
Lessons Plans

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Energy at Home

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 8604
Energy at Home
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Saving Energy in Schools and Households
Description: *Students learn how energy is produced and used.
*They also learn ways to conserve energy that can easily be applied in their own homes. * Students will be allowed to do additional research to find more information about the different types of energy.
*Ask questions with them to see their different ways to see the energy.
¨*Students will have their Guides about the Saving Energy in Schools and Households.
*Students will be reading about their research. * Students will read about the Saving Energy In school and Households.
*Each student will take notes on each reading.
*Students will form a circle with their chairs, bringing all the materials.
*Students will speak out loud what they have in their notes.
*Teacher will give more information if they don’t understand very well the lesson.
*Make a circle in the middle of the class with all your materials.
*Listen every carefully as each one of your classmates presents their ideas to the class.
*Raise your hand too have the word to speak in class.
*Write 5 lines will your opinion using the information you have about the Saving Energy in schools and Households.
*Students will form a circle with their chairs, bringing all the materials.
*Students will speak out loud what they have in their notes.
*Teacher will give more information if they don’t understand very well the lesson.

Energy Conservation Awareness

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 11265
Energy Conservation Awareness
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Energy use and conservation
Description: Ask students to define what energy is and record responses on a concept map
Ask students to give examples from everyday life of how that power is used and record responses.
Introduce the topic of renewable energy. And ask students to give a definition of the term ‘renewable’ and record the suggestions given. Define what energy is and give examples from everyday life of how energy is used.Give a definition for the word renewable. Ask students to fill out the K and W sections on a K-W-L chart about energy use and conservation.
Question students to aid in clarification of task. Fill out the K and W sections on a K-W-L chart about energy use and conservation
Respond to questions asked.Make the following statement: “ Scientists have noted that several years ago the earth was not as hot as it is today.”
Ask students to state why they think this may be so. Introduce students to global warming by showing the following video //www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqxMzKLYrZ4
Facilitate a discussion based on the video. Refer to Learn and Save booklet and ask students to suggest ways of making a difference in saving energy.Respond to question about the hotness of the earth. Watch the video then participate in the discussion.
Explain to students the need to créate a project at the end of the unit so as to sensitize persons about energy conservation.
Outline project to students then ask them to form groups Discuss project requirements with teacher.
Take notes of project information
Form groups
Provide ways of making a difference in saving energy by referring to booklet.

Saving Energy in our schools

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 8147
Saving Energy in our schools
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Saving Energy at School
Description: Ask students if they understand what is energy, its sources renewable nonrenewable and their uses, which they were learned in previous classes.Reflect about the talk during the class about The energy and how to save it. Ask questions about the process of a Socratic Seminar to have an effective and active role. Prepare your materials to use in class: pen, the folder with leaves. Make sure all the students have their copy of the Learn and Save Booklet page 36 to 43.
Ask Students to read the text and take notes of relevant information that will support their participation during the seminar Read your Save and Learn Booklet, page 36 to 43. Write the notes of you consider important, about reducing energy consumption such as turning off light and computers that are not using, use natural ventilation, replace the incandescent light with fluorescent lights allowing you to have him to have a good share of the Socratic seminar to enable it to contribute relevantly to this class.
Ask students to form groups of four and read the contents from on the part of the text speaks about saving energy at school.
Verify that possess the right materials.
Remind rules stating that a Socratic seminar is a conversation which an informed opinion on how to save energy at school in order to implement in your environment.
Give them a guide in the form of questions for students not lost the issue.
Once the groups have analyzed the issue to write on the blackboard their opinions and form a circle to start the Socratic seminar.
Form a circle and bring their material to participate in a Socratic Seminar.
Be respectful of their peers as they participate in the seminar, listened closely to the questions presented.
Participate actively asking and answering questions posed by the teacher and peers.
Finally, write a short paragraph with your opinion of topics discussed thoroughly.

What is energy?

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 9412
What is energy?
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Setting the stage – what is energy and what are its forms?
Description: In the form of a trivia game, use the quiz attached to test and/or strength students’ general knowledge on energy. They will participate in the trivia game to test their knowledge on energy in general. A few minutes will be taken to remind students about their tools to participate in the ACS exercise. Students will be given time to read and have their question and answer prompts ready for an effective interaction. Read your Save and Learn Booklet, p. 20 Familiarize yourself with the questioning and answering prompts to participate in the ACS activity. Students will be asked to form a circle with their chairs, have their question and answer prompts and introduce the first question: Where do we get energy from? How does our school get its energy? Seat in a big circle and prepare prompts to participate in the Academic Conversation. Allow students to continue the conversation by utilizing the prompts. The teacher will interfere as needed to provide direction to the conversation and/or clarify ideas that might not be clear. Continue the conversation using the prompts. Ask for teacher’s help if at some point you need it.
Take notes from discussions and from posters prepared by the teacher.

Energy Saving

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 11027
Energy Saving
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Saving energy in school and households
Description: Present the project to students and allow enough time to ask questions about the project, activities, expectations What do you know about saving energy at school and home?
Ask students to find and share their examples.
Ask students the difference between Energy conservation and Energy Efficiency. Research of the user how to save energy in schools and households.
How to make wind power and make a solar cooker with materials
Group 1: section and advantages learn and save pages 36-43. Ask students to find more information if they have books or internet available.
Group 2: section on the use of saving energy in schools and households.
Ask students to find more current information if they have books/internet available
If they assigned to a group, they would find information that will expand on the data provided in Learn and Save booklet