
Lessons Plans

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Interpersonal Communication Strategies

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kmchell Dodge
  • Number of views: 12276
Interpersonal Communication Strategies
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Work Relationships
Description: Prior knowledge: Students already know what an office is and the importance of Effective communication whilst in an office setting.

Teacher will use the KWL strategy to elicit students’ prior knowledge of lines of communication in an office.
Qu. For participation:
What does this outcome indicate about the communication climate and power holding in the ad agency?
If you were Sherry, would you approach Charles about stealing your idea, or would you show support for your manager? Why?
Teacher will then show PP presentation on Work Relationships (slides 1-5)
Teacher will then distribute hand-out on “Steps for Improving Relationships with others”.
Teacher will then explain to class the Employee-Customer Relationships:
• Knowing who the customers are
• What they want
• How they will react to products or services
• Is a basic goal of business providing an example of an experience with a local coffee shop Continuing on with presentation:
Culminating Activity: Students will be grouped into pairs and teacher will ask them to select an index card from an envelope. The pair will then reenact the scenario of how to deal with various customers (ranging from irate to indecisive and pleasant).
For example: One student purchased a product that is not working properly e.g. a sterio in which the left speaker is emitting a lot of static, and she wants her money back. If you were the clerk, how would you handle the situation?

Volume of Cylinder

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Candice Thomas
  • Number of views: 19953
Volume of Cylinder
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: Solids
Description: The students will be asked to state the shape of the cross section for cylinders. After identifying such, the teacher will place a question on the whiteboard requiring the students to calculate the volume of a cylinder (that will be drawn). The students will be given a few minutes to attempt calculating the volume of the cylinder. A student chosen at random will be required to place his/her solution on the whiteboard giving rationale for each step made. This will be the beginning of a discussion where students will share their answer to the problem, if different from the one on the whiteboard.
The teacher will guide the discussion giving explanation where necessary to address any misconception the students may have.
The students will then be given problems (including word problems) to which they will independently find the solution. There will be discussions at intervals among the students with regards to the interpretation of the word problems given.
The teacher will review the students’ individual work.

Why It Is Important to Have a Balanced Diet

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jacqueline Strong Rhoden
  • Number of views: 19469
Why It Is Important to Have a Balanced Diet
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Your Diet and Your Health
Description: Teacher will provide blank chart, scissors, glue, paper plates, rulers and magazines e.g. Good Housekeeping to students working in groups of two. Students will be collecting pictures of food items, classifying them into their food groups on a chart and also using some of the pictures to “prepare” a balanced meal on a paper plate. They will display their meals and explain why they believe their meal is balanced. The whole group will assess and critique each other’s meals. Teacher will circulate, observe classification of foods and listen to critique of meals by students.
Teacher will show a video/PowerPoint presentation of children and/or adults suffering from the effects of unbalanced diets, e.g. diets lacking in vitamins, (scurvy, rickets), protein (beriberi), carbohydrates (malnutrition), obesity, diabetes. Pause during presentation after each disease and discuss the consequences of not having a balanced diet in each case. Students will be asked how they feel about what they are seeing and discuss how they should treat persons who are affected by food-related illnesses. They should also be asked about their own food choices and discuss what changes they think they can make to their own choices at school and at home. Students will make a journal entry about how they feel about the presentation they have viewed and justify the need for eating healthy foods.
Teacher then places students in four groups of 3 and explain that they will use internet or other sources to research the following: Group 1 – obesity; Group 2 – malnutrition: Group 3 – Diabetes. Among themselves they will select one person each to present on (a) the causes of the disease (b) the prevention of the disease and (c) data about the number of persons suffering from the condition in Jamaica and/or the Caribbean. Group 4 will use internet or other sources to research the Ministry of Health promotions – “Jamaica Moves” and Sugar Free, and the public reaction to it (newspaper articles,cartoons, etc). They will be given one week to research and collect the information using tablets / computers at school, meet with group members and put their findings together. Explain to students that presentation will take the form of a Fish Bowl in which each student will present their assigned topic and field questions from classmates about their presentation.
On the day of presentation, rearrange classroom in a Fish Bowl. State or post rules – only one person should speak at a time; be respectful; hold questions until the end of each group presentation at which time they can be fielded. Seat students to present in the inner circle - causes, data and prevention for each disease, with audience in the outer circle. Group four will present on the promotions. At the end of the presentations, students will highlight what they have learned in a whole group discussion. They will make journal entries on what changes they will make to their own diets, and what changes they will encourage...

Private Dentist Practice

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Dimitri Dolor
  • Number of views: 9379
Private Dentist Practice
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Description: To start off with student was asked to discuss his general knowledge of running a private practice as a way of previewing the topic under discussion. Following this, student read the article and was asked to think about the context that caused changes in private dental practice, categorising the differences on the board. To further explore the changes the student was asked to use his highlighter to highlight the statements that demonstrated the impact of context – with open discussions explored as brought up by student. Following this the student was asked to think about 3 ways the article may have affected his personal challenges in running his own business. The student was then asked to summarise the article and give a short sentence to explain what the purpose of the article was. Lastly, the student was asked to evaluate the others argument thinking about his overall claim and how his points were supported – referring back to the whiteboard activity to help with this.

Using Persuasive Devices

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: A Tynes
  • Number of views: 8991
Using Persuasive Devices
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasive Writing
Description: Overall, the lesson allowed students to examine and become more familiar with persuasive writing techniques.

1. After students free write on the topic (described above), the teacher will allow several students to share their writing with the class.
2. The teacher will share the lesson’s objectives with students. She will ask them to pay attention to a commercial that she will play. She will then facilitate a large group discussion for about five minutes, asking students question that will lead them into sharing their views in the commercial and the persuasive techniques used in the commercial.
3. She will then allow students the opportunity to form 5 groups. One group will be presented with another commercial to view, two groups will be given a speech and the other two groups will be presented with printed advertisements. Students, once in groups, will engage in the small group discussions as described above.
4. One representative from each group will summarize the content of their advertisements or speeches then will summarize the responses of the group members. The teacher will make note of techniques identified as each group shares.
5. The teacher will recap the various persuasive devices identified and examined by the groups and will also share information on any device that they might have left out.
6. Students will be presented with a list of topics. They will select one, create a outline and write the draft of a persuasive paragraph that will include at least two of the persuasive devices noted in class.
7. Students will exchange papers with a partner and complete a brief peer-review form on their drafts.