
Lessons Plans

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  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Victoria Salazar
  • Number of views: 27750
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Description: Introduction
Ask the students about the people in their neighborhood, aside from family members.
o Take responses from volunteers.
o Tell the students that today, they're going to learn about the people in a community.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling
o Tell the students that the people in a community each have a specific job to do.
o Tell the students that we all depend on the people in our community to do their job to help us. When everyone does their job, they help each other maintain a great neighborhood.
o Give some examples: The librarian helps people find books at the library. The cashier collects the money for the items at the grocery store. The teacher helps the students learn their lessons. The mail carrier makes sure people get all their mail. The doctor helps to find out why people are sick and gives them medicine so they can get better. The trash truck driver comes to collect the trash so that the neighborhood is clean and tidy.
o Emphasize that everyone in the neighborhood has a job to do to make it a great community to live in.
Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling
o Show the students a picture of a librarian, a cashier, a teacher, a mail carrier, a doctor, and a trash truck driver.
o Ask the students what each person does.
o Take responses from volunteers.
o Make a list on the board of their responses.
o Ask the students about other people in a community who help every day.

Who fights crime?
Who studies at school?
Who teaches students at school?
Who takes care of teeth?
Who drives a bus?
Who brings our mail?
Who sings songs?
Who fights fires?
Who serves food in a restaurant?
Who drives a truck?
Who cooks in a hotel or restaurant?
Who looks after sick people and helps doctors?
Who treats patients (sick people)?

Independent Working Time
o Provide each student with the worksheet Jobs crossword puzzle.
Retrieved from the website http://www.eslkidslab.com/worksheets/set3/jobs/jobs%20crossword%20puzzle.pdf
o Read the instructions to the students.
o Collect the papers for grading.

o Enrichment: Allow advanced students to make their own list of community helpers using illustrations, symbols and pre-writing skills.
o Support: For struggling students, introduce only one community helper at a time, and focus on the role of that individual.

Review Assessment
o Review students' work to assess their understanding of the lesson using a Formative Assessment as a Quiz in the webpage Kahoot.com. They will use their cell phones with internet connection and a TV to watch the quiz projected on it.
o Give reinforcement where needed.

Review and Closing
o Allow students write a paragraph and have an oral presentation t...

Geography as a branch of Social Studies

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jonnett Johnson
  • Number of views: 7126
Geography as a branch of Social Studies
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Introduction to Geography
Description: Engagement:
Students will be shown a video entitled ‘Geography Matters’. They will be asked to deduce the meaning of geography after watching the video. Teacher and students will then work together in order to create a working definition of the concept; this will be noted on the w/board.

Students will be placed in groups; they will be asked to re-watch the video. As a group they will identify and discuss the different aspects/ branches of geography showcased in the video. The groups will ask a representative to share their findings. These will be captured on the w/board. A discussion will ensue, and the non-responses will be eliminated.

Students will be asked to explain the importance of geography in helping human beings to manage their environment properly in order to have a clean and safe place to live, work and grow their families. Teacher and students will be engaged in discussion in order to justify the student’s findings.

Students will be given blank graphic organizers and use relevant pictorial evidence to complete the graphic organizers highlighting the branches of geography from the class discussion. They will be asked to write a paragraph to explain their graphic organizers. The teacher will supervise them as they work collaboratively.

Identifying ‘the main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in writing.

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Marko Scantlebury
  • Number of views: 15173
Identifying ‘the main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in writing.
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Comprehension
Description: Students will view a video presentation entitled ‘Batman versus Superman’ and the teacher will ask several questions such as “What is video about?”, “State two things that recall from the video” and ‘Which part of the video did you enjoy the most?” to generate discussion. Answers will be conferred and students asked if they could guess what will be discussed today. The teacher will introduce the lesson.
Learning Activities/Experiences:
The students will be asked to recall meanings of the terms, ‘main idea’ and ‘supporting details’ in their own words. Students will understand the concept of finding the main idea and supporting details.
The teacher will organize students in groups and engage them in “Two-Minute Talks”, an activating strategy. Students will listen attentively and follow the instructions of the teacher. They will be asked to read a short information passage on elephants.

Students will work in pairs and share by brainstorming everything they know about elephants. Students will retell a portion of their findings in their “two-minute talks” or the fishbowl technique to share ideas and evaluate written information and the information presented by their peers.
The teacher will do a close reading of a comprehension passage about elephants questioning students before, during and after the reading. Then, students will re-read passage and complete their assessment.

Introduction to Expository Writing

  • 24 April 2018
  • Posted by: Erin Knowles
  • Number of views: 10647
Introduction to Expository Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Writing the Thesis Statement
Description: Each group of two students will be given a think-pair-share worksheet as well as a topic. (Topics include: the consequences of dropping out of school, why do you admire a person, why parents are sometimes strict, why do you enjoy a particular teacher, explain how moving from place to place affects teens, explain the major stressors in a teens life, explain why you like or don’t like working in a team?)

The teacher will explain the purpose of expository writing is to explain a topic in a logical and straightforward manner. Without bells and whistles, expository writing presents a fair and balanced analysis of a subject based on facts, with no references to the writer's opinions or emotions.

Encourage students to complete the think and pair section of the worksheet with their ideas and their partner's ideas on the topic.

Model a thesis statement for the group, ask them to explain what I just did and what purpose that would serve. Establish that a thesis statement is generally a complete sentence that outlines the writers stand and three main points to support that stand.

Project sample statements on the board and ask each group to evaluate what the statement includes or is missing.

Encourage students to return to their group and créate a thesis statement in the SHARE column that combines their ideas on the topic.