
Lessons Plans

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Internet safety

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shermin Warrican
  • Number of views: 10235
Internet safety
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: The Internet
Description: • Teacher presents the following question as a springboard for the lesson: Which social media platform is your favorite? Why?
• Teacher guides the ensuing oral discussion as students provide responses to the stimuli questions.
• Teacher provides website for the reading passage and asks students to find the passage using their electronic device.
• Teacher instructs students to read and complete the cloze passage in pairs.
• Whole class discussion of passage follows
• Students are placed in small groups and instructed to identify the pros and cons of using the internet, writing their responses in a pros and cons grid (PCG) template provided by the teacher. Teacher instructs students on how to use the PCG.
• Students work on developing the PCG in small groups.
• After students have developed the grid they are invited to share their views and reasons with the class, and identify the major arguments as compared to the minor arguments.

Christopher Columbus Voyages and its Impact

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nekishair Gordon
  • Number of views: 10577
Christopher Columbus Voyages and its Impact
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Eurpoean Exploration ( Christopher Columbus)
Description: To introduce lesson using students previous knowledge teacher places some broad headings in the class one is marked , Villain, Hero and Neutral.. Students will stand under which heading they think Columbus belongs to. Inform students that they will discuss their feelings about Christopher Columbus in the lesson.
Have each student read a few pages from their E-Text books on the life of and journey of Christopher Columbus.
Briefly discuss Discuss this reading with the students and ask them if they still feel the same way about Columbus based on the text. Using their response inform them that we will use the fishbowl method to discuss the changes this one event from history would have on the entire future of the world.
Place 4 students in the middle of the class these students will take their position at the round table. The students would have given mixed reviews on how they feel about Christopher Columbus and his impact. The other 7 Students will remain on the outside and listen carefully to what is taking place in the inner circle , once one person in the fishbowl is ready to leave he or she indicates as such and leaves. The fishbowl ends when everyone has contributed.
In closing the teacher summarize the discussion.


  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Pamela Ifill
  • Number of views: 8744
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Using the Jigsaw Strategy to learn about Water
Description: Students were invited to listen to a song called “Water, Water” and questioned to determine what the lesson would be about. Having determined it would be about wáter, pupils were told that they would be using the Jigsaw Strategy to research different facts about wáter in their groups in order to compile a class booklet on the topic. Through questioning, the Jigsaw method was reviewed.

Students were placed in Jigsaw groups (small groups of four students. The students were asked to number themselves one through four in each Jigsaw group until everyone had a number. All the students numbered one were asked to leave their original groups to form an expert group. This was repeated for the other numbers until four expert groups were formed. The different topics to be researched were placed in a box- uses, sources, properties, conservation, pollution, workers associated with wáter. Each group was instructed to select a leader who was then invited to pull a topic from the box.

In their expert groups, pupils used the Internet, reference books and prior knowledge to find at least 6 facts related to their topic. Students used questioning, brainstorming and other strategies to gather the needed information. Each person also completed the part of the concept map which related to their topic.

After the alotted time, each student was asked to return to his/her original group (Jigsaw group) to share what they had learned.through discussion and recording on chart paper. Concepts maps were also completed as various group members shared the information learned in their expert groups.

The teacher walked around during this process, making notes of students’ participation, etc. and recorded on the rubric whether they were exhibiting the appropriate behaviours during the activity.

The Importance of Vocabulary and Fluency in Reading Comprehension

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Guadalupe Ordóñez
  • Number of views: 12052
The Importance of Vocabulary and Fluency in Reading Comprehension
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Reading Fluency
Description: This is a strategy that can be used throughout different age levels of EFL learners. Students at all levels work in small groups and have various roles to help understand the reading
The lesson plan prepared below is for basic learners. The roles of the students are made a little simpler at this level. This strategy can help at basic and independent
This strategy works best when students are given various leveled readers to choose from.

1. Introduce levelled readers which are short stories directed specifically to a student’s level of
English. (The example we will use is: ExoticPlaces .
Explain that these types of readers are developed specifically for EFL learners to support reading comprehension and other reading skills. These readers are available for all ages and levels from adult

2 A simulation class for basic learners will now occur.
Break into groups of 4-5 students.
Review the title and the title page of the example book. Brainstorm ideas in groups about.

3.The students look at the pictures of exotic places and try and guess what country,
where each place is and the nationality of the people from that place. They write
their answers on poster paper in groups. The teacher then reads about each exotic
place and the students check their answers. They then correct any information and compare answers with another group. The teacher can observe and help when needed.
Watch short YouTube video about places and people around the world (this is
something you could have them do at home too)

4. Students can use the words and pictures from the previous activity to order the
story as they watch

5. Look through the book and write down 5 words designated to their role.

The Layers Of The Earth

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Linda Pascal
  • Number of views: 54164
The Layers Of The Earth
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Earth Science
Description: Teacher will have the students recite a poem (riddle) written by Mrs. Pascal about the layers of the Earth. The students will have five words Earth, mantle, crust, inner core, and outer core. As the riddles are read they would have to guess which one by raising up a card. A student will be call to assist in reading out the riddles. A long time ago they thought I was flat But come to find out they were wrong about that. My shape is not circle but a sphere, But some people don’t even care. The blue and green that you see is only the top But underneath lies three layers that you cannot spot. Who Am I? Earth When it comes to planet Earth I am the first layer On me you can find lots and lots of players. You may not know my name, But the bottom of the pizza is the same. Who Am I? Crust I am the second layer of this planet we live on. I am the thickest found way under your lawn. My name is also used to describe a type of coat you wear. Guess my name, try it if you dare. Who Am I? Mantle The last two layers have on last name, But I guarantee you we are not the same. I cover the other one, and I’m not as hot However, when it comes to volcanoes I know the right spot. Who Am I? Outer Core Last but not least, I may be small but deadly, If you come anywhere close I will burn you up readily. I am made up of nickel and iron, Come to the center of the Earth if you think I’m lying. Who Am I? Inner Core The Teacher will: explore: - Use a cantaloupe and cut a portion of it out. She will then cut a portion for each group. She will ask the students to observe what they notice about the cantaloupe’s colours & texture. The Teacher will: Probe the students about how many layers they saw. 1. How many layers did you see in the cantaloupe? 2. What were those layers? 3. Why do you think that the cantaloupe had so many layers? The Teacher will: explain how the cantaloupe is a representation of the Earth and its layers. The skin represents that crust, the green layer represents the mantle, the thick peach layer represents the outer core, and the seed layer represents the inner core. The Teacher will: allow students to read the chart to get an understanding on the layers of the Earth. The Teacher Will: use visual representation (Explore) - Play a brief video describing the layers of the Earth. The video will describe the layers and the various elements that are found in the layers. The Teacher Will: ask students: 1. What is the first layer of the Earth? 2. What is the second layer of the Earth? 3. What is the third layer of the Earth? 4. What is the fourth layer of the Earth? 5. How does the outer core different from the inner core? 6. How are the metals in the outer core and in the mantle different? 7. Do you think that if we go down through all of the layers of the Earth we will survive? Why or why not? The Teacher will: Extend (Group Work): Instruct students on the various activities. • Galaxies will have to make a model of the layers of the Earth using clay. • Planets and...