
Lessons Plans

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The National Emblems of Barbados

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Andre Forde
  • Number of views: 12147
The National Emblems of Barbados
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Identifying the National Emblems of Barbados, with specific emphasis on the Flag of Barbados
Description: The teacher will inform the students of the topic which the class is studying. The students will share their knowledge of the Emblems of Barbados.
The teacher will state that there are various symbols of Independence and take the children to the notice board to view the display of the national emblems.
The teacher will elicit from the students the date when Barbados became independent.
The teacher will elicit from the students who was the first Prime Minister of Barbados.
The teacher will elicit from the students the various colours of the National Flag and their significance.
The teacher will display a flag to the students.
The teacher will ask the students about the significance of the broken trident and explain when it was first used.
The teacher will ask the students if they know who designed the flag.
The teacher will write a note about the flag on the chalkboard for the students to copy.
The students will be given a template of the flag to colour.

The Four Sphere of the Earth

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shawn Williams
  • Number of views: 13898
The Four Sphere of the Earth
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: The Four Spheres of the Earth
Description: - In the first class, the topic is stated and the objectives were written on the board. (3 minutes)
- The students were briefed on the fishbowl strategy, and they were allowed to create their rules. (20 minutes)
- Thereafter, the fishbowl strategy was utilized (as a test run) in brainstorming the meaning of the four spheres of the earth namely; lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. A scribe was assigned (in the outer circle) to take notes on the definitions during the brainstorm. (20 minutes)
- Students were instructed to state the reasons that prompted their meanings. The students general level of understanding was evaluated during the question and answer session (15 minutes)
-The students were all instructed to research the meaning of the terms and other factual information on the four spheres of the earth for the next class. (2 minutes)

- In the second class the students were informed of the activities to be undertaken for the lesson. They were instructed to identify the elements of the four spheres from the two youtube video to be presented. They were issued activity sheets to categorize the elements of the four spheres they identify from the videos. (15 minutes)
- A brief evaluation session was facilitated, where students were asked to share the elements they identified, stating the categories they placed the elements in and why they chose those categories. (12 minutes). The teacher gave suggestions where necessary.
-The students rearranged the class to facilitate the fishbowl strategy. (4 mins)
- The fishbowl strategy resumed with a new question to describe-using real world scenarios- how the four spheres depended on each other to effectively operate. The students verbally created real world scenarios. Students entering the inner circle built on scenarios that previous students started until they reached a desirable description. (20 minutes)
-A short break was taken from the fishbowl startegy to have students evaluate the scenarios they described, on a scale of 1-10 based on validity. (10 minutes)

-The use of the fishbowl strategy was further utilized in the third class to explain ways in which the four spheres can be cared for and to assess the importance of caring for the spheres. Breaks were taken from the inner circle to allow students from the outer circle to give their ideas on the subject. (35 minutes). A scribe documented the students’ explanations during the session.

-In the fourth class, the students were briefed on the rubric to be used, and activity to be done. (5 minutes)
The students re-grouped in smaller groups of five creating pieces evaluating the importance of caring for, and the adverse effects of not caring for the spheres. (35 minutes)
-Each group was allotted five minutes to present. The students were evaluated during their presentations (25 minutes)
-Important points were recapped. (5 minutes)

Living Together

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nathalee Copeland-Mitchell
  • Number of views: 12468
Living Together
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Rights and responsibilities of a Jamaican Citizen
Description: ENGAGEMENT
Students will view a short clip on the united nations convention on the rights of a child. https://youtube/TFMqTDIYI2U
Students will be asked the following questions. A discussion will then ensue.
1. What is the convention of the rights of a child?
2. What are some of the rights identified in the film?
3. Do you think that Jamaican citizens are able to practice their rights?
4. What are some of the ways in which a child’s right can be breached?
Students (selected) will write responses in the board. These will be copied in their notebooks.
Students will be given a handout showing the rights of a child. This will be read in the groups.
Students will discuss what they understand about each right using the Fish Bowl Discussion.
Students will also discuss how 3 of the rights could help them to be good citizens.
Students will use Smart devices to research how any individual may qualify to be a Jamaican citizen.
Students will discuss what they have learnt about how one may qualify to become a Jamaican citizen.
Students will role play being citizenship advisors and advise their client, informing him or her on how to gain Jamaican citizenship.

Students will discuss their rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the rights of a child. (Handouts)

Learning and Discussing about Climate Change

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Maria Isabel Estevez
  • Number of views: 10044
Learning and Discussing about Climate Change
Students’ age range: 18+
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Climate Change
Description: The first step of the lesson will consist in preparing the classroom for the Fish Bowl activity with the help of the students. Chairs will be arranged in two circles: the small inner circle and the big outer circle. At this point, it is necessary to make sure to include one or two empty chairs in the inner circle. All the class is requested to sit before the teacher describes the topic of the discussion and provide information about the dynamic of the activity. Six to seven students will be invited and asked to participate voluntarily to start the Fish Bowl conversation while the rest of the class will be requested to become active observers and listeners. Only the inner circle can speak and share the ideas during the discussion. After about 8-10 minutes, students will start to leave and join the inner circle and so on until the whole group has participated. Students are allowed to take notes in a notebook as well in their phones. The teacher will be the moderator and will take notes in a notebook or the class’ blackboard although this last one is suggested since students can take notes or take a picture of the ideas written by the teacher on it at the end of the class. Links or documents with information about climate change will be provided to the students, so they can complement or learn more about the topic discussed in class.

The Visual Elements of art

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Lee-Andra Thompson
  • Number of views: 11940
The Visual Elements of art
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: The Elements of Art
Description: The class started from 1:00 to 2:00in which I outlined the specific objective for the lesson which was to Define at least three (3) Elements of art, Sketch three(3) Elements of Arts,Identify six (6) or more Elements of art in their environment. We brainstormed as a class what the Word elements mean while using a projected image.I explain the various types of elements of art, giving an example of each. Example .. Line- A line is a dot going for a walk. One example of a line is ______..........______. Using a media of your choice take a dot for a walk in your sketchpad and créate your own line.
Secondly i’ll divide the class into groups of 5, explainging the importance of the time that we need to work. For example to form groups 10minutes because some of them were shy and lack confidence in their abilities to illustrate a drawing and answer questions orally.
However they could form their groups, third they choose the specific place they wanted to do their presentation and they give to know after choosing the place they started to draw the place, while one student was drawing another was writing the descriptive text, some of them was speaking to each other to find information and finish the task, otherswere researching artwork or how to use the elements to créate an interesting piece of work, it last 30 minutes. We. At the end they explain their drawing and 5 minute per group. At the end of the task each group should explain their drawing while answering oral questions