Karina Natalia Figueroa
  • Number of views: 7860
Social Networks
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of social networks
Description: • Activity 1: The teacher shows images and pictures on a Prezi presentation. These make reference to technology, in general, and social networks, in particular. The strategy used in this activity is Zoom.
• Activity 2: The teacher asks students questions so as learners brainstorm their ideas about the topic presented.
• Activity 3: Students complete a “Pros and Cons Grid”. The idea is that they work in small groups and think about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology and social networks in our society. Later, they share their ideas with the whole group.
• Activity 4: Students complete a KWL chart. They have to think what they “KNOW”, what they “WOULD” like to know, and at the end of the lesson or unit of work, they complete the last column of the chart: what they have “LEARNT”. This activity is carried out on their laptops, they have to use a link on Google Drive which is provided by the teacher.
• Activity 5: Students and teacher watch a video about a girl who was a victim of cyberbullying and grooming. The teacher has a list of questions to guide students so as they have the possibility to reflect on the topic.
• Activity 6: Students work in small groups on a document on Google Drive. Each group has to look for a piece of news or video about a case related to dangers and risks of using social networks. They have to complete a chart which is on the file: case, causes, consequences, actions to be carried out / pieces of advice.

Argumentative Essay Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sherine McFarlane
  • Number of views: 21759
Argumentative Essay Writing
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Is cheating getting better or worse in schools?
Description: To begin the lesson the teacher will present the topic to students and briefly discuss the lesson’s objectives.

Teacher will use the compass point strategy as a prompt to get students to start thinking and recording their thoughts on cheating in schools. Students will then be instructed to draw the compass points and complete the questions. (Teacher will allow students to share their responses with the entire class).

Students will be randomly placed in groups of three. Each group will create a graphic organizer stating the pros and cons of cheating in school.
(After each group has developed the grid it will be invited to share its views and reasons with the class, and identify the major arguments as compared to the minor arguments.
The teacher will use students’ responses to create a large Pros and Cons grid on the board. Teacher and students will discuss the grid in details).
Students will then be introduced to the article on cheating in schools

Another teacher will visit the class a resource personnel. This teacher will discuss the article with students who would have already read it and wrote their concerns prior to the teacher’s visit.

Out of Class Assignment: Students will be instructed to read other articles on cheating in schools. They will also be asked to write their questions in preparation for the fish bowl session.

When students return to class they will utilise the fish bowl strategy to further explore the topic cheating in schools. To begin the fish bowl, the inner circle or fish bowl will consist of one member from each group. (The teacher will also create the rules with students and discuss same before the activity begins).

Teacher will ask students to reflect on the discussions during the fish bowl activity and all they have learnt about cheating in schools from other discussions thus far and then take a position/stance on it. Using the Cubing strategy, students will then write two arguments in support of their position and one against it. This will be done as fast writing activity without attention to structure and spelling.

Teacher will then take students through a video on argumentative writing using the multi-media projector. Teacher will pause the video at intervals to entertain and discuss any questions that students may have.

Students will then be asked to use the tablets (provided by the school) and log on to the internet where in pairs they will watch the introduction of the argumentative essay. Students will then use their previously identified arguments to create an argumentative introductory paragraph.

Students will then be placed in groups of four where they will compare their introductions and use their collaborative ideas to create an introduction for the group essay. Students will then proc...

Reading Comprehension and Literary Device- Imagery

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Veniese Brennan
  • Number of views: 10399
Reading Comprehension and Literary Device- Imagery
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Reading for Understanding and Critical Thinking ; Imagery in literature
Description: Prior to the introductory activity students will randomly select their compass assignment via Hat Pick.
Introductory Activity : Students will watch a 10 minutes animated video production of the Princess and the Frog downloaded from You tube
They willl then engage in a brief discusión as they share their thoughts on the video presentation.
Step 1. Teacher will guide the class to focus on the requirements of the compass activity and using the video they will orally suggest answers to compass questions/ requirements.
Step 2. Teacher will then read aloud the Poem “A Story Wet as Tears” by Marge Piercy from the Smart Board. ( This may be done twice) Final time ( third time)by the students them selves.
Step 3. Class will the discuss the literal ad interpretative meaning to the poem
Step 4. Using their notebooks students will revise and refresh their memories what is Imagery and see how it is brought out in poem
Step 5-6. GROUP SESSION Students will conduct their own individual reading of the poem first aloud and then silently. This will be conducted while in their groups to facilítate team discussion and the writing of brief responses to the focus questions. Teacher will walk around and provide assistance to groups
Step 7-8: Teacher open Compass Discussion and introduce ‘yhello ball ‘ to maintain attention and keep the discourse singular centered ( one group at a time will speak) when ball is on the table of group.
Step 9: Sudents will orally justify the evidence of Imagery in the poem.
Step 10; Wrap up


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Pamela Ifill
  • Number of views: 8772
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Using the Jigsaw Strategy to learn about Water
Description: Students were invited to listen to a song called “Water, Water” and questioned to determine what the lesson would be about. Having determined it would be about wáter, pupils were told that they would be using the Jigsaw Strategy to research different facts about wáter in their groups in order to compile a class booklet on the topic. Through questioning, the Jigsaw method was reviewed.

Students were placed in Jigsaw groups (small groups of four students. The students were asked to number themselves one through four in each Jigsaw group until everyone had a number. All the students numbered one were asked to leave their original groups to form an expert group. This was repeated for the other numbers until four expert groups were formed. The different topics to be researched were placed in a box- uses, sources, properties, conservation, pollution, workers associated with wáter. Each group was instructed to select a leader who was then invited to pull a topic from the box.

In their expert groups, pupils used the Internet, reference books and prior knowledge to find at least 6 facts related to their topic. Students used questioning, brainstorming and other strategies to gather the needed information. Each person also completed the part of the concept map which related to their topic.

After the alotted time, each student was asked to return to his/her original group (Jigsaw group) to share what they had learned.through discussion and recording on chart paper. Concepts maps were also completed as various group members shared the information learned in their expert groups.

The teacher walked around during this process, making notes of students’ participation, etc. and recorded on the rubric whether they were exhibiting the appropriate behaviours during the activity.

Adolescent use of internet - Les avantages et inconvénients de l'usage de l'internet par les adolescents

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Neekaie Beckles-Clarke
  • Number of views: 7062
Adolescent use of internet - Les avantages et inconvénients de l'usage de l'internet par les adolescents
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Students will learn the vocabulary for media related issues, specifically related to internet usage in order to be able to express themselves orally and in written form on this topic.
Description: Students will view a YouTube video of two students discussing their use of the internet to find out which student uses it in a positive way and which student uses it negatively. Students will
Work in pairs to write in French a pros and cons list of how the students in the Youtube video use the internet for positive gains as opposed to in a negative way.
Work in pairs to brainstorm additional ways that teenagers use the internet in positve and negative ways.
Work collaboratively to express orally the pros and cons of adolescents using the internet paying careful attention to expression and fluency.
Discuss orally a potential cause and effect of one positive use of the internet by adolescents.
Write a short paragraph outlining a potential cause and effect of one negative use of the internet by adolescents.