
Lessons Plans

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Sequencing Pictures to tell A Story

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Allison Bend
  • Number of views: 7429
Sequencing Pictures to tell A Story
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Sequencing
Description: Teacher had students view a brief clip with persons in disarray as well as those performing actions in logical order. This was done to make students aware of the topic to be discussed. Random students were then be chosen to demonstrate to the class steps they take when performing certain actions, for example cleaning shoes, dressing oneself and so on. Teacher asked students to recall what was done at various stages using transitional words- then, first, next, after. Through questioning, students were then asked what they think would be the result if various steps were taken before others. The teacher then, through questioning, illicited from students that actions must be done in order or in a particular sequence if they are to make sense.
The fishbowl strategy would be utilised, where students would be given a paper with an activity, and given an opportunity to discuss what steps should she taken at which points. Teacher will observe students as they engage in discussion. Students will also be observed as they work cooperatively in pairs to arrange picture cards in order to tell the story shown. Students will also be given the opportunity to share with classmates the story shown by the cards.

What is weather?

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Alexia Clarke
  • Number of views: 8079
What is weather?
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Weather and Climate
Description: Introduction: Teacher will welcome class and ask for students to pay attention and watch a clip.-(weather being done right by chief Meterologist Basil Dean) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXJsfFK1loU 48 sec -1:27. Teacher will then probe students asking what are we watching? What part of the world is this? How do you know? Teacher will go on to confirm that the topic today is What is weather?

Review: Teacher will then have student groups to model a kwl chart that she is drawing on the board on chart paper. Teacher will ask student groups to write 3 things down that they know about weather in the k side of the chart. Teacher will then have students share their prior knowledge with the class and record one response from each group in the k side of the chart. After teacher will ask for students to write 3 questions they have or things they want to learn on the L side of the chart.
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Teacher will then ask probing to get students to come up with the definition of weather. Students will answer probing questions to come up with the definition of weather.
Teacher will record definition on the board. Students will mimic this by recording definition in their notebooks.
Teacher will continue to probe and ask students who Mr Dean is? What is his role? Why is this an essential part of every newscast? Teacher will record responses that have definitions. Students will respond to probing questions.
Students will record definitions in their books.
Teacher will play the weather report video again from where it left off to 1:30-1:50. Teacher will then ask what does Mr. Dean refer to this section of the report as. Why would a person want to listen to this part? Students will listen to the next section of weather report and answer probing questions. Students will verbally give a reason why a person may want to listen to this section.
Teacher will then continue to probing highlighting the fact that Basil Dean report included numbers for various things. Teacher will instruct each group to name three things that Basil Dean mentioned. Students will write down three things that Basil Dean discussed involving numbers or measurements.
Teacher will explain that these things are what makes up the weather or the various changes in the atmosphere and are called weather elements. Students will actively listen to teacher’s explanation.
Teacher will then hand out short poem to each group what makes the weather. Teacher will have one student from each group read poem aloud then instruct students to fill out answers about weather elements in their notebooks based on poem. Students will listen to poem being read then fill out answers in notebooks.
Teacher will reveal the answers of the poem. Students will mark their responses.
Teacher will then give student groups an index card. Students will use the map of the world in the map center to locate the a...

Bicycle Safety

  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 9164
Bicycle Safety
Students’ age range: 00-04
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: 'Travel from here to there"
Description: The students will repeat the rhyme My Little Bicycle while dramatizing the appropriate action
I have my own vehicle
A bicycle is its name
I put on my saftey gear
And ride my bicycle everywhere

Learning experiences:
• The students will be asked if they have bicycles at home.
• Students will be engaged in a discussion about some other ways that they can ensure they are safe while riding their bicycles.
• The students will view a video on their tablets about bicycle saftey. To help them understand the concept of saftey.
• They will discuss and state what is meant by the word safety.
• The students will then state items that can be worn to keep the body safe while riding. After their responses, they will be asked to name each item of safety gear and its use displayed on the table in the classroom.
Students will also be given istructions that should be followed while riding a bicycle, for example, Never ride on a busy road, Always wear protective headgear, Always ride in the presence of adults. The students will then view pictures and will to discuss the bicycle safety measures being depicted in each picture.

Crown Colony Government

  • 29 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kellie Brown
  • Number of views: 9909
Crown Colony Government
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Geroge Phenney
Description: The previous lesson was revised as this would be the base of the current lesson. Students were allowed to answer questions within their groups to determine if the level of understanding of the topic thus far. Students were then lead in a discussion on the present topic; taking note of keywords and key points. Lastly, the class was placed in groups to create a biography of Woodes Rodgers.

What is leadership?

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: HARRY HANSON
  • Number of views: 9538
What is leadership?
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Social Groups
Description: Engagement: Teacher will create two groups of five students who will compete against to move from one point in the class to another. Students will be placed in a queue, each holding the shoulder of the person in front of him or her. The first four in the line would be blindfolded while person at the back of the line will maintain vision. The person at the back of the line will guide the team across the class, voiding obstacles, using hand signals demonstrated to class by teacher. After activity, students will be asked to identify the leader in each group and to state the type of group that has established leaders. (10 minutes)

Exploration: Following discussion on engagement activity students will be asked to construct a definition of leadership in pairs. Before sharing, students will then watch a video on the types of leadership. Students will create a Pros and Cons Grid (PCG) for each of the leaderships styles identified in the video. (10 minutes)

Explanation: Using round-robin, teacher will solicit responses from students as to the definition of the term leadership and the characteristics of a democratic Leader, an autocratic leader and a laissez faire leader. They will also present the PCG while the other groups will analyize the merit of each point. (20 minutes)

Elaboration: Teacher will asked students what would be qualities of a good leader despite the leadership style of that leader. Students will also be given some examples of school leaders and national leaders and asked to identify the leadership style of each. Students will also explain the importance of leadership in a group. (10 minutes)