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Literary Uses of Language - Using Character Traits to Describe Correctly

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Keva Johnson
  • Number of views: 8216
Literary Uses of Language - Using Character Traits to Describe Correctly
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Using Character Traits to Describe Correctly
Description: 1. The teacher will ask the students to (on a graphic organizer) write a character trait to describe the woman based on what the woman was doing or singing and the evidence to support this trait.
2. The teacher will invite various students to share their trait and give the evidence (Using the Fishbowl Strategy)
3. The teacher will then invite the students to learn more about character traits.
4. The teacher will ask students to create a more vivid list of character traits based on given traits.
5. The teacher will ask various students to differentiate between positive and negative character traits
6. The teacher will ask groups to share their character maps and say if the traits for the particular character are predominantly positive or negative. Using the Socratic method of questioning, the teacher will ask students to ponder certain questions
Example: Why are some people in life mean? What can cause someone to have a negative out view on life? Are these people evil?
7. The teacher will instruct the students to create a rap or poem based on their selected character traits, providing evidence for the character trait within the poem or rap

Students Activites
1. The students will provide a trait for the character and provide evidence – using a graphic organizer.

2. Using the Fishbowl technique, various students will share their trait and give evidence. Once they are correct they get to keep their seat. If not, they stand on the outside of the seating arrangement until correct.

3. Various students will read notes on character traits.

4. The students will create a more vivid list of character traits based on character traits given.

5. A few students will share their lines.

6. Selected groups will share their character maps and state whether or not the traits used are predominantly negative or positive.

7. The students – in groups – will write a poem or rap with lines containing character traits and alternate lines evidence or proof.

Parts of Speech

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shevern Bobb
  • Number of views: 9398
Parts of Speech
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Adjectives
Description: 1. The teacher enters the class and greets the students. They are informed reminded of the classroom rules, and that they are going to look at a video clip in order to determine the topic for the lesson.

(5 minutes)
2. Upon looking at the video clip which lasts a minute and thirty seconds they are going to brain storm for two minutes and give their opinions of what an adjective is.
3. Students then coin their own definition of adjective and copy it into their exercise books.

(10 minutes)
4. Create three sentences in their books based on adjectives that were used in the video clip.
5. Students communicate the sentences to their teacher, where they are guided as to whether what is being said is grammatically accepted.

(5 minutes)
6. Teacher then invites students to select a piece of paper from a jar (which was brought to class by the teacher) with an adjective written on it. The student has to act out the adjective without using words and then the other classmates has to guess it.

(15 minutes)
7. Students are randomly placed in groups of three to discuss the importance of adjectives and how they make sentences more colourful.
8. At the end of the discussions, students would be asked to give their opinions. The passive learners would be encouraged to represent their groups.

This lesson introduces learners to some of the main issues related to the environment. They focus on expression of certainty and the pronunciation of them. Also, they focus on the lexis in detail wi

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: sonia cisneros
  • Number of views: 8619
This lesson introduces learners to some of the main issues related to the environment. They focus on expression of certainty  and the pronunciation of them. Also, they  focus on the lexis in detail wi
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Global Warming
Description: Warm up:
Tell students that they'll play a game called " Global Warming Darts". They are going to work in group of three students and assemble the pieces to make some words.
To connect the prior knowledge:
- I will ask questions about the causes and possible solutions about global warming
- Dictate some expressions of certainty.
- Check spelling and meaning.
- Ask students to put the expressions in the correct section of the line and check as a whole class.
- Ask students to work in groups.
- Invite the students to read the instructions.
- Ask students to complete the task using the expressions of certainty.
- Walk around the class to provide help.
- Invite the students to read aloud their sentences.
To affirm the knowledge, I will ask them to work in groups again to make a Mindmap about a problem of global warming. They should include a title; description; predictions what’ll happen in the future and a possible solution.
Wrap up:
- Ask student’s to share what did they learn over the lesson today.

Peripheral Devices

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Tanesha Wright
  • Number of views: 10406
Peripheral Devices
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Storage Devices
Description: ENGAGEMENT
The teacher will write a set of questions on the whiteboard. The students will be told that they should listen to the scenario and try to catch the answers to the questions on the whiteboard. For e.g. Identify the two categories of storage
Identify the two types of storage.
Primary storage consists of two types of memory chips. What are they?
The students will be asked to give their responses to the questions given at the beginning of the lesson. These will be recorded on the whiteboard. The teacher will inform them if their answers are correct.
The students along with the teacher’s assistance will define primary storage. A further analysis of primary storage will be done. The teacher and the students will examine together to the two memory chips into which primary storage is divided. The difference between the two will be examined. The teacher will also emphasize the point that RAM on ‘volatile’. The students will say the word aloud and spell it for emphasis. They will be required to use context clues to determine the meaning of the word.
The students and teacher will examine the ROM chip. The variations of ROM will also be examined. Differences between RAM and ROM will be highlighted. A definition of secondary storage will be ascertained and examples of secondary storage devices will be identified. Using the fish bowl technique the students will discuss the importance of secondary storage devices. A small group will discuss the importance while the other students will listen and join in the discussion by patting a member of the small group on his/her shoulder. The teacher will monitor the discussion to ensure that the students stay on the topic.

Participating in the formal communication Process

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Valissa Hewitt
  • Number of views: 10301
Participating in the formal communication Process
Students’ age range: 18+
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: Participating in the formal communication Process
Description: 1. Show a video presentation on a poorly conducted meetings.
2. In groups ask the class to identify the errors by writing on a flip chart and making their presentation.
3. Ask the class to recommend ways in which the meeting could have been conducted differently
4. Ask class in groups to research while in class meeting procedures give an assignment.
You have been invited to make a presentation to your peers on “The importance of meeting procedures”. Prepare your presentation using suitable presentation software and as is necessary role-play situations that will significantly highlight your points.

5. Guest lecturer to talk on meetings.
6. Introduce interview by showing a video presentation on interviews. Discussion to follow.
7. Give assignment: Working in small teams, assess the following situations and develop a questionnaire of 12 possible questions that may be asked. Demonstrate this in the form of a role play.
Have your teammates assess the question and answer session and make recommendations where necessary.

• An interviewee for a junior position in the organization

• An interviewee for a promotion
• disciplinary situation
• An interviewee for an entry-level position in accounting.
• An interviewee for employment after probationary period

6. Discuss active listening with class
7. Give scenario to roleplay:

Working in small groups, simulate an interview scenario.
You are being interviewed for a junior position within the organization. On arrival you see a number of persons seated in the waiting area; without asking any questions of the receptionist, you take a seat unknowingly that the persons are for a more senior position and that your interview is in another waiting.
• You take up a form, fill out the necessary information and wait to be acknowledged by the panel in the room.
• Your turn has come and you enter the room for the interview.
• Give an ending to the scenario and demonstrate the use of active listening and questioning during the interviewing process.
