
Lessons Plans

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Fishing in Barbados

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Gail Sealey
  • Number of views: 7636
Fishing in Barbados
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Coral Reefs
Description: Outline to students the strategy of jigsaw method. Arrange the class in 5 groups. Assign leaders to each group and inform students of their roles. Inform students that they will form new groups. Ask students to complete their fact sheets before returning to their original groups. Discuss rules for working within groups. The students will sing a part of the song ‘De Fisherman.’ Question the students to elicit the areas around the island where the fisherman in the song would assemble to start work (fishing markets). Inform students that they will work in groups to discover more about the areas of the ocean the fisherman would travel to in order to make his living - coral reefs around the island. Distribute coloured fact sheets which will correspond with the reading material for each assigned group. Allow student to assemble in their new groups.

Groups will look at
Group 1 - Types and features of coral reefs.
Group 2 - Location of some reefs around the island.
Group 3 – Damage to coral reefs.
Group 4 - Importance of coral reefs to Barbados
Group 5 - Protection of coral reefs.

Learning Experiences
Distribute short passages, pictures and or maps to groups about the various aspects of coral reefs around the island. Allow each group to read, discuss and make brief notes. Have students return to their original group and inform the students of their findings.
Each group will then compile their information to be displayed on a chart. Students can then do a gallery walk.Class will then be allowed to discuss any similarities and differences noticed about the presentations.

Functions, Relations and graphs

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Andrea Woodhouse
  • Number of views: 11410
Functions, Relations and graphs
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Mathematics
Topic: functions in real life context
Description: • Teacher will outline the objectives to be met on the chalkboard and explain the importance of learning function, relations and graphs.
• Students will be asked to write the objectives set for the specified time period in their note books and after which teacher will explain the objective so that it is clear to students. In this case, students will know their goal and will work assiduously to achieve it by the end of the session.
• Students will be given 10 words to spell.
• A quick review of previous lesson will be done.
• Quadrants will be explained to students using seating positions. Selected students will be asked which positions they hold based on pairs of coordinates.
• students guided by teacher will then clear up any misconceptions observed.
• Students and teacher will explore relations functions and graphs using powerpoint presentation.
• Students will complete tables to find the corresponding values in a relation or function using worksheet.
• Students will explore a few examples.
• Students will be selected randomly to go to the board to solve similar problems set by the teacher.
• More experiments will be done.
• In groups, students will set up a germination experiment of a seedling. Then determine the function/relationship of the age and height of the seedling over a period of time, (i.e. containers, peas, water, newspaper/cotton/tissue paper). After 3 or 4 days of germinating, observe then measure the height of the seedling (i.e. young plant) with a ruler for at least one school week (5 days). Record the height of the plant in tabular form i.e.
1 3cm
2 6cm
3 9cm
4 12cm
5 15cm

• With teacher’s guidance, discuss observations made after 5 days. Predict the height of the seedling after 6 days, 9 days, 14 days etc. Draw conclusion that there is a relationship between the height and age (i.e. number of days) of the seedling as it germinates.

• As a whole class, note that the seedling grows 3 cm every day, so the height of the seedling is related to its age:
height(age) = (3 x age) cm So, if the age is 10 days, the height is:
• h(10) = (3 x 10) cm = 30 cm

• In pairs, complete the table below. Share and compare results with other pairs and then as a whole class.
age h(age) = (age × 3)cm
0 0
1 3
3.2 9.6
5 15
• In groups, with teacher’s guidance, present the data above on a bar graph using the geogebra software. Share and compare results with other groups and then discuss any patterns formed based on the data shown.

Experiments will be done at home as well as at school. Recordings will be done by each student and comparisons will be made.

• Students will be given oral questions thrown out by the teacher to calculate. The top 3-5 students will be awarded with stickers. This will promote listening skills,...

Peripheral Devices

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tanesha Wright
  • Number of views: 10956
Peripheral Devices
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Storage Devices
Description: ENGAGEMENT
The teacher will write a set of questions on the whiteboard. The students will be told that they should listen to the scenario and try to catch the answers to the questions on the whiteboard. For e.g. Identify the two categories of storage
Identify the two types of storage.
Primary storage consists of two types of memory chips. What are they?
The students will be asked to give their responses to the questions given at the beginning of the lesson. These will be recorded on the whiteboard. The teacher will inform them if their answers are correct.
The students along with the teacher’s assistance will define primary storage. A further analysis of primary storage will be done. The teacher and the students will examine together to the two memory chips into which primary storage is divided. The difference between the two will be examined. The teacher will also emphasize the point that RAM on ‘volatile’. The students will say the word aloud and spell it for emphasis. They will be required to use context clues to determine the meaning of the word.
The students and teacher will examine the ROM chip. The variations of ROM will also be examined. Differences between RAM and ROM will be highlighted. A definition of secondary storage will be ascertained and examples of secondary storage devices will be identified. Using the fish bowl technique the students will discuss the importance of secondary storage devices. A small group will discuss the importance while the other students will listen and join in the discussion by patting a member of the small group on his/her shoulder. The teacher will monitor the discussion to ensure that the students stay on the topic.

Reading Comprehension

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Wendy Mitchell
  • Number of views: 9261
Reading Comprehension
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Monkey's Heart
Description: The title of the story will be introduced. Students will predict what they think the story is about. Whole class discussion will be done. Students will skim and scan story for unusual words. These words will be listed on whiteboard. Individuals will be allowed to read sentences or paragrahs in which words are found and then use context clues to give meanings. Students will watch a video with one versión of the story.
Individuals, then whole class will read the story.
Students will be questioned so as to analyse the story to say who is the bad and good charácter. They will then tell whether or not their predictions about the story was correct. Socratic questioning will be done.Students will compare the two versions of the story and tell what differnces there are..

Renewable energy

  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 9223
Renewable energy
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Saving Energy in Schools and Households.
Description: Students reflect about forms of saving energy. They brainstorm ideas.
The teacher asked students to bring articles about the benefits of using renewable resources. The teacher asks them to read the articles and to read the Learn and Save booklet (pages 36 to 43)
Students bring articles about the benefits of using renewable resources. Students take notes in order to participate in the seminar.
Students read the Learn and Save booklet p. 36 to 43
The teacher asks students to form a circle with their chairs.
The teacher reviews the rules of a Socratic Seminar.
The teacher guides the Seminar by asking questions.
Students form a circle with their chairs. They listen to the teacher talking about the rules of a Socratic Seminar.
Students answer the teacher’s questions and take notes to prepare themselves to participate.
The teacher asks students to participate in the Socratic Seminar and to make an essay about the forms of saving energy in schools and houses.
Students participate actively in the seminar. They are respectful to their classmates and ask questions.
Students make an essay about the forms of saving energy in schools and houses.