
Lessons Plans

Resources Map

See the resources in an interactive map.


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Devmarie Blake-Brown
  • Number of views: 8024
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Facts vs. Opinions
Description: Implementation:
1. In small groups, view newspaper clippings and journal articles/excerpts on the issue (‘Integrity is the most important factor for prosperity’) using a technological device of their choice.
2. Using the fish bowl strategy, share their thoughts or ideas on the topic.
3. As individuals create and complete a pros and cons grid stating 3 points (using phrases) on sticky notes for each column of the grid.
4. Share these ideas orally for further discussion.

Bicycle Safety

  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 9648
Bicycle Safety
Students’ age range: 00-04
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: 'Travel from here to there"
Description: The students will repeat the rhyme My Little Bicycle while dramatizing the appropriate action
I have my own vehicle
A bicycle is its name
I put on my saftey gear
And ride my bicycle everywhere

Learning experiences:
• The students will be asked if they have bicycles at home.
• Students will be engaged in a discussion about some other ways that they can ensure they are safe while riding their bicycles.
• The students will view a video on their tablets about bicycle saftey. To help them understand the concept of saftey.
• They will discuss and state what is meant by the word safety.
• The students will then state items that can be worn to keep the body safe while riding. After their responses, they will be asked to name each item of safety gear and its use displayed on the table in the classroom.
Students will also be given istructions that should be followed while riding a bicycle, for example, Never ride on a busy road, Always wear protective headgear, Always ride in the presence of adults. The students will then view pictures and will to discuss the bicycle safety measures being depicted in each picture.

Expository Writing

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Lisa Proverbs-Ballantyne
  • Number of views: 8200
Expository Writing
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Facts and opinions
Description: Teacher will inform students of the objectives of the lesson and following this, students will present their topic and main idea of their cultural event to the class.

Students will present their foldable flap book on their event to the class. Teacher will ask students to listen attentively to their classmates’ presentation to find out if the main idea which they wrote on the ice cream cone was the correct one. Students will also participate in a discussion on each event and the facts which they learnt from the event. They will also give any opinions on the events and if they agree with the writer’s opinions. A link will be made here, where the reiteration of opinions being something someone thinks or believe, will be made.

After the discussion, the teacher will share out a letter on a cultural event in Barbados. Students will follow as the teacher reads the letter. After this, following teacher guidelines of placing the facts along with their own opinions of the event, students will write a letter to a friend inviting them to the cultural event on their foldable. Students will use correct grammar, punctuation, main idea and supporting details in paragraph and letter writing.

Crown Colony Government

  • 29 April 2018
  • Posted by: Kellie Brown
  • Number of views: 10397
Crown Colony Government
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Geroge Phenney
Description: The previous lesson was revised as this would be the base of the current lesson. Students were allowed to answer questions within their groups to determine if the level of understanding of the topic thus far. Students were then lead in a discussion on the present topic; taking note of keywords and key points. Lastly, the class was placed in groups to create a biography of Woodes Rodgers.

Development and use of Resources

  • 29 April 2018
  • Posted by: MELESSIA REID
  • Number of views: 9538
Development and use of Resources
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Human Resources
Description: Students will use online and off line sources to define what are human resources. Then with the definition in hand they will identify examples of human resources in their country.

Using the text Modules in Social Studies identify and discuss with their peers the five ways of developing the human resource and design a flow chart to arrange them in order of preference how they are neccessary in developing the human resources of a country.

Construct a table to compare the human and physical resources. On either sides of the table identify five persons or things that could be classified under each heading- Think –pair-share. At the end write one sentence to conclude your discussion as to which of the two resources you would consider to be most valuable to a country.
